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Posts posted by MantisMan

  1. Jeez, I'm already scared as it is driving, now with these statistics and all?

    I'm REALLY scared!

    I have a question:

    I see lots of school kids finishing the day at school, heading home on their bikes with no helmets.

    If it is the law to wear one, why is it the schools have not made it mandatory that kids riding bikes to school must wear a helmet?

    In other words, why are the schools (government based) not pushing this LAW or at the very least, giving lectures on it from teachers and principals to the kids in the classrooms or auditoriums?

  2. Anybody who tells you that "getting a teaching job here is easy" must be in Bangkok.

    Much different story if you are in Koh Samui or Koh Pangang.

    You must think of the demographics of where you live as well.

    You can almost forget the International schools if you don't have a Masters.

    Forget walking up to the public goverment schools, because they go through a 3rd party.

    Deal is, you've got to find the 3rd party.

    TEFL is just as good as TESOL. Don't let people fool you. TEFL is American based, that's it. If people tell you one is better over the other, that's their patriatism speaking.

    Good luck, amigo!

  3. Hello, I'm looking for a list of reasonably priced Buffets, as in "all you can grub".

    -Some one mentioned here a place in Lamai, Wednesday nights, near the Family Mart and the Aussie bar.

    -Baitong and Terrace @ 750 bt per head

    .................this sounds nice menu wise, but I'm not sure I'm ready to put that much down. Maybe I'm being too stingy?

    Sorry, that's all I know of............

    Also perhaps a list of great Sunday Brunches?

    Maybe even a seperate thread for it?

    Anyways, any help much appreciated.

  4. Two major complaints that I think we can all agree about when it comes to Samui:

    1. How bad people drive here

    2. How bad the road conditions are.

    Well, I don't think we can improve #1, but recently, #2 has seen great improvements.

    Has anybody else taken notice of this?

    A. Check out the Water Drains (grills) in MaeNam nearing the Honda Dealer left side, going towards Bang Thai, Bang Por direction, ring road.

    B. Then there is that tourist area in Nathon, ring road.

    C. The area way past Lamai, going towards Na Mueang Water Fall, ring road.

    Recently, I don't feel like I'm galloping on a horse, but a normal motorbike.thumbsup.gif

    • Like 2
  5. I'm glad to see I'm not the only Durian eating non-Asian out there.

    The Chinese eat with the meat much softer (the way I like it actually) compared to the Thais who like it harder.

    I've tried to explain the taste of Durian to Durian haters who've never even bothered to eat it (and it's not bother, really!).

    It goes like this:

    Think of the smell of Gorgonzola with the rich creamy taste of blueberries in a thick cream.

    Anybody have something similar or different when explaining the complexity of "The King of Fruits"?

    • Like 1
  6. My wife will come visit me this January from overseas.

    She's going to leave both dogs in pet hotels and pay the fee like anybody else.

    They get food, walks, play time and any medication if needed administered.

    Why can't the OP's friend just do the same thing?

    Why go through the hassle of bring little princess Fufu just for holidays?

    How ridiculous.

    • Like 2
  7. Thanks for the replies.

    I did feel like I was ran over by a train and was moaning and groaning for 3 days.

    Seems to have cleared up.

    Perhaps going over to Nathon Samui Hospital as samuiJimmy suggested may be in order.

    My buddy in Lamai says a few of his friends in the past few months have gotten dengue here in Samui, therefore my concern.


  8. Your symptoms sound too mild to have been the real McCoy. When I had it I felt like i'd been run over by a bus for the first week & ended up glowing like David Dickinson for the second. I lost 6 kilos in the process but, to quote my wife upon my return home (talking to her mother on the phone) "I don't think i'll take him long to find them" smile.png

    So, even the "Mild" form is not so mild after all? Sounds bad.

    Hope you recovered.

    I guess I have to put this up to a regular ordinary flu.

  9. Hello,

    I've been here for a few months now and twice, I've succumbed to fever. The usual aching eyes, head, neck, muscles and joints.

    I've had to stay in bed and sweat it out and drink lots of water.

    Thank god, twice that it has happened, it was on the weekends.

    I've never had dengue but I've been told that Samui does have it and that it comes in weak as well as strong strains.

    Perhaps what I had was at very weak strain?

    I just can't see getting the flu on such a tropical island. I vision and associate it with colder climates.

    I as also told that even Thai's themselves get the flu from time to time.

    Any clarification on this?

    Thank you.

  10. My question, if you don't mind, is.........why?

    No offense. Seems everybody has some personal reason. You're not going to do this because it's so...consumer like, are you?

    My advice, and I have none to speak of as in tatts, is that if you are going for anything ASIAN as in Japanese or Chinese, PLEASE PLEASE get a Japanese artist or Chinese artist.

    I read and write fluent Chinese/Japanese and I've seen some really stupid Chinese characters are white people who don't know better.

    Just my two cents worth.

  11. I've lived in China for the better part of a year and have not seen them form queues (well except once now that I think about it, at the Shanghai rail station). The Chinese style of queueing is push to the front of the line, every man woman and child for their self, if it means pushing in front of a 90 year old grandma then do so (well maybe not that extreme). So if they're actually queueing up then it's a good start.

    Or the usual thing to do, from my experience, is to pay someone to wait in line for you...............

  12. In regards to the Negerian Scams, when I got those kinds of emails, I would reply that I was a very rich business man and that I was going to fly out there within the week, find them, do them bodily harm, including the idiots to on his left and right (usually they're at internet shops doing this dirty work).

    Could I get in trouble for that? Threatening bodily harm or even death to these idiots?

    Just checking. I will need to cover myself when NSA goons knock on my door.

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