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Posts posted by MantisMan

  1. While your at it, don't forget the nipple piercing, belly button, lips, tongue, eyebrow, nose, womans part and mans part (did I leave anything out?).

    In this way, you will be quite unique and different. Certainly don't want to flow with all the commercialization and consumerism going on out there, right?


    My wife is due for arrival in Koh Samui in January. She is coming straight from Hong Kong.Anything to be worried about?

    Yes, the bird flu (H7N9 Influenza) cases in Hong Kong lately. ;)

    You may not realize it, but your post is a bit insulting. My wife has not contracted this virus, nor her friends nor her family, nor her colleagues.

    You comment is like saying "Yes, farang superiority complex in cases of Western countries" in regards to someones farang wife due for arrival.

    Or even better:

    "Yes, HIV", in the case of someone's gay lover is due for arrival.

    The bird flu in this case, is from the Guangzhou region of China, particularly Shenzhen, which is a border town.

    Perhaps you need to do a bit more reading up on it.

    My wife does not mingle with live poultry.

    I've read better posts from you in the past. This one was really stupid.

  3. Hello. I am a noob here to the forums and to Thailand as a semi-resident, so I have a few questions to ask if I may. From my assessment of things, here is what I know (or do not know). Could you please be kind enough to add or subtract from this? I'm just trying to come to an understanding of things Yellow, Red and Black: Yellow: They represent the South, middle and upper crust. They want the King to remain where he is. They want the current PM out. Red: They represent the North. They like the current PM and her brother. They want the King out. Black: Here is a link I came across. Although it could be bogus and questionable.

  4. All electric bills have fuel adjustment charge and 7% VAT added. I just paid mine. I used 718 KWH

    Basic rate 3.68 baht/KWH - 718 x 3.68 = 2622.24

    Fuel surcharge 0.54baht/KWH - 718 x 0.54 = 387.72

    Subtotal 3009.96

    VAT 7% 210.70

    Total 3220.66

    The fuel surcharge rate is updated every three or four months. The basic rate varies depending on the number of KWH you use. Use less and the rate is less.

    Wow, that's a lot of money just for one month.

    Are you running any Tesla experiments from your home? biggrin.png

  5. Welp, looks like no Turkey again for us Yanks.

    I've gone without Turkey day for about 15 years.


    Ahem....excuse me. I was on a Nastolgic rant..........

  6. This is going around the Thai social media websites now. Even was reported in the Bangkok Post the other day. Hard to argue with when even the finance minister admits to telling porkies.

    Sorry, my British, Australian, NZ, S.African English is no up to date.

    Perhaps someone could replace the term "porkies" to something more internationally standard, as in North American English?


  7. I'm pretty sure the answer is yes but I dislike dual pricing. Some examples based on street food I like:
    Noodle soup 40 baht
    Rice chicken veg 50 baht
    Meat on a stick thing 10 baht
    Ice coffee 20 baht
    Banana pancake 40 baht
    Pineapple quarter 10 baht

    Do Thais pay the same?

    I've seen these same prices on THAI menus in the THAI language, so yes, they pay the same.

    It's the SongTails that charge more for Gaijin.

  8. Great pics Neilly! ^ thumbsup.gif

    It's so cold I am wearing a sweater ... 22 c here, in Maenam, brrrr! w00t.gif

    There's been frequent rainy squalls all day here ... I've not ventured out, to see what's going on along the ring road ... need milk... hope to see a break soon! facepalm.gif

    I cannot get any further outside then the limits of my underground parking.

    Got to ride the scooter for work way past Lamai Sat morning, 8am.

    Best I bring a surfboard..................................

  9. I saw a Farang trying to sell Tacos on Friday night in Fishermans Village.

    I once did Burritos in Japan, with a similar Walking Street set up.

    I sold out and was the biggest hit and talk in town!

    Don't know about the Taco guy. Not sure he did so well.

    Also, noticed the price of coctails keep fluctuating.....50bt one night, 60bt the next week, then even 70bt, then back down to 60.

    What gives?

  10. Well, I also heard it through the grapevine that you've also have to write your name in THAI for the officer interviewing you.

    People like to do that for the Chinese/Japanese/Korean anyways.

    It seems this is not a "go-in-slap-down-1900 bt-khop khun krab/ka" deal.

    You've go to prove you can speak something.

    My school does not start writing until Course 7.

    I'm starting Course 3 in December.

    I'm going back and reviewing everything. I need it anyways.......

    Please let me know what you hear.

  11. IF, (notice the big IF) a Thai woman prefers and older gent, say 20 to 30 year gap between them, it's because of the following reasons:

    1. He is retired, has some money and gets a pension.

    Therefore, he can provide for her.

    2. His sexual activities are cut by 2/3, compared to when he was younger.

    These woman prefer NOT to have sex so often as they would have gotten, had he been younger.

    She likes thatgiggle.gif

    3. That being said, the won't be a "butterfly".

    4.When he dies before her, he'll leave her all or most of his money.

    She likes thatthumbsup.gif

    All of the above are proven to be true.

    Waste of your time to prove them wrong.

    • Like 1
  12. I personally use the Bike lanes as much a possible except for the drains. I don't much like driving over those things.

    From Nathon to MaeNam to Bophut is a pleasure to drive through.

    That being the case, drivers behind me should hopefully understand that by NOT honking at me or squeezing me over to the left

    when I need to momentarily use the main lane.

    I've even seen Farangs squeezing me over to the left and yes, if you saw me give you the middle finger, you now know it was I.

    Do it again, and I'll give you the Double Wammy. The British version in one hand and the American in the other........just to let you know.

    By law ( I think ) I have just a much right to the main lane as any other vehicle does.

    That includes bicycles. All must obey traffic regulations, regardless.........................................

    • Like 1
  13. Hello,

    I will be going to Nathon before Dec 31st to renew my ED visa.

    I was told that they do check your THAI language abilities.

    I am only on course 2 of my Thal language studies and am a bit concerned/nervous about this.

    Is there any truth to this and should I be concerned?

    I'd hate to be turned down simply because I forgot some vocabulary or he asked me questions unrelated to what I studied.


    I placed this thread here because not all immigration offices are standard in their dealings, therefore, I made it specific for Koh Samui and to help others in similar situation here. Three of my classmates will be going to Nathon this week and where wondering the same thing.


  14. I have my full bike lisence that i did on a 500 cc. They really teach you hard how to be aware of whats around you and when to check over you shoulder ( they call it left and right life savers )

    This is all good and well, but you miss the point entirely.

    Most people take Motorbike lessons/tests in a country that has ORDER and makes order from chaos.

    Here, people go out of their way to make CHAOS from ORDER.

    Although there is a semblence of ORDER here, no one cares but you and I and that's just not enough.

    Just watch how they pass other cars with solid yellow lines, going up/down hills AND! around corners.


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