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Posts posted by MantisMan

  1. Cause and effect;

    Being poor doesn't cause littering and polluting per se;

    "Is this some kind of cultural thing?

    Is it laziness?

    Lack of parental teaching?

    Lack of common sense?

    Lack of government campaigning?

    Lack of pride and humility?

    Lack of decency?"

    But all these combined do create poverty though.

    It's not the poverty perse, but the association of littering and dumping trash.

    They seem to go hand in hand and I cannot seem to comprehend why.

    Perhaps on my next visit with the bale of rice and bottle of Rice Whisky, I'll bring them some plastic garbage bags as well.

  2. How tame is he? Will he run away if you approach him? If he's very tame towards people, I'd be more than happy to take him in. There are lots of cat lovers in my apartment building, so he'll be well fed and taken care of.

    I'll bring him to the vet for necessary treatment and also get him neutered when he gets better.

    Hi, very nice gesture on your part.

    I still feed him daily. He has a great disposition, but he's a wild street cat.

    He is almost approachable, but still has the FLIGHT mentality.

    I can help you catch him, but the deal is he can be seen sleeping on the wash-machine early mornings around 7,8 or 9am.

    Sometimes he stops by early evenings.

    If you are really interested, please PM me on how we can communicate and get this going.

  3. I'm always saying to people ,that in a Thailand where there is A large volume of traffic,don't ride to wheels.In the 43 years that I have been coming to Thailand,I can't count the number of farangs that have had major accidents on 2 wheels.

    Have to agree, even if you are experienced.

    I think a lot of the figures come from the fact that many people hire bikes they don't know how to handle.

    The structure around 4 wheels at least gives you some protection.

    Meanwhile, RIP Phil.

    RIP to the Englishman.

    This is not the time nor place but please understand that there is a counter argument to your statement about riding around in 4 wheeled tanks as opposed to 2 wheeled.

    If you wish to discuss it further, we can fork this thread elsewhere.

  4. Quick warning peeps,

    be careful at the new one past Bophut lights. Same scam going on there too. They tried to do me today, putting in 300 baht of diesel then saying it was 1,000 baht worth.

    Which direction were you going?

    There is a new one being built on the right side if going towards Big C after those lights you mentioned.

    Not sure if it is open now or not.

    And on another note, possibly a bit off-topic, but I switched from 91 to 95 for my i125 Honda.

    Got rid of the sluggish response and noises. Seems a bit smoother too.

    Who knows, could be my imagination.

  5. A drop of benadine (small yellow bottle/red liquid) would probably help, or perhaps the jelly of an aloe vera leaf from the garden.


    Thanks for the advice but..........

    He's a street cat. I've never pet him before much less administer medicine.

    Last thing I need is a cat bite.

  6. In Japan, we leave our shoes on the Genkan or otherwise known as the front porch, just before you step up into the house.

    Had one sneak into my shoe once. Went to put my shoe on and felt something moving around.

    I had never moved so fast in my life to get that shoe off and the surprise of what fell out!!

    In Japanese, called "Mukade" 百足, "one hundred feet".

    Makes sense.

  7. Take him to the vet's & PM me the receipt.

    Rooo that's a nice thing to do.

    M.Man have you tried Dog Rescue? (They help cats as well). They have their own vet who may be able to help.

    Bruno looks as though he needs a course of anti-biotics to stem off infection.


    I haven't tried anything but to feed him back to health. As I said, he's public domain, so no one is feeding him but me.

    He needs everything but I don't have the money to spend on him. Sorry, that's just the way it is.

    He is much better now. Before, there was such a rotten stench coming from that area and it was dripping.

    Now, seems to be closing up and he is moving around a bit. He has to jump from a wall to the AC unit and from there to the balcony itself.

    So yes, anti-biotics would increase his healing rate and it needs to be wrapped up.

    Maybe I'll look into this Dog Rescue thing, although I don't have the number nor know their location.

  8. @@@Waring, the pic below is a bit graphic................

    This is Bruno. He is a public domain cat. He used to lay on my balcony soaking up the sun. The pic was taken today.

    A few weeks back, I saw him with his flesh literally ripped off his neck with exposed muscle.

    I really went about kicking myself in the butt about this. I thought there was something I could have done for him.

    I don't know what happened to him, but I think it was a dog.

    I cannot afford a vet at this time, nor can I take him in as a pet because I will be leaving in March, so instead, I feed him when I can like dry food and fried fish or grilled chicken. I have to chase off the other cats and show favoritism to him only.

    It's slowly healing as you can see by the scabs, but being an outdoor cat, he'll just rub it off on something.

    I hope he makes it, poor little guy.


  9. God that really burns a hole in my stomach. I've got enough of the language down and the guts to go over to her and ask what the hell she thinks she's doing, regardless of the consequences of mob mentality that follows. One must live up to one's principles.

  10. My comments were based on the fact that the person has a degree from an unaccredited school, most likely a diploma mill. This is not a fake degree. It is questionable as to whether it is a fraud on the part of the person with the degree. If you go to somewhere like Khao San Road and have a degree printed up, then it is a fake and it is fraudulent.

    There are plenty of schools that are unaccredited for a variety of reason. Some of the well-known Bible Colleges, for example, are not accredited. You do go to school, you do take exams and

    What exactly are you basing your "facts" on?

    Just because someone has a degree from a non-accredited institute does NOT mean it's fake nor fraud.

    There are plenty of non-accredited schools that teach academia on par with other "legit" schools.

    If I had paid my money and spent my time at one of the unaccredited schools and was turned down for a job, you can bet your panties I'd argue that out and ask for proof of fraud and fakery on your part.

    I could be wrong, but you sir, are coming off as a snob.

    Please note: "I could be wrong"

    I think you have misread my post. I do NOT consider it fraud if a person has a degree from an unaccredited school. Numerous schools are unaccredited. As I said before, quite a number of the Bible colleges are unaccredited. These schools are not recognized by the MOE, so they are the ones that will not approve them.

    My apologies. I understand now where you are coming from.

    It just seems these days the paper work and qualifications needed for teaching employment is getting bigger and bigger, higher and higher.

    And that's just to teach kids who don't care anyways with the lowest pay of all the Asian nations combined.

    • Like 1
  11. I don't know the Thai laws on spearguns and diving but personally as a long time diver i've been brought up to leave spearfishing to snorkellers. Thats the only legal way to spearfish in a lot of countries.

    I've seen 3 of my regular dive spots decimated by divers spearfishing. Gone are the schools of tame grunts or friendly groupers. I've also had low viz dives where all I could hear was some idiot spearfishing closeby but out of eyeshot. Surprisingly the culpruts were all Americans.

    Agree with you 100% Farma.

    Where on earth is the skill/sport in shooting a beautiful fish at close range wearing Scuba gear? Like shooting rats in a barrel!

    The excuse of only shooting for the pot is pretty tame. Just go to the market, plenty of choice there.

    Well, quite honestly, there is not much sport in going to the local wet market and pointing to the fish you want on a bed of ice, either.smile.png

    "The excuse of only shooting for the pot is pretty tame."

    This sounds like it is coming from someone who has absolutely no experience in spear fishing at all.whistling.gif

  12. I think i read somewhere that spearfishing is OK but not harpoon fishing (the ones with the rubber bands).

    That's what the OP was referring to from what I understand, not just a spear.

    I may have mis-communicated someplace.

    I was referring to underwater spear-fishing and not harpooning.

    When I lived in S California, Hawaiian slings were legal and spearguns were not legal (on a narrow range of species and locations, typically complex in California). I don't remember why. That was decades ago and I don't know what the rules are any more, much less what they are in Thailand.

    That's where I'm coming from as well, Reseda California........The Valley.

    I was picturing a Harpoon as in on standing in shallow water and chucking a spear at fish. This is what I did not intend to mean.

    Thanks for the explanation.

  13. Yes, it's a baby monitor lizard. It's been living in that hole for a couple of weeks now. I've seen the fellow peeking out of it's hole many times, but wasn't able to get any pics till now. It'd quickly return back into the hole when I approached, so that's the best pic I'm able to get so far.

    Here's a larger version! yes they usually disappear pretty fast when you do see them... this one was let loose... thumbsup.gif

    I am not sure how it managed to get caught

    I just saw one of those today walking down my street!

    I've never seen one before. About the size of a cat. He ran off like a scared cat too.

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