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  1. I have been living in Thailand and am in the process of relocating back to the UK. I sold a very large sum of crypto on an international exchange and put it into my UK bank. This is not taxable in Thailand as its never been in Thailand. I transferred the money to a business broker in the UK and its all been frozen. I need to find a lawyer apparently the funds could be hold for 18 months or even indefinitely i need to explain the source of the funds, its nothing dodgy just crypto ive held for many years. Its basically all my life savings. I was meant to buy a business with it and it all got frozen. Can anyone recommend a UK lawyer here in Thailand to help me.
  2. This is all a load of bo***cks because Thailand has not joined OECD yet. You do not need to complete this form. None of the other banks are asking for it (yet). Also ask yourself why are Thai people not being sent these forms? Non-american foreigners are getting them, why not Thai people?
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdlY0VuAM3g
  4. I saw Benjamin Hart mention a new system at the airports in Thailand that will cross-reference if travellers have outstanding arrest warrants and/or criminal record when they arrive at the border. Is this true? This is exactly what Thailand should do to weed out all the dodgy foreigners here.
  5. I used a letter from my bank. A letter headed paper with a stamp on it. It simply stated my address and balance
  6. Today IBKR came up with a message when i logged in. It asked my occupation and said that my income level did not reflect my balance. I have a Thai tax id but i havent filed in years. IBKR has had my thai tax id for all this time because they asked before. Seems the thai gov might have told them no delclared income or something. Confusing because my income from there has not been taxable until this year and its not tax deadline date yet
  7. It applies to everyone not only US citizens. Probably Thai citizens as well. One of the forms is for US citizens/green card holders. The other is for non us citizens. You have to fill this out I wonder if i can submit these documents in person at a bank, so i dont need to go through the trouble of getting authorised notarized passport copy. I am interested to know if Thai people have been receiving this form? FATCA/CRS Individual Self-Certification by Kasikorn.
  8. Has anyone noticed the quality of Camel Blue dropping significantly recently? Im getting terrible quality cigarettes. They are from 711 so im sure they arent copies. The quality is terrible now. This has happened only recently
  9. Aroung 90 percent of expats in Thailand are complete and utter a**holes. The problem is identifying the ten percent who are not. Most people pretend to be nice. There is an overwhelming number of toxic, manipulative, SELFISH and machiavelian expats in Thailand. And pattaya is a hotspot of course, because most people are there because they think prostitution is OK. The general mindset being if something suits them and they enjoy it then its something they should do etc
  10. Yes, at Hua Seng Heng and a few other places
  11. Years ago there was a way to make a virtual debit card in kasikorn bank internet banking (not app). You could make multiple cards and they could be used for online purchases and the virtual card numbers could be cancelled whenever you want, for security. They stopped that service I think. Then it apparently switched to being only available from the phone app but some different fucntionality? Now it doesnt seem to be available at all? Does anyone know how i can get virtual debit card numbers. I want to shop online for singble purchases then i like to cancel the card for security . Thanks
  12. They wont refuse or give you a bad price.
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