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Everything posted by scubascuba3

  1. Nahhhhh, a few months ago pretty much every farang i knew was coming down with covid, now nothing. What's your experience of Pattaya now?
  2. I don't remember him, maybe nice for some of his posts to be bumped
  3. I'm pretty sure i set mine up in branch, but i use only the app now
  4. On death why would pensions keep coming? have you investigated if your wife is still entitled to all 3? choosing an end date date is purely to avoid years of slow painful death, of course if you're fine, no need to
  5. what's the name of the Sattahip hospital? Queen Sirikit has a good reputation
  6. Yes deemoney is popular, better exchange rate than Kasikorn but you shouldn't need a work permit to use kasikorn to send money out. Try the app see what happens
  7. Use deemoney or kasikorn is reported to be ok
  8. i have ais 10mbps and DTAC 20-30mbps and both are fine for live sports, movies, series. Your buffering problem is probably the source\app you are using
  9. I think choosing an end date is a good thing
  10. That's not what i said, try and be more accurate
  11. Depends what the back issue is, if your back hurts after swimming it's a problem
  12. It will if you have something where you shouldn't arch your back, swimming is one of those to avoid, you won't know unless you see an expert, although pain is telling you
  13. Travel insurance companies don't check passports before buying, also sometimes don't check when claiming, probably do for larger claims though
  14. Could be even within 24 hours, that's what Axa requires
  15. Let us know the outcome, i like to hear what insurers do in the event of a claim
  16. Sounds great, no need to tip
  17. Hers were magnificently natural, if you want silicone head to Fahrenheit agogo
  18. report it to the office, maybe using fire exit avoids CCTV
  19. Condo, your security not enough? entry fob etc. People get paranoid, a guy in my condo was convinced people were spying on him, he was a problem, office got police to come and assure him no one is spying on him + if he continues to cause a problem he will be deported
  20. He's on overstay so sooner or later he's going home, might as well go now, don't give him money
  21. Why don't you go to Pattaya?
  22. Depends what you think is normal, in Scotland size 16+ for women is the norm
  23. From what I've seen all these soy milk powders have fat in and quite high, one was 20%, it's usually hidden and just included within the soy milk power 95%-100%
  24. i usually take a screen shot then use google lens app to translate. Translation isn't an issue for me but after looking at a few items they don't disclose ingredients clearly enough
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