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Posts posted by JB300

  1. Who else would you ask?


    Thai Embassy in Singapore. (dial 009 cheap) They are higher up the chain and would issue the AO long stay visas.

    - someone posted a link to a November 7 (!) TV post in a different thread,  where someone said he was shown details of the new AO visa (shown in the Nov 7 post) in Singapore well before the announcement. (believe-it-or-not).

    I'm a long term Employment pass holder in Singapore (highest level they have) & don't believe they would issue me a Non O (never mind a Non O-A) on the basis of being over 50 unless I move to be a PR.

    Happy to be told I'm wrong & hope they'll allow me to apply for the new Non O-A based on my salary here

    My mate has been there since 2014 just using METV's and doing visa run every 3 months .. he's never reported any issues

    Thanks, I had read that there's no problem staying there on back-2-back 90 day visas but no option but to leave the country in between these which is what it sounds like your mate is doing [emoji1303]

    Still less hassle than tourist visas in Thailand [emoji1303]

    I think my long term future will be Vietnam. i have a friend there already and the VISA rules are much more easy for a British citizen to live constantly.. with visa runs.


    OT but I thought the only option for UK citizens was to leave Vietnam every 90 days...

    If you know something different, could you PM me any links etc...



  4. One is a fee - the other is your money. If you don't stay the 20 years, add to your monthly fee.


    I would recommend anyone who is planning to stay 20 years think again. The landscape is rapidly changing and it's not a rosy as it once was. As many expats who have been here for a decade or more. I'm sure many wish they hadn't come here in the first place.

    Agree, every country that's going through political change seems to be becoming more nationalistic / less foreigner friendly so trying to plan 20 years in any other country than one you have a solid legal right to live in has risks.

    But it's stay at home or take those risks, part of the fun of being an expat

    It's 2 million for the 20 year Elite Card, and that's a fee, not a returnable investment.

    4 new cards have recently been introduced including a 20 year "No Frills" (I.e no airport transfers, Golf, medical check up etc) for 1 Million & a 10 year for 800k.

    Agree it's a fee, but if you can't take out 50% of the 3Million, it's a fee by another name.
  6. Given that the only thing announced is a change to the requirements for the 1 year visa for retirement sourced in your home country (Non OA), I am surprised at how many comments there's been from people having lived in Thailand for donkeys years (only ones impacted will be the ones who use the 2 years from a Non OA, then go home, get a new one, rinse & repeat) & the number of guys saying they'll have to abandon their families (get a marriage visa).

    People who will be impacted are the ones just setting out down the retirement path, but they can just go down the Non O route.

  7. For the guys who's Plan B is Cambodia, they don't have a retirement visa but do have a 1 year "Business" Visa that is supposed to be for the purposes of setting up a business.

    People have lived there for many years on this without a problem, but how long do you think it would take Cambodia Immigration to start tightening up on this if there was a mass exodus of Expats from Thailand.

    Might want to have a Plan C (I'm looking into getting a Philippine SRRV).

  8. So lets get this straight.
    1. Its a five year visa, not 10.
    2. Cost of extension of stay goes up by THB 500,- (compared to 5 x 1900).
    3  Required money in the bank almost four folds to 3 Mio..
    4. Out patient health insurance is compulsory (makes no sense).
    5. The 3 Mio Baht bank deposit can't be withdrawn for 1 year (??)
    Whoever came up with these conditions, lives in a fantasy world. A step backwards.
    Hope they will still do the old 1 year extensions.

    You forgot the bit about only being able to withdraw 50% of the 3Million and only being able to spend this on a limited number of things (Condo purchases, healthcare etc...)
  9. 1 hour ago, seancbk said:
    Because they want old blokes with medical issues who are going to spend money in Thai hospitals.

    The article clearly stated it is "Intended to promote Thailand as a hub for medical services"  

    I don't think they even intend this to be for living here, but rather for people to visit regularly.   

    The 'salary' requirement is I reckon the persons salary in their home country, not their salary in Thailand.  

    It sounds like the requirements for an METV.    Proof you are employed in your home country, proof you have money in the bank (in your home country).




    I'd love that to be the case but how would they monitor the fact that the 3Million has been left untouched? In Philippines (not sure about Malaysia) you put it into a Govt approved account that you can't touch unless leaving the country (I.e. giving up the Visa).



  10. The Shooter has all the potential to become a good series. The first episode was good and it will be interesting to see how it develops. 


    Pure genius is a wait and see.


    Top Gear replacement, Grand Tour is F'n boring. It lacks all the rude fun which made Top Gear a fun show to watch. It's sad to see the guys to have subdued to the American standard of fun. The lack of freedom of speech and though, makes this new show really boring. 


    Completely agree... but how beautiful were the cars??? I watched it with the sound muted & ffwd to just the bit with the cars

    The 918 is truly stunning (despite not being sexy black or red) & (almost) beautiful enough to make me want to move back to the uk just so I can enjoy one [emoji7]

    Perhaps a duplex/mezzanine style place? There are some in Wong Amat, and they are usually large units. I doubt the price would be right though. I think that Metro has some ground-floor duplexes also, and they would be in your budget.
    Personally I hate high ceilings: no matter how many you find there always seems to be one more spider's web up there. And duplexes pose possible problems with dodgy knees. When I bought my unit I was careful to pick one with no stairs or steps at all between me and nearby small shops and restaurants.

    Get a couple of cats KK, guaranteed no more cobwebs no matter how high the ceilings [emoji4]
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