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Posts posted by JB300

    Better Things. I've mentioned this three times now. Episode 5 is out now. I really wish this was a 30 minute comedy/drama rather than the 20 minutes it runs at. This has the potential to be a long time favorite. The script is becoming less and less like Louie is writing it as the series continues....

    Sorry, could only manage 10 mins before I had to switch it off, found it rather dull...

  2. "Most of us spend 65,000 baht month" Well not me for one I don't have that luxury. Maybe you should factor in that the over 70's ,me included ,dont/can't get health insurance cover and cant return to our home country to get medical care even we paid a life time of tax. With a serious illnes you can burn up a few 100,000's of baht in no time at all.

    "Go back to where you came from"     ......love your compassion.

    Though in-delicately put, he does raise a valid point & some Brits struggling to meet living/health care costs (possibly even before Brexit) could do worse than at least consider moving back to blighty where you can get NHS treatment from the moment you land if you can show evidence of moving back long term as opposed to Health Care tourism (e.g. Staying with family/Long term rental contract Vs a few days in a hotel... a return ticket to Thailand would probably be a bad idea).

    Hopefully that wasn't (too) in-delicately put & I wouldn't wish that on anybody (especially guys with families) but reality is that there are people in that situation & I'd hope they'd head back home rather than off a balcony somewhere.

    I know not everybody has the option of moving back home, feel for anybody who is in that position & hope GBP recovers soon [emoji106]

    Incidentally, today's drop is being blamed on a computer algo http://www.bbc.com/news/business-37582150 so will hopefully correct itself next week.

  3. pound  fell 6% against the dollar  at the start of Asian trading this morning, briefly touching 1.20  now recovered to 1.238.  currently 43.2 against TB.

    Flash crash 'triggered by algorithm' drags pound lower

    The British pound has plunged in Asian trade, hitting a new 31-year low against the US dollar as traders speculate about a possible trigger.
    It fell more than 6% at one point to $1.1841 before recovering to $1.23, still 1.5% down from late US levels.
    Analysts say an algorithm reacting to a news report was the possible trigger for the sudden tumble. http://www.bbc.com/news/business-37582150

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. Marvels Luke Cage.  All episodes available now, as it is a Netflix show....Its pretty good for its genre and quite watchable

    Is this any good? Only I put it on & switched it off after a couple of minutes as the "acting" seemed dreadful but I do admit I was hankering to get back to my Red Dwarf marathon so probably didn't give it a fair chance.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Zika travel advisory issued for 11 Southeast Asia countries 
    MIKE STOBBE, AP Medical Writer
    NEW YORK (AP) — U.S. health officials are advising pregnant women to postpone travel to 11 countries in Southeast Asia because of Zika outbreaks in the region.
    The advisory issued Thursday targets travel to Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Maldives, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Zika has been in some areas of Southeast Asia for years, and some residents may be immune. But a number of U.S. travelers have become infected there in the last year, so there is a danger to visitors.
    Most infected people suffer a mild and temporary illness, at worst. But infection during pregnancy can causes severe brain-related birth defects. The virus is spread primarily by bites from infected mosquitoes.
      ap_logo.jpg -- [emoji767] Associated Press 2016-09-30

    Not sure why Singapore wasn't on the list, we've had many more cases reported here than I've seen reported in Thailand or Philippines.

    I am sorry JB300 but the people that work in the financial services sector in the UK have a piss poor reputation. RBS only make a profit, when their either being naughty, mis-selling or blatantly ripping off their customers.  Barclays has more complaints that all the other banks put together. HSBC are about to be hit by the regulator for fining their customers for going overdrawn.


    Pensions schemes barely making any money at all, while the workers collect their bonuses for screwing over the rest of us.


    (wait . . . let me wipe away a tear)


    Then you have taxpayer funded bailouts from 2008, which have caused the deepest cuts in living memory. NHS, Police, Social Service everything is being cut and these banks still keep accruing fines for misbehaviour.


    (A tear rolls down my face)


    Interest rates at an all time low, the economy stuggling to pick up from the mess left behind my people in financial services from 2008 and if that wasn't enough it seems that its all going to happen again with Deutsche Bank we already hearing terminology like liquidity and bailouts again.


    The financial services industry is a joke, we should have zero state intervention to prevent this MORAL HAZARD !!!

    So you think that the UK, having transformed itself to be a "Service"(predominantly Financial) nation should bin-off the financial industry because a hand-full of Bankers (mainly in The US) were greedy barstewards? Talk about 1%!!! I guess when you walk into your local branch, you look at the cashier & think "Greedy Banking Barsteward"!!!

    Would love to know where you guys get the money from to live in Thailand cos if it's from the UK & the financial industry goes belly-up (Deutsche is big enough to tip it over), you won't be getting the money for much longer.

    Hey, at least the Germans won't have to worry about the £8Billion of BMW sales in the UK, Ford might find a buyer for a fiesta or 2 though.

    Alex, are we living in a Parallel Universe to each other. I like the other 17 Million other people do not care about the items on your list. We never believed them anyway. It was the media telling you, that we cared about them and you believed the media. Ordinary people could not have given less of a poop.  We just wanted an end to uncontrolled immigration.  Why would anyone care about Passport rights for financial institutions, unless you worked in one, which the 99% of people don't.
    I think you need to have a lie down and think about the reality and your perception of reality Alex.

    Think I'm in a different parallel universe to both you & Alex as I (& a Damn sight more than 1% of people) do care what happens to the Financial services / UK economy

    There are over 2Million people #directly# working in financial services in the UK & it #directly# accounts for approx 12% of the nations GDP.

    Take this away & you will solve the Immigrant crisis overnight, the country will be so poor everybody will be trying to migrate to another country for a better standard of living.
  8. A man goes to Thailand and picks up a lovely new wife.

    A year later his friend at the golf club asks, "How's that lovely wife you
    picked up in Thailand?"

    "She's been a bit ill lately"

    "Oh, I am sorry what's wrong with her?"

    "Prostate cancer"

    Hey Ron, what happened to your Funny Pictures thread?

    Can't seem to find it, did it get lost in the upgrade?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. On 22/09/2016 at 3:25 PM, jaltsc said:

    "HSBC, which interviewed 27,000 people in 190 countries in order to compile the study, defines an expat as an adult currently living away from their country of origin."


    This survey treats all expats the same. There doesn't appear to be distinction between very wealthy, educated, working, retired, ethnicity, etc. Each having different needs and expectations from the country in which they want to reside. I also doubt that ease of residential and work visas/permits was factored in. I am sure if that was one of the criteria, Thailand would not have placed in the top 50. Scientifically, it's a useless survey. There might be other more accurate surveys which do not hold Thailand in such good light. However, since this one meets Thailand's needs, they will use if for publicity.

    But it's a survey of people already living in the country so visa/work permits would have already been sorted & they would have been asked to rate/score their kids education, how easy they thought it was to settle in, lifestyle etc...



  10. Absolutely nothing wrong with getting parliament to rubber stamp the people's wish to leave the EU.


    I am not sure about this bit though, ".... We all want the negotiations to produce a deal that works for both the UK and the EU, and Parliament must be involved in holding the Government to account in delivering that." There's absolutely no need for Britain's fine, upstanding parliamentarians to worry their pretty little heads about the government getting a deal that works for the EU. That's up to the EU to negotiate for with the UK government after Article 50 gets triggered.

    That's not very British of you old chap...

    But seriously, it's the same "Win-Win" statement every Senior Stakeholder says when going into a negotiation, better to negotiate amicably than get their backs up before you start.

  11. On 21/09/2016 at 1:13 AM, nrasmussen said:


    Catch 22, indeed! I arrived last year on a tourist visa, unfortunately shortly after this rule had been made.

    I went to several banks, but got the same reply everywhere: "No work permit, no account!" Didn't even help that I told them what I needed the account for (extension of stay based on retirement), and that I were going to give them THB 800,000. Nothing they could do about it, because it was a directive coming directly from Bank of Thailand.

    So I asked at my local immigration office what I should do. They said I should go to a neighboring country and get a non-O visa, and that I should be able to open a bank account with that. They were correct; I finally managed to get an account when I showed the bank the non-O visa and told them why I needed an account.


    In the same situation myself, can I ask which country/Embassy you visited & how did you meet their proof of funds requirement (I.e. Did they accept proof from your own country & what proof did you use)?







  12. Britain reportedly faces multi-million pound fines if the government engages in trade talks before quitting the EU.

    According to the Sunday Times, Whitehall officials have been told there is a “high risk” the European Commission would take the UK to court if ministers open talks with any countries with which the EU is already negotiating.

    And even talks with countries not already negotiating with the EU contain danger, with experts warning of a “medium/low risk” of legal action from Brussels.


    Guess that means we are at the back of the queue (or at least 2nd place) for talks with the US

  13. I grew up surfing and was a certified lifeguard and I have to admit, "Jaws" freaked me out a bit.


    I saw what you did (1988)


    The Omen



    School trip to learn scuba diving & the night before the dive they put on jaws... Had the "Der-Dum Der-Dum Der-Dum" running through my head the whole time I was down there (though I don't think you get many great whites at Anglesey).

    Scariest thing I remember seeing (as a kid) was Saloms Lot, made it worse it was shown in 2 parts so had to wait a week waiting to find out what happened!!!
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