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Guitar God

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Posts posted by Guitar God

  1. I have a one year Thai spouse visa that is good until 15 October but I just returned to Thailand (had to exit and reenter every 90 days due to the type of visa from Savannaket) and pointed out my visa to immigration and they gave me 90 days. 

    Does this mean my one year visa is good  for 14 months? 

    I plan to get a retirement visa next but won’t have 12 straight months of foreign income bank statements to show immigration until May 2025 ( due to withdrawal from ATM in May 2024). 

    Do I still need to go back to Savannaket before the 15 Oct end date on my original visa to maintain that status? Can I just go a few days before my Dec 15th expiration date?  TIA

  2. See a cardiologist and have them prescribe a different anti-hypertensive. 
    Some ACE inhibitors and ARBs can become less effective after you reach a certain age. For people over 60, doctors usually switch their patients to the latest generation beta-blockers (Carvdilol)  and either a latest generation ARB like Edarbi or a new Calcium channel blocker such as Zanidip. 

  3. 4 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    USA Soc Sec in not taxable, per tax treaty for USA citizen.  I believe all govt issued pension, ex: military are also exempt ... BUT ... don't quote me, due diligence on your part required if receiving.


    Company pensions, I'm pretty sure are considered income, and taxable.   Although, if looking at the TH Tax rate & exemptions, if married, they do cover quite a lot, and I think IF I had to pay a tax (I don't) I figured I had something like 670k baht worth of exempt income (if married w/kid), and 120k I think is exempt/below taxable income (?), so that wouldn't leave much to be taxed.  Depending how much you bring in.


    Having direct deposit is quite convenient, and also gives you your paperwork with ease at extension time.  No need to go through NY or USA brank, as SS will deposit straight to TH bank account.   I use BBL/BkkBank. 

    Thanks for your reply. I just want consistent, reliable transfers. I've already been screwed twice at immigration because of the timing of deposits. They require 65K a month. One year I had well over 65K a month for 11 of the past 12 months but one month my second transfer of the month arrived a couple days into the following month due to weekend/holiday and I had less than 65K that month only, but I had close to 3 million in incoming foreign transfers during those 12 months. 
    Immigration- Doesn't matter, denied due to a 3 day delay.

  4. 15 hours ago, cjinchiangrai said:

    No withholding that I know of but I don't do it for three reasons. 1. We do not know what Thailand is going to do about all of their tax proposals. 2. If the GQP wins, they are likely to cut off foreign payments as their first round of cutting SSA and Medicare. 3. American currency is normally more stable so it is better to save dollars than baht.


    A fourth might be that if you need to bail for some reason, better to have funds elsewhere and in your own name.

    You do make a very good point for waiting until after November 5th... I do think I'll hold off submitting the 1199-op107 until after the riots after Trump loses again.

    My US pension is so small I doubt the Thai government would even try to grab any. If they did, maybe I'd finally qualify for PR in 3 years...
    "save money" Sorry, I'm not familiar with that term... save?? You mean like if there was theoretically  money left over at the end of the month or something???...
    I own a house here, I'm single and I can't foresee any situation where I'd need to bail out of Thailand, and not have access to my Thai accounts. 

    You had some good points for people with different circumstances to consider. Thanks the response.

    • Like 1
  5. Is there a withholding tax or a Thai tax liability if I start having my US pension direct deposited into my Bangkok Bank account.


    I have been having it directly deposited into my US account and the using Wise to transfer it to my Thai account but I have had so many problems and delays with WISE in the past few months I want to cut them out of the loop.


    For example, if the 3rd falls on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday, usually the money isn't credited to my Thai account until Monday. This last time the transfer (ACH) took a week. The 3rd falls on one of those days about 40% of the time. That's five weeks worth  of delays per year.


    What I want- The money in my Thai account within a day of two of the 3rd every month. 
    What I don't want- The US government withholding 30% of my pension. or having to pay tax on just because it's directly deposited.


    I receive another pension from another country and they hold back 10% that I either need to file and exemption for or, get it back by filing a tax return.


    My objectives- Receive my entire amount each month to make sure I always have at least 65K THB in incoming transfers every single month so I can use the income method for a retirement visa. I want the transfers to be on full auto pilot. If I need to pay bills in the US, I'm fine with paying them by other methods or even transferring some back to my US account which I will retain, even though I'll need to pay a  small monthly fee since I won't have direct deposit which avoids that fee).


    Questions for anyone having their SSA pension direct deposited into their Thai bank:

    1). Are you receiving the full amount of your pension (i.e. no withholding)?
    2). What is the difference in the exchange rate used for the conversion from the Interbank rate (XE.com etc.). Does the transfer and fees cost more or less than WISE if you've used both methods in the past? How much?
    3). Does the direct transfer create any Thai tax liability for you? 


    4). On which date of the month is the transfer credited to your Thai account? The 3 (or 2nd or 1st if the 3rd is not on a weekend or holiday) or later?

    I can't think of a single downside. Can you?


  6. 2 minutes ago, susanlea said:

    Thanks. Walz lied. 

    No, he put in his resignation last my before he had any idea his unit was being called up. 

    Your’re denigrating a man who served for 24 years and probably supporting a draft dodger  who paid off a doctor to lie and say he had bone spurs so he could get out of military service ? 
    Weird morals you’ve got. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. On 8/4/2024 at 10:06 PM, susanlea said:

    What a lame video. Sounds like a 15yo kid doing the voiceover.


    Is this the best you have? Trump is a moral to win now.

    Again, in English please Mr. Maga voter. (the type of voter Trump claims to love)

    • Sad 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. Yep, he’s <deleted>. Don’t sell hard drugs in Thailand. 

    Countries that distinguish between soft drugs like cannabis, and hard drugs like opiates and meth have much fewer drug related problems. The only reason they want us reschedule cannabis the same as meth is because certain occupations in Thailand had their profits reduced after cannabis was relegalized. 

    It had always been legal in Thailand and part of the culture, until the early 70’s  when the US forced the Thais  to make it illegal because “their soldiers were getting too high”. 

    This was connected to Nixon’s War on Drugs designed to create felons out of pot smokers so they’d lose their rights. The stated intention was to keep <deleted> and hippies from voting for Democrats. That’s why thousands of Thais were sent to prison and many were even executed. Conservative American politics. 

  9. 3 hours ago, alanrchase said:

    The sale of nitrous oxide is illegal in Thailand.

    No it isn't. You can buy whippets of it online and in restaurant supply stores all over the country. You can but 6m3 tanks of it from gas supply companies or online. It make be illegal to sell it in balloons for the purpose of people inhaling it but N20 is definitely not illegal in Thailand.

  10. If he’s found guilty it will be headline news in the Right Wing media for a week praising the justice system on a fair and just decision and that they support the judicial system 100%. 

    If he’s found not guilty, or just gets probation (as most anyone charged and convicted of saying “no” to a question on a firearms form is), they’ll be complaining that the current administration pulled a fast one. 

    They seem to think Biden  is capable of controlling a Grand Jury, and the jury that convicted Trump, (that the defense approved), but is powerless keep his own son out of jail. 


    Logic only a “stable genius “ understands.

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