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Guitar God

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Posts posted by Guitar God

  1. 7 hours ago, Gknrd said:

    Yea, and when she plays the next game in the US and starts talking again. We will see her true colors. It will be back to business as usual. How she is mistreated and hates the US.

    America, where everyone brags about how much freedom we have but complain if you exercise it. Don't offer your opinion on politics and don't even think about exercising your freedom to not stand up for songs.


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  2. What is the current fee that Thai immigration collects here in Thailand in THB for a one year visa renewal based on marriage to a Thai spouse and what is the fee for a multiple entry?

    I apologize if this has been asked before. I spent quite a bit of time searching here and online and I found nothing except the fee in USD and AUD and GBP online. Here, no matter what search terms I used, nothing came up.

  3. 20 hours ago, internationalism said:

    so now have to pay to Dr Anutin Bumjaithai mafia-style political party for licences, permits, certification etc.

    Half money under table, as per usual, plus 10% from profits.

    That's a great income for a political party just before the general election for vote buying.

    The most lucrative part of business - processing and export, will be limited only to dr Anutin associates.

    Everything according to master plan, written yet before the last general election - engineer Anutin for health ministry to monopolise ganja for Buriram province

    That’s all inaccurate. Many private companies and one-person businesses already have licenses to sell cannabis and import and sell seeds etc. 


    Most businesses require a license or permit. Even to sell gasoline. 
    Your super powers seem to be finding conspiracies when none exist. 

  4. I wear 48/49 and they just laugh at me when I ask if they have a 48 at a Thai shoe store. I see quite a few Thai men with large feet so there must be some stores that sell sizes larger than 46. 

    I just ordered a pair of some generic trainers in size 49 off Lazada. I’ve yet to receive them so I can’t comment on the quality or if the sizes run true but Lazada has a liberal return policy so it might be worth checking there. 

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  5. Genius timing!  Increase the price of beer right after cannabis is legalized. 

    In every county, province or state which re-legalized cannabis, alcohol consumption went down.

    I don’t care if 100 alcoholics reply and say “I’m not switching to pot”  beer sales are still going to go down. 

    If they want to increase profits, quit ¢@ck-blocking retailers who want to sell Leo Strong and stop restricting sales to big organizations who pay them kickbacks. 

    It used to be available everywhere regular Leo was sold but first they cut off mom and pop shops then small distributors who supply bars and restaurants and now not even Makro has it. 

  6. 4 hours ago, RandiRona said:

    Balconies jump for falangs are always considered accidents in Thailand, so says the constitution.

    I’m 192 cm and there were two hotels I stayed at in Bangkok where the balcony was so low I could have easily fallen over had I leaned up against them. They might be fine if you’re 175 or 180 cm but all it takes is leaning against one that’s lower than your center of gravity. 

  7. 10 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

    In other words: Cannabis is NOT legal in Thailand. But Hemp is.


    Because like in most other countries, Thai legislation indeed distinguishes between "cannabis" (i.e. plants with a THC content of more than 0.2% by dried weight) and "hemp" (plants with a THC content of 0.2% or less by dried weight).


    THAT (and nothing else) is the legal situation. And regardless whether Mr. Anutin waxes on about "cannabis liberalization" or "cannabis legalization", it simply is NOT TRUE. Yet the press picks it up and propagates it to the world when it should be made crystal clear that cannabis is NOT legal in Thailand.


    Make no mistake:

    > If you plant any of the "non-legal" cannabis cultivars or consume products made from them (i.e. marijuana, hashish) and are caught, you are going to jail!

    > You are ONLY permitted to plant "legal" cannabis cultivars, i.e. hemp. And those 1 million plants that Mr. Anutin plans to distribute are of that legal, low-THC type. You can use their leaves in a salad or a smoothie -- or make hemp ropes out of their fibers. They are good for nothing else.


    Oh, and yes, both legal and illegal plants contain CBD (cannabidiol), that "other" main compound that you hear so much about. But anybody wanting to extract CBD from legal plants in commercial quantities, NEEDS A LICENSE from the Thai FDA as well as approval from the Provincial Health Office and the Narcotics Control Board. Which, since we are in Thailand, involves an incredibly convoluted application process plus reams and reams of documents. 


    See? It's not all just as simple as Mr. Anutin makes it out. And I really wish he would finally stop talking about Thailand's "cannabis legalization" and instead use the more accurate term "hemp legalization". Because that is what it is.        

    It's legalized for personal, medical use for people to use as they see fit. I've heard of no restrictions against someone growing low THC plants and making extracts for personal use by infusing ghee, or coconut oil or doing a methanol extraction.
    It's not full legalization of all cannabis but it's a step in the right direction where people can legally grow a few plants, use the leaves for soup or baking edibles or making tinctures so you're not reliant on getting GPO oil from the government.

    Another benefit is that Thai spouses can "grow" the plants for their non-Thai husbands to make extracts because they are excluded from the government distribution of GPO oil.

    To wit: I have prescriptions from three Thai doctors certified to prescribe cannabis. In 2019 I received GPO from a government hospital but after 1 Jan 2020 every government hospital's pharmacy refused to fill my prescription, even if their own cannabis-certified doctor prescribed it, because the Thai FDA told hospitals that it was up to them if they wanted to deny foreigners and only supply Thai citizens and they all decided to discriminate, even if you paid for the extract (Thai's get it for free so I guess giving foreigners something for free was against their principles and they couldn't figure out how to charge for something they get for free from the government).

    I went up the ladder within the Thai FDA and asked why and they said that it was experimental and they didn't want to be responsible in case a foreigner had a bad reaction.
    Bitch, It hasn't been experimental in the rest of the world for decades, the safety and efficacy has been well-established.  I've had a prescription since 1996, I've been in the industry for over three decades and I'm considered an industry expert who has been invited and paid to give numerous presentations to doctors and government officials in various countries, you're not protecting me from anything. ( I didn't say 'bitch" btw)...

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  8. 10 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Lock up these so called experts. They are always predicting stupid numbers. These imbeciles are always causing panic. They are fear mongering lunatics. 


    Do not listen. Do not buy their fear and panic. Take a deep breath. 

    I trust experts opinions more than non-expert’s opinions on Thai Visa forums. 
    Time will tell if cases increase. 

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  9. 10 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Lock up these so called experts. They are always predicting stupid numbers. These imbeciles are always causing panic. They are fear mongering lunatics. 


    Do not listen. Do not buy their fear and panic. Take a deep breath. 

    I trust experts opinions more than non-expert’s opinions on Thai Visa forums. 
    Time will tell if cases increase. 

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  10. The way it worked for me in Ubon is once they were finished asking for more paperwork, my wife and I went in together for an interview, they asked me a few questions, asked her a lot of questions in Thai and said they would come out for a house visit. Five or six immigration officers showed up in three police cars. They talked with our neighbor, brought in their own printer, printed off a form and had her sign it and maybe had a us sign a few things and then I went back a few days later, paid and got my visa. Subsequent renewals were a lot easier except that when they give you a "definitive" list of all the paperwork you need to bring in, it's not definitive and for me it required three trips after I'd already brought in everything on their list.

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