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Guitar God

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Posts posted by Guitar God

  1. On 11/27/2020 at 9:44 PM, Destiny1990 said:

    Whats the difference here between medical marijuana and non medical marijuana?

    In most places the main difference is the amount of testing required before it’s sold. In the Netherlands medical marijuana must be tested free of pesticides, fungicides, mold, mildew and other pathogens and then sterilized with non-ionizing radiation. Coffee shops don’t have the same requirement. 

    In areas with legal recreational cannabis many of the same tests are required. 

    Medical cannabis is also made from strains that were chosen to be most effective in the disease they’re intended to treat. THC to CBD ratios and levels, cannabinoid profiles and terpene profiles in order to assure a consistent dose. . 

    • Like 1
  2. On 10/20/2019 at 9:40 AM, canuckamuck said:

    The first bit of fake news is that this is a misinformation checker. When it is actually a Big Brother media surveillance system, designed to ensure the proles don't wander off the narrative. 


    On 11/12/2020 at 6:32 PM, CraigInBangkok said:

    and still not one of them sells any actual cannabis. 

    That’s not true. You can get full spectrum THC extract and 50:50 THC/CBD at government hospitals and other clinics. 

    It’s cannabis with all the cannabinoids and terpenes but without the vegetable matter, cuticle, wax and tar. 

    They don’t dispense buds to smoke but extracts are the best for medical patients. 

    • Like 2
  3. 22 hours ago, Patts said:

    Completely agree, My ex is addicted, claims it helps her control depression but the reality is she's a complete stoner who puts buying cannabis ahead of buying food for her and her children. She can't go through a day without smoking several joints and cannabis has increased her issues with mental/emotional health.


    As for CBD oils, there is still no scientific evidence that it does anything to cure any illness although I do understand from some that have tried it that it can help reduce pain and aid sleep. 

    It’s a safe and effective treatment, not a cure for most diseases. It has cured prostate cancer and will cure skin cancer if applied to the skin however. 

    A few seconds of searching will show you all the studies that have proven it to be an effective treatment. Sometimes, it’s the best or only treatment. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 8/4/2020 at 6:44 AM, DoctorG said:

    The autopsy can identify his injuries that likely caused death, and also confirm that there is no bullet wound, but as Fex points out above that should not be inferring anything else about intent.

    Did they do toxicology? 

    I’m an earlier article they said both the deceased and the motorcyclist that he rear ended where quite a bit over the limit. 

    Not hearing much from the arm-chair quarterbacks who swore he was was killed by an assassin’s bullet fired from a pistol from a moving scooter driving the other way or by a magic trip-wire. ????????

  5. 21 hours ago, seajae said:

    very strange, now they are saying he died after colliding with another bike,  looking back at the video there does appear to be another bike behind him but this is not what they were saying originally. Maybe the pm realizes there is going to be a lot of people getting pretty irate over boss having the arrest warrants pulled so he is making sure it doesnt catch him as well especially with his and his govts popularity plumetting, might even mean boss remains wanted hopefully, only time will tell

    The video shows him rear ending a scooter and then crashing into the medium. 

  6. On 6/26/2020 at 4:06 PM, Saint Nick said:

    I just got a haircut!

    Can anyone - again- explain to me, why THAT was okay, but I can not sit in a pub, with a mate and have a beer?

    Can you drink beer while wearing a mask? 

    Does getting a haircut impair your judgement and make you forget about taking health precautions, getting closer to people, talking face to face because of the ambient noise?

    • Like 2
  7. I'm impressed and a bit surprised that there are so many rational Thais out there who think that lives are more important than drinking alcohol in bars. Maybe last month's alcohol ban allowed people to have a moment of clarity. Of course rooms full of drunk people without masks on in the middle of a pandemic is going to cause a surge in the number of infections and deaths.

    • Confused 2
    • Haha 2
  8. On 4/23/2020 at 12:46 AM, Mitkof Island said:

    The reason is simple as with every country in the world. No enough tests. The numbers are more likely in the hundreds of thousands.

    The death rate is over 100 times less than the per capita death rate in the U.S.  The death rate per million in the U.S. is 130, in Thailand it’s 0,7


    It’s obvious that the infection rate is also much lower. Lack of testing isn’t the reason why Thailand is doing so much better than the U.S., UK, Spain, Italy and the Netherlands.  

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, berrec said:

    Dude your living in dreamland,  the only number that counts is number of infected people detected/number of people tested x 100.


    When Thailand reaches 10% of that testing ratio then we can all take stock that Thailand's low gazetted numbers have some validity.


    Until then its Russian roulette on where the real infected numbers lay.

    I don’t see how that method makes any sense. The number of deaths per capita is the most important to me, who cares how many people have been tested? Over 80% of people who test positive are asymptomatic. 

    Thailand saw a slow rise in deaths, a peak and a drop in the number of deaths. We’re on the other side of the curve, on the way back to normal. There’s no surprises in store for Thailand. History will record this as less than 1 death per 1,00,000 people in Thailand. 
    The number of deaths are going down, the number of people hospitalized are going down, the number of new cases are going down. 


    In the U.S. it’s 78 deaths per million people and rising and it’s never going to get lower unless the population miraculously shoots up, the dead are never coming back to life. 


    I really don’t understand your logic.  Are you seriously saying the U.S. is doing better because even though more people are dead, more people are being tested? 

    On 1/28/2020 at 7:49 PM, Monomial said:


  10. I spoke with two people living in Wuhan city today and both said the new cases were declining and in the past day there were as many new cases in Wuhan city as there were in the rest of China, 40. 

    They could have been lied to but why would Chinese nationals be told that there were more new cases than the media ? I’d trust their info. 

    At least there’s agreement that the situation is improving. 

  11. How do they know the returning Thais were working illegally in South Korea? 

    They left and traveled back from there the same way thousands of Thai tourists did. 

    Did all of them overstay their 90 day Korean tourist visas ? 

    I thought most workers would leave and come back before their visa expired, if they didn’t they’ll only get one chance at working there and wouldn’t be allowed again. 

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