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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. 12 minutes ago, The Deerhunter said:

    Mostly they take 100% now.  By that I mean no percentage goes beyond the hands of the fining officer and his superiors. And that is not working for improved safety.

    Firstly they cant take 100% can they !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! total nonsense.


    But anyway put the fine for what ever it is now , up by say 10%

    give that directly to the cops in his monthly  wage. and no one is at a loss.

    Easy isn't it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Yes it would improve safety,  as some wont want to pay the  fines, 

    so they wont do the crime !!!!!!!!!!!

    Easy isn't it.


    Or do we do we carry on doing this :hit-the-fan:




  2. Just now, johnmcc6 said:

    I read someplace 73% of deaths are motor bikes,  17% cars trucks vans whatever and the rest bicycles or whatever. A bit like flying. Bad when it happens but a very small percentage of passengers. It would be nice to see the count involving passengers in the back of a pick up. One takes ones chances just crossing the street .

    Yes,  take care crossing the street. :coffee1:


    More rules and regulations are a good thing.

    not bad..

  3. This is all a result of the total piss taking

    of vendors in the past.,

    Could you sit on the beach for more than 30 seconds

    with out some fool tapping you on the shoulder to buy a Tattoo,  or prawns,

    a hat,  sunglasses,  massage,  ice cream,  eggs, and so on.


    You screwed it up vendors,    tough luck boys. :thumbsup:

    I am starting to like some of the changes that are being made.

    Good job  :jap:

  4. 28 minutes ago, timendres said:


    How about we don't follow the stupid, drone-like methodology of the Nanny states, and not try to perfect life 100%?

    Pick the low hanging fruit, and accept that life is full of mishaps that cannot be eliminated 100%.

    How many people are dying from riding in the back of a pickup, versus accidents caused by drunk drivers?

    A 10% improvement from serious enforcement of drunk driving laws is smarter than a 0.1% improvement enforcing the pickup laws.

    To be honest, i don't care about the idiots who die on the roads,  i feel sorry for the children ,  but i put the blame  at the parents feet for that.

    Stupid is as stupid does.


    I care about myself and family,  after  21 years of Riding and Driving here,   the last 3 have been crazy,,  i would say there is an upward trend of dangerous practices on the roads of Thailand.

    So I am happy for any rules that may make it safer for me.

    More rules,  , More fines,   More shaming on social media.

    Lets have it.

    Nanny state , I don't think so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :stoner:




  5. Just now, johnmcc6 said:

    I can hardly wait until all the rules imposed on me in the west come to Thailand. I sure miss the nanny state.

    We don't want that,

    But 3500 +  a year dead on the roads and god knows how many with permanent injuries,  is crap.

    Something needs to change.

    Or maybe Thailand should just carry on down the same denial road for ever.

    What do you think ?


  6. There are thousands of condo units for sale in pattaya.

    loads of deals to be had, if you cut some of the greedy people out the loop.


    I would give this place a big wide birth,  its obviously had problems

    in the past,   who's  to say they may not continue in the future.

    if people are asking more than 50-200 baht or better free

    for debt free a letter,   I would say its just profiteering.

    That's the yard stick right there,   for your future happiness at that place.

    Good luck to the new owners :jap:







  7. Tough  luck boys suck it up :thumbsup:

    More rules and regulations for Drivers and Riders in Thailand is a good thing.

    Get over it obey the new rules


    Enforcing it all,  is a bit harder,  we need an attitude adjustment by the police to address that one.


    Maybe give the police officer a direct percentage of the take,   for the offence committed.  :ohmy:

    Got to try something,  as it don't work so well at present. :jap:





  8. 1 hour ago, samsensam said:


    you're missing the point, you can bring in a million rules but they are a complete waste of time unless they are effectively and consistently enforced. and yes, the police need to set an example, but  i'm not holding my breath.

    If you say so.

    Try and breath out your be fine.



    complete waste of time unless they are effectively and consistently enforced.

    Do we need to state the obvious on here ? :coffee1:

  9. Ha Ha

    Suck it up. boys.

    If you lot were not such bad drivers,   on the roads this may have not have ever come into play.   ( think its a good idea myself but un workable ) Any rules that clamp down on bad  Driving  practices of the Thais i'm all for it.

    Lets have a load more rules brought in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes,    It's time to call time on the roads of Thailand

    it may even save a few lives.


    Maybe start with the Police arresting themselves,   as they don't where seat belts and they  travel in the open back of pick up. Maybe it will be ok for official police business. ?


    Think this will be a nice little earner for them.

    Amazing Thailand.



  10. 2 minutes ago, colinneil said:

    Police are going to enforce this.

    Well thats songkran knackered before it starts, millions go home every year riding on the back of pickups.

    How are they going to get home if police enforce this?


    If they carry a water pistol in there hand in the back of the pick up

    they will be ok,

    Thailand is one complete Songkran zone over this period.

    Maybe they can soak the cops as they go by,   at 140k  :giggle:


  11. 1 hour ago, NormanW said:

    He's been to soi 9 and took a ticket for the queue. 42 peoplein front of him. He walked out. 


    Said he'll go back later. As he was walking out he asked one of the girls why he was given a ticket. Was waiting in front of the white line!!


    Yet again - unbelievable!!!

    When you see what the Thais do on the roads.

    This is just victimization

    Just collecting money,  total pricks.

    They should go get the bad boys of the roads.





  12. 4 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:

    He was in the middle of the intersection, past the crosswalk,

    they have been ticketing people for this the last two weeks.


    Its good to see pattaya police dealing with the most dangerous,  murderous drivers and riders of the roads.

    Go there,   great job for the community.

    Or is just 600 more cops collecting money ?. :thumbsup:

    Amazing Thailand


  13. 2 hours ago, NormanW said:

    Mate got pulled over in jomtien today. License taken from him and 6 other falang. Told to collect it tomorrow. 

    No reason was given and was done aggressively. My mate was simply bewildered!!!


    Jeez this place gets you down sometimes!!!


    Its all part of the new Happy zone for Pattaya

    Welcoming  all tourists and ex-pats to the top family destination.

    of Asia.

    Have a nice day. :saai:





  14. Some will have been drawing Uk benefits

    as disabled this that and the other. whilst in Thailand.

    Some will  go back,   to go on the Rob.

    Some will go back and continue drug dealing

    Some are just talking Bs, they did it for one year only.

    A very few will go back and do real self employed work. :thumbsup:


    Ps   I know 1 person that does this , but he must work for 8 months in uk,  he does not live in Pattaya

    he has a home in the uk all paid for,  and home up country in Thailand all paid for. his just over 60, his plan is to rent the uk home out, when he gets to draw a uk state pension,  and stay full time here

    i think he will struggle with money latter on.


  15. Just for info

    The North bound side is a disgrace.

    What a f-up.  don't go there 16:00- 19:00 in a 4 wheeled vehicle.  :bah::bah::bah:

    Also the zero dollar tour buses are back in force now. doing U-turns into the north bound carriageway.

    Pattaya the happy zone. traffic grid lock  :bah:


  16. What i don't get is in the normal world

    people get a slap for wrong doing , big deal

    get over it, move on.

    But here people get a slap for wrong doing,  then get 50-100 more

    slaps,  its like there is some brain disorder in Thailand,

    that turns people into murderous psychopaths !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    The guy was trained to fight for his country,   then his country killed him

    a serious laps by the officers in charge to let this happen.


    RIP  young man



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