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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. 42 minutes ago, Philthyphil said:

    430 shoot dead with water pistols?


    No, that was the national road toll for the seven days, which they got to a below average of 76 per day. At a time where millions of people are diving all around the country to visit family and friends. 

    But the authorities were very vigilant last year which probably reflected the lower toll.

    So, if you want to play with statistics, how about Songkran saves lives!


    And to the people who called for it to be cancelled because of the drought that never happened, well there was flooding. You should have been out there splashing water. People died in the floods, nobody died of thirst!




    Yes your right.

    Sonkran saves lives. :w00t:


    Maybe you could come back in 10 years , and tell us how you love Sonkran.

    in pattaya, your already moaning about the rubbish in pattaya on other threads, your be foaming at the mouth in a few years time. :thumbsup:








  2. 1 hour ago, Philthyphil said:


    I think  a lot of the negativity here comes from people with no friends who feel a bit left out and hate seeing the Thais have so much fun. The grumpy old Farang who are scared of a bit of water can just stay inside for a few days, you won't be missed.


    I'm not old,   ok :thumbsup:


    Think it was around 430   dead last year in Thailand

    They sure  know how to enjoy themselves here.

    Fun, Fun and more Fun,   :jap:

  3. The way some  people Drive/ Ride  in Thailand.

    I would have no idea if it was  terrorist attack or normal driving behaviour.

    Amazing driving / Riding in Thailand.

    How many died on the roads in Thailand yesterday, 70-80 ish ?


    Condolences to the families and friends of the people murdered in the Uk, yesterday.



  4. 2 hours ago, kiwikeith said:


    The amount of criminals , not only foreign but including Thai in this country is mind boggling.

    It can never be cleaned up, saying that I believe that Thailand is not alone as the whole world is now in a state of decadence, crime is rife,

    The world is run by psychopaths,


    All the world is but a stage, and each and every one of us but an actor. 

     It's Best not to post when to pissed up. :jap:

  5. The sad truth is

    Thailand's Authorities hide behind the Drunk driving issue.

    But,    Bad , Dangerous , Selfish, Murderous Driving /Riding  is the real problem.

    Its just convenient to blame the road deaths and accidents in Thailand

    all on drunk Driving / Riding

    Yes Drunk Driving / Riding is an issue,   but its not the big Issue.


    Truly a third world nation on the Roads.

    The people of Thailand  should be ashamed of themselves with the way they  behave on the roads. :bah:





  6. I think you lot are mad

    This is a great town,  always something for everyone,      you  just got to go look.

    Even a Catholic Priest could have a good time in Pattaya.

    Oh,  maybe not  the best analogy !!!!!!!!  :giggle:



  7. 29 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

    Don't let the secret out londoedan!!

    Bali anytime for me.  I get away  from the Idiots on the south coast, Kuta to Canggu, and just love It..... still, after almost 40 years, 100+ visits, and living there for a year.

    Did you just say you like to get away from the Australians. ?

    I can understand that,   it's ok  :thumbsup:

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