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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. 20 minutes ago, Get Real said:

    I really like the way you think and your comment. I mean if the reality was that simple, wow!

    Like you state it here it could only be children teaching children, or am I wrong? Just because the adults in Thailand now, the teachers in this case, are a lost cause.
    How are people that´s already a lost cause gonna be able to create any change anything more than to a more negative factor?

    You know, I know what you mean. The period of time and what has to happen is totally correct. It´s just that the great plan already fell before it jump up the first step.

    You got to start somewhere .

    The young are the future of Thailand.

    Not the old dogs who refuse to learn new tricks. :jap:



  2. 59 minutes ago, fruitman said:

    Did your kid see the magicians and their pingpongballs? Or the ones with the rasorblades?


    That one who can hide a whole coke-bottle is impressive, i hope your daughter won't try it herself though.


    Amazing how they can shoot darts through balloons , the grouptours will talk about it when back home i bet :cheesy:

    Thought the,   hide the 3 liter Plastic coke bottle was the best  I ever see.

    Awesome. :shock1:

  3. 2 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Should they fine the illegally parked car at the kerb, or the double parked ones next to them or both?


    All of them.

    But maybe for double and treble parked,   how about,  Cars gets removed  and crushed at the local scrap yard,    or a mobile unit at the  side of the road

    then feed the cars in  whilst the owners cry,   about how unfair  it all is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Look at the disgraceful mess on Thripiset road over the weekend with the market,   unbelievable  :bah: and that's only one example, loads more around town.

    Pattaya and Jomtien is a near no go area for cars now days.

    My car sits unused all week   now days, ,  just to much  time sat in stupid traffic jams  around town created by morons,  I only use the car at  it at weekends now, unless its an emergency,  

    ( Like  down to last case of Beer Chang or SangTip  ) :smile:

    Bikes rule,



  4. 20 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    I get what you are saying, but even "naughty" establishments are licensed legitimate businesses. Even under military rule, police dont have powers to shut down a business, even if there is illegal activities. The exception being if you breech alcohol licensing laws, you could loose your license, the business can probably stay open selling coca-cola but what the point. A topless dancer is probably a fine at best, unless there is a law on the books that says the penalty is shut down the business. 

    I don't know what the extent of power

    Police or military have, with a commercial business.

    but would suspect a licence for all or any business could be revoked.

    with out to much effort and for any minor infringement.

    But i don't know.  im only guessing. :jap:



  5. 51 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    Thats a pretty broad statement, how could you literally shut down an entire street. Mcdonalds, starbucks, legitimate businesses etc, 

    Yes  your right.

    I kind of meant the naughty establishments.

    or what they pick as  naughty establishments. !!!!!!

    but you can leave the street open for a coffee and burger !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    or  for the  usual maybe open drug dealing that may go on..

    My point is , not much will change in Walking street.

    the Gravy train will carry on


    Walking street was ok a few years back , but now , No way full up with Chinese and Indians

    wandering around like lost children.

    Russian families pushing kids in pushchairs.

    what a sight it all is.


    Walking Street will never be Clarke  Quay or the like.



    Not for me.

    you can close it down ,





  6. 9 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    I would tent to agree, but it does seem odd, even to my wife. As she said, why dont they stay at the local barracks etc. Possibly its a concerted effort to have some police here, not reporting to the local command, operating autonomously. Or, just another photo op, lol

    I think they are trying to push it all into other areas,

    Maybe soi Buakho.


    Hey, think you could be  right , Photo op.

    or Fake cops !!!!!!!!!


    Lets face it, they  could close the lot down in a day,  if they wanted to.

    but it will never happen , maybe  a conflict of interests.

    Who knows.




  7. 7 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    There is definitely a clean up operation happening. My wife works in a condo management office and sometimes does rentals. Last week she rented out 2 condos to Thai policemen, 2-3 month rental, and they said they were here on special assignment to clean up walking st.

    I would maybe call it a

    Gloss over,  whitewash campaign.

    Thought walking street was going to be demolished back in September- October

    or was that whitewash, Gloss over

    Nah. !!!!!!!!!!

    Just more Fake news .


    Pattaya will carry on chugging along nicely



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