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Posts posted by sting01

  1. What a full bag of bul****

    Our beloved leader , Khun Tax Sin, have himself say there is no water shortage.

    I am supposing this article to be a hoax, and diffused only to hurt the tourism of the marvellous kingdom of the angels.

    It's well know there is no bird flue, no tsunami, no problem at the airport, no water shortage, no drug nor prostitution but only happy happy DTAC citizens.

    on the other hand(s), if really there is some thai persons that are complaining about water shortage, or problems with chickens or also about how the western help were distribuated to the tsunamis survivors, I do hope the police will do the usual good work, arrest them and find they are not thai but only farangs who usurped the thai nationality. As for the bird flue and .... (see the list) it's well know thai people can not think by themself nor complain a government composed of CEO who all know best.

    Btw us , weather change, even if USA refuse to admit it. Maybe if the princes who gouvern us (Machialveli "Il Principe") open their eyes they will simply see what we can see everyday.

    Please the moderators to consider I simply tried to be humoristic, maybe sacarstic, but not at all insulting, or look down on someone else. Anyway I simply used what I daily read in Bangkokpost ... As french I still believe in the newspapers.

    Roxanne, under the red light ( if I remenber the lyrics)


  2. He also noted that the heavy reliance of neighbouring countries on the Thai economy was having an adverse impact on the kingdom, and called for the construction of 'economic dams' against this.

    Not really sure to cleary understand, but a first analyse it look like Germany economy after the WWWI. Close the country to the external influences , artificials exchange rates .... I am unsure to really get the point , but if yes ...

  3. I am late on that one, but I still have some thought.

    I am close to be clueless concerning the real reasons (hystoricals + economicals ) of the deep south conflicts. I know what everyboddy living here know : that is the clash btw 2 cultures.

    About terrorism, I come from a country involved with several "freedom movement" since 1945 : Indochina, Algeria, Brittany, Corsica, Eusquadi (basques) and recently various "muslims" movements. To have big and strong tieds with the muslims community, I can first strongly affirm mostly the so called "muslims movement" are not at all muslims, those people , both in Algeria with the FIS or in France do not act to serve God the mighty but only some personnal interrest, their personnal or somone else interest. Yes powerty, social inequality, economical frustation are the breed of this movement, it's so common the complain because one have just bought a new mercedes and during the smae time you can hardly afford to buy meat for your kids everyday ... Fact is also, mostly people who can buy a new mercedes arethose who have invested early and alot a big part of their personnal life in the work time (I know people who have many things, but they work almost 16 hours 7/weeks).

    So the solutions adopted by my governement were alongs the past 50 years always the same. As France still exist, I do suppose those solutions are not that bad :

    1) listen carefully the right revendications of the basic citisens. For exemple, in France we have a multicultural population, with a wide range of "dialects" : Basque, Briton, Alsacian, Lorain, Corse, Occitan, Provencal ... All those people bosically refer to them self as french people, but they refuse to forget their cultural inheritance. So after a while, the dialects became offical languages , and right now even the examination are conducts (if the student decide so) in the local languages. Things are more easy certainly, because mostly the gasp was simply cultural, but not religious, majority of the population is catholic, but since the creation of the Republic (let say 1790) we have muslims, black pagans as political person elected, and as we are a "meritocracy" promotion do not care about your religion. Another exemple, is about the various religious days. Legally there is ony the catholic ones that appear on the calendar, but the social code (Working Code) impose the various firm to protect the workers' religious right. Let say during the Ramadan, the muslims people will choose when they will come to the fabrics (mostly they prefer to work by night time, moment when they can eat and then be strong enought for work). Also, the governement have handle or subventionate the creation of various "places for pray", difficult to call that Mosque, I grew up in a muslim country, and I know well what is a mosque, nothing to deal with what was realised in france, but at least since 20 years the muslims community have decent places where they go when they need to pray (before that, mostly it was parking lots ... what a shame). That is what the basic people from any races, religions needs : have a decent, correct, respectful life ... independance is a word who is without real sense when you have the same things , the same living as your neightborought.

    2) Against the so called "big boys" , those who put bombs, or kill "innocent people"; we choosed to consider against chacals we must use wolfs. Mean , they play hard, then we will play harder. It was a fact against the former OAS, against the Britton and Basques movement, against Action Direct, Mesrine also can be count inside, we did the same against the so called "muslims movement". In the middle of the 90' it was several bombing, in PAris first , then everywhere in France, even against the TGV. End of story was on the tv, in direct live show : in the neiborought of Lyon, the military police (Gendarmerie) was close to arrest one of the big boys ... the guy resited, trying to shoot the policement ... it was a nice fireworks ... that coupled with the plane hang in Marseille, with the highjackers asking to have kerozene enought to fly to PAris (wonder why?) where the governement also acted quickly and strongly have made thngs very smooth. Also, when some middle east countries (monarchy) full of oil, with a name looking like A.... S.... send some activist to teach the youth they are in a "roumi" country, mostly they discover floating in the old sea port of Marseille with the famous " Kabyle smile". Only wolfs can fight against chacals, but at least the sheeps will sleep quietly. Another exemple is the SAS in Northern Ireland ... they hitted hard, and then it was talking.

    I always hear it's the War against Terror, Sun Tzu stated War is a game with rules, then we do have to accept the rules and play how those people want to play.

  4. Winmx settings :

    both In and OUT must be set at 80 % of the bandwidth, or the download will be slowed

    If you select North America, or Europe, the lag will be huge some days, to have something that stay stable, better to use ASIA. Even if you will have less choice.

    Primary against secondary ... Well \depend of your config, depend also of your ISP ... Let say when a DL is starting, the connection is direct. I use to start as primary, that allow me to get my DL ready to start , and after a while I jjump as secondary, the computer feel better, the bandwidth also.


  5. if I was you, but I am not, I will simply go to meet him, physically, and ask him to sign a paper, where all we be written.

    Also, you should make clear how he can pay you, bank is not always the right solution, one possibility is to buy jewellry, and then to pow/sell it, who knows where his money can come from, if you are not the only one in this case, he is simply trying to avoid to start any payment, because when it's starting the vultutres arrive and all dispear. I have no clue about his or your situation , maybe he is simply trying to avoid a bankrupcy.

    The key in my opnion will be to have a paper with his sign, with that you can easily pressure him, and if he answer your mail and agree he must pay, I think you will have the paper easily.

  6. IF I was you, it's what I will do :

    take contact with serious people who can and are willing to help.

    I personnaly advice you one : Indo Siam a.k.a Steve . The guy is here since years, do this business since years, and he is serious.

    You can also I suppose have accurate information by the main sponsort of the site.

    I work online since years (almost 3 now), I know only one thing for sure, reallity is different of what you can read. Laws are made (here and abroad) to avoid if possible those situations. What any people can say , even hight ranked governemental officers, are only saying.

    I know by experience when your business reach one point, then they remenber you exist. They include all kind of money suckers you can imagine. The best I found was to create a partnership limited, legal for legal, at least I am protected against silly accusation as working without work permit ... That also can happend , even if your firm is in UK, and do only work online. Key word is WORK, mean generating your main income, not check mail, or chat with yahoo.

    So better to contact professionals, who can give you a strong advice. Also look for advice only, anf take it from several places. BOI can be a good place also.


  7. there is no problem until one point.

    Fact is you will more or less go vs some laws , local and/or international.

    1) the visa problem, if your business is part time, then it can be not a problem, but what if it;s a full time? Don't think about the anonymous nature of the net, you are not anonymous to your ISP, nor to the authorities.

    2) Even if the location of your firm is in UK, if you provide the work from here, it will considered as a second office "de facto". It's motsly depend of the nature of your business and the size.

    3) If you selle non materials stuffs (programms for exemple) then it will be okie (2 years of experience with that) , but if you sell the nice rayban bought in Patpong, then after a while you will be invited to register in your local tax office.

    4) The fact to be in LOS will not allow you (for exemple) to check an english paypal account, fact your IP wil be not from UK, so paypal will think it's a hack, and will froze your account to avoid problem.That is not only tyrue for paypal, but some other payment gateway seems react same same.

    5) It's usually accepted, due the international nature of the net, every offense made by or from the net is subject to the local law of your IP address. It mean if you are in thailand, use internet in thailand, all your business (Even if the firm is registred in UK) will be considered as Thai based.

  8. Independent Programmer, doing outsourcing work for Sun microsystem and some aussie firms.

    Appart that, to have my "end of month" (I forgot the right saying in engllish), I am tester of local LB for Casonava Bar (Nana Plazza ) and write reviews on the girls for various porn websites .... lol Some call that Pimp, I think it's a bad word for a pleasant job.

    Elle descendait de la montagne

    Sur son chariot charge de paille,

    Sur son chariot charge de foin

    La fille du coupeur de Join

    Hubert Felix Thiefaine

  9. forgot to precise :

    1) I am not a troll, nor trolling the forum.

    2) the question is serious.

    3) I do not know is the good Doctor PP is still alive, but if possible I would prefer to get an answer from him. Apart the different we got in the past, I must confess he used by his accuratet and precise anwers to let me avoid a situation close of that some years ago.

    4) I do apologise if my "thtanks for helping" will come late, I do not logg here often, even if I read the various post in hurry as guest. But tbe assured I will read , and be assured I will thanks again the people who will answer (it take time to answer I know).

    Best regards


  10. Hi,

    related to this topic, does the 20 000 bht fine is still accepted or does the law is stricly enforced, in the particulary case of a long overstay, let say more than 5 years?

    that is not, God thanks my case, even if my bank account will open to generous donators (SCB 5-555-55555) lol.

    Apart this innocent joke, the question is not troll related, but very serious. I ahve a case like that in my neiborought. I just try tto help but with accurate information.

    By advance thanks


    still wondering how is HK at this moment?

  11. Why We Need Politics

    Politic ?????? lemme think pls

    Here's some context for 2004: The number of human beings who died of HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa was about two million. The number of people who died of bad water and bad sanitation was more than two million.

    Yes man sure, and about HIV/AIDS in Western Africa, I can tell you why those people die .... without any doubt because some big pharmacetical (the firm who sell druggs, sorry I dunno how to spell it) businesses, mostly located in USA refuse to allow the use of generic druggs, that are cheaper. Also, in those countries (western africa as Ivory coast for exemple) better to NOT go in a pharmacy, you could get FAKE druggs (mostly old one not sold in western countries and returning to the "producer" for destruction) wonder why old US medecine can arrive in Ivory Coast for exemple???????????

    Don't get me wrong, I am not telling USA are guilty, the european firms do the same ... But due the huge power of your country , even in place where usually it should not happend, it happend alas .... I saw it in Ivory Coast , I saw it before that in Congo.

    Whatever, I think Khommeny (I loved to work in hishouse in Nofle le chateau) have staed USA is the big devil (or something) lol (just kidding, I know you are proud to be US)


  12. What do you mean George?

    If there is need to have someone that coordonate DB stuff work, I am ready to do it.

    I stated many time I have place and I can free one or 2 DB for that.

    I repeat for parsers ( am good in that) , each parser can be made in less than 2 hours.

    I can handle the DB design.

    I agree there is not the need for another duplicate DB, but certainly for one that centralise all.

    I am ready to start over, but I don't want to be as Don Qixotte. I rather would like to be sure I will not me too duplicate the existing.

    To start over , things that are needed are :

    the list of existing websites (URL of the pages where the information is located).

    Also people who willing to help.


  13. About parsers, it's possible to do it in 2 hours .... but it will be okie only for one site, I mean every site can be parsed only by the corresponding parser.

    interrest, all the data are get in the same form.

    problem, if there is many websites, it will take long ... maybe too long ... I thouhg about that 2 days ago, but I have to work, I have to eat I have to sleep ... This kind of stuff must be made by a team, but I am willing to coordonate :

    I need a list of sites to parses

    I can prepare the regex for every site

    I can prepare the DB design

    but after I will need help for testing, that's long, and I also need to have strong and precise feedback , not "sorry mate, that still don't work", but if we do that, it will be necessary to have technical feedback : that parse this text , this text, but not this one ....

    I will be online certainly all the afternoon, let me know

  14. I send you a private message, with theinformation concerning my server, up to you to use it or not.

    I did not post that here, because I DO NOT want it could considered as advert (whatever I do no work for local usually).

    One things, you will have up to 4 gigbyte, but the address will be something like :


    if you need a subdomain or a domain, I am sorry that I can not set up, but you can still link to there (it's also teh reason why I don't post my server link here).


  15. I think he was smart ... in 2 post , this one and the other about expereances (I noticed the spelling, I love it, I will reuse it ... smile), he (or maybe she) have success to attract attention, make us(you?) interrrested, and then upset or disgust.

    Appart that, I did not funny the fact to laught about people who are looking for job, or have visa problems ... We (at least me) are lucky to have a tool like thaivisa that provide , from the admin mostly, accurate information and advices.

    Btw us, if he was able to teach during 5 years, maybe I should try ... it seems we have the same spelling lol.


  16. hi,

    I have a good server (about 5 gb) full of shit about my work (mostly past projects) I can free 4 Gb and use it as mirror.

    bout DB, I am more limitated, I can only offer a Mysql.

    I am late to answer this post, I worked offline all the day, but I would like to do something better than to complain about this or that (my usual way).

    also, if any of my limitate skills can help, I will be more than glad to do it.


    Member of IETF (www.ietf.org)

  17. The Meteorological Department knew about the earthquake but failed to act out of fear for their jobs. They had issued a tsunami warning for another earthquake two years previous that came to nothing and were scolded for it. The responsibility/blame/credit for the death toll in this disaster lies solely at the top in this case - the person responsible for creating this atmosphere of greed and fear that caused the paralysis.

    As for creating a warning system, the infrastructure is in place. There is a police force and a system of loudspeakers at temples, mosques and on trucks. There are lifeguards and a beach patrol. These can all be used when the time comes. All that is needed is for someone or some agency to be given the authority to receive the call and act on the information without fear for losing their jobs. All the USGS and the tsunami center needed was a phone number.

    Not only could such an agency or person responsible be used to warn against tsunamis, it could be pressed into service to provide communication and warning against other disasters, like smoke from forest fires that impede navigation and cause health problems, typhoons, floods, terrorist action, etc.

    that is the best post i haveever read about this catastrophe ... i totally and absolutely agree with ...

  18. One cynic on another forum pointed out that if an alarm was raised and no quake came the losers (economically) would have been predominately Thai Chinese and presumably powerful... The losers (in life) in not calling a warning are predominately indiginous Thai and Farang.

    “The very important factor in making the decision was that it’s high [tourist] season and hotel rooms were nearly 100-per-cent full. If we issued a warning, which would have led to evacuation, [and if nothing happened], what would happen then? Business would be instantaneously affected. It would be beyond the Meteorological Department’s ability to handle. We could go under, if [the tsunami] didn’t come,” said a source who attended the meeting.

    All is said here .... Saddly it was what I stated 3 days ago ... for only result to got insult fonr some Darknight ...

    What a shame if it's really true and proven ... Due the amount of deads, is it possible the "LA Haye" Court can judge it? I didn ot check that yet, but it could be something good ... at least it will be not the usual blabla about God, holy book and other : it's Mother nature ...

    It's writing timing about 1 hour ... but it was question of minutes for so many people ... the time to climb 3 or 4 stairs, the time to go in highter places .... it does not take hours, but minutes if your life is in the balance.

    IF (and I type it in big case because we must be sure it's a reallity), someone have delay warming for economical reason, he should be considered as a mass murder.

    A personnal point, that is typical of Thailand, noboddy care, I am sure the local residents who are alive must laught about it, it was like a new attraction park ... and for free of charges. The authorities don't care also, like for HIV they will fake the cost and ask for money abroad from the ugly foreign governments (at least it will contribuate to elevate the living standart of some marvellous people who rule this country). Also, here in Bangkok, if I compare with what happened in France 4 years ago, noboddy seems concerned appart the still ugly/smelly farangs. The mass consider they can not stop to play Ragnarok or other games, not stop to be beautiful also ...

    The only one who was concerned, and acted well, and that is not the first time, is His majesty the King. But we are spoken about Koh Phi Phi, or Koh Phuket ... because we know people there , but what about Trang? I have read nothing much about this province, what about Ranong? I have still hear nothing about those places, well no many farangs there, so no real interest it is not?

    3 days ago, I was asked to read the Holly bible about tsunami, I did not found something about it (usualy I prefer to read Salomon Book/cantiq), I just enjoyed the description of the Ante-Christ. About belief, my grand father (who was a white thai from nort of Vietnam) have explain me the following when I was young :

    for the thai tribes, a natural cathastrophe mean the Divinities consider the country ruler did not do what is good. He told me that's why the mass in vietnam never supported the Emperor Bao Dai (bad harvest, flood and that year after year). Who knows, maybe my thai grandfather was right, maybe not.

  19. Does the authorities knew it, and wich authorities knew it?

    I was screaming 2 days ago in the main forum about that, but if I am still screaming it must be fault (that is my own 2 cents opinion), I am unsure who can be guilty.

    Even in thailand, I am far to think People who have the real power (as Governor or PM ...) can do this kind of choice, if it was a choice it's more very local power who decided, but does a major can have this kind of information???? Unsure about it.

    The real fault is more general, why there is no alert system existing shared amongs the countries? Why specifically in thailand there is only post rescue, and no pre alert system? That is question, the answer is so simple ... mostly it's due to a money factor (some billions per year for one problem every 100 years). Other question, does really a pre alert will have save local population life (foreigner for sure, they will follow the alert)? Or as some pointed out , if a pre alert then people will go on th beach to see .... This morning, I was in a nightmare when reading a post from a witness ... 5 mn between people on the beach notice the tsunami, and the moment it hit the beach .... still full of people .... 5 mn that is the difference btw life and death ...

    I absolutely don't need to be Mr whoknowall, but in my place there is rules againt earthquake when you build a new house (Your OWN house), if you dn't follow them (even if you live alone), the authorities wil come fine you, and destroy the house (in more you wil have to pay for the worker who will destroy it). People, or human race, sometimes need to be helped to understand things are dangerous.

  20. No one to blame ???? TiT then .... lol

    In 2000 we got a hurricane, it was the first since at least 100 years, he travelled accross the country from West to east, destroying all, even prestigious buildings in Paris .... who could do something against ... result it was several head of offices (weather, electricity, telephone ...) who were kicked after for the reasons those people (or at least their offices) were aware IT WAS POSSIBLE that will happend.

    To have a big post in a governemental agency/organisation .... don't mean get the big bucks, the big car and the consideration, but mean also do prevision, it could happend so I must prepare the people .... That is named responsability.

    To those who think they know better than the old french fart I am, I invite them to search, find and UNDERSTAND the roots meaning of the word RESPONSABILIRY (assuming it can be roman, I wil just speak about RES).

  21. And the part of your fantasy where some guy is sitting somewhere and not telephoning Thailand, etc, etc...??

    This is not the time or place for such ignorant nonsense... Please don't try to pass off your clueless fantasies as facts... People here want to know REAL facts about this terrible situation, and your baseless accusations don't help at all.

    I WANT to point out on such ignorant non-sense , as those stated by the so called ajarn (I always thought, folowing in that thai popular belief, then farang ajarn are mostly crossdresser + druggs addict + britt ... maybe I am wrong, someone told me recently there is also a huge amount of US tramps from Khao San Rd who use to be called ajarn ... what is your category).

    Whatever, if really you are in teaching business, you should know there is several points all around the word that report earthquakes, so I don't think the tsunami have reach Thai coast in seconds, but certainly in 5 or 6 hours.... WHY NOTHING WAS MADE TO AVOID HUMAN LOOSE? That is thequestion .... it's sure 5 hours of shopping in less should have given less earning to some people , but is certainly not the reason ...

    It's not a geologist who done the mistake, but widely some "political" who have done nothing ... I would like to see heads role on the ground like in 91 (1791), those who are responsible (accountant) for the life loose, the material loose MUST pay, whoever they are.

    This country widely speak about democarcy, I suppose it must be time to apply it.

    ANd to Ajjarn, don't think I am starting a personnal war , whatever I logg on only one time per week, but I really and deeply think the fact to refuse to speak about responsability is at least insulting for those who are dead.


  22. Is it the new way to clean Thailand from "non bona fide tourist"?

    After this stupid comment, I would like to say sorry for those (foreigners or locals) who have loose life, familly or goods in this horible moment.

    Coming from a sea coast where earthquakes are usual, I know how terrible it can be.I just wonder why it was no alert and evacuation before the wave hit Phuket? Does the first world country as Thailand don't have any capacity to notice something like that????? If someone knew the tsunami was coming , and no alert was given (for any reasons) I consider it's criminal, and certainly action should be taken agains this (or these) people(s) that have stay silent when the wave was still far.

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