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Everything posted by kennypowers

  1. What most men coming to Thailand don't realise is that many of these women are the equivalent to chavs back in the UK. They are basically the underbelly of society – feral, as someone noted above. It's got nothing to do with being poor. Many poor people the world over are peaceful and well-mannered. It is in the upbringing. Bad parenting: abuse, addiction, etc.
  2. Another episode of psychosis...
  3. With all due respect to the family, I would say that an episode of psychosis is a possibility, something he likely had a predisposition for. This is something an above average number of young men experience in Thailand – usually when here for an extended period of time rather than a 2-week holiday. I've followed many cases over the years, including a friend of mine. If I had the budget for a documentary I'd make one on this subject. I'm surprised no one has. These cases are usually brought on by drugs and alcohol, and often extended use of unprescribed sleeping pills to deal with the time zone difference and lack of sleep due to partying, etc. Many members here will recall numerous reports of foreigners going on naked rampages and doing all manor of weird things. Many of these cases are exactly as I described above. Someone experiencing an episode is usually hearing voices, sometimes for many days, starting intermittently and becoming stronger. If not treated, these voices take over, telling the person to do crazy things. Sadly, one of those things can be to kill themselves in a particular way. I may be way off. However, a thorough investigation needs to take place to give the family the respect and closure they deserve. Rest in peace young man.
  4. Met a pleasant Indian family recently. They were negotiating down the price of the 50 Baht Songtaew ride. ????
  5. By how unfriendly they are, and how they ignore you if you smile or attempt a passing "hello/good morning/evening".
  6. Standing up for herself and keeping a distance when necessary is the only solution. She should stand up for herself, politely, and tell them that she is a grown woman with her own family now. She has to make it clear that while she will help out where possible, it may not always be possible, be that emotionally or financially, because she has her own life and a future to build with her family. She should also make it clear that passive aggressive comments and gossiping makes her resentful and not want to be around them. With all due respect, treat them like children. If they misbehave, put them on time out by distancing yourselves and ignoring them. They will soon come running acting graciously again. And lastly, don't get dragged into arguments. Treat any shouting, name calling, sarcasm, etc., with silence. Rise above it. Don't get dragged down to their level. Best of luck!
  7. Most Thai women are under this pressure from their parents/family. They are made to feel guilty and like they are never doing enough. When they fight their corner they are met with the usual antiquated thinking of "Respect and do as your parents say, without question". "Never speak badly to your parents". "As the daughter, it's your duty to take care of your parents". When married to a foreign national, there is no excuse, because she has greater access to funds. You don't matter, not one bit. Many here will say they have this wonderful relationship with their in-laws. In truth, this is because the money flows sufficiently or because they do a good job of pretending to care about him. But behind his back, unless he is providing lots, the family and neighbours are saying mean things. Even in wealthy families, though the issue of being poor isn't apparent, guilt and fear of losing family face and gossiping neighbours still plagues many women long after they've left the family home. You'll notice how happy your wife is when away from her family and out of contact. But when that phone rings, her mood will change. You will see similar patterns in Thai-Thai relationships too. Thai people can of course be wonderful in many ways, and there are always exceptions to the general rule. However, the level of emotional maturity in Thai society is arguably its worst trait. I haven't met a foreign national who has been here at least a few years who disagrees with that.
  8. I would imagine it would come as a real shock to any kid to find out their father was the stereotypical creepy guy with a young Asian GF who is only with him because he can provide financial security. It's embarrassing . Young women do not find old men attractive. Your kids know this, so when they see this dynamic playing out it's hard to get used to the idea that your dad is with someone because of convenience; that is: she gets money/her kids/family taken care of, and he gets to slobber over a young woman's body every night (or day). It isn't pleasant to realize that that's who your father is. It's shallow, and hard to come to terms with. Up until that point, your kid(s) probably had this idea that, considering the values their dad taught them growing up, he would date/marry someone he could relate to, someone who grew up in the same era and likes the same music, art, hobbies. Someone on a similar intellectual level when it comes to politics, philosophy, etc. It would also be hard for your children to relate to that woman, to know she is only really there for the handouts, that she doesn't really love your father or find him remotely attractive. Moreover, she couldn't care less for his intelligence and life achievements. Try looking at it from the perspective of your children, rather than your selfish "f*** everyone" point of view. It's all well and god saying, "They have to lump it. It's my life, etc". But if one has children, one should always consider how one's actions make them feel and how they impact the father-child relationship. My relationship with my kids will always come before any woman. What my kids think of me matters. No matter what age I am, I am their role model.
  9. Did you see his speech at the G7 summit? He was out of his mind, babbling like a person with dementia. It's elder abuse. But then, this isn't recent behaviour. Videos were shared around before his election of very strange things he was saying and doing, some of which involved kids (very concerning). I was very sure American people wouldn't vote for him. Weird world.
  10. The weed I quite like the smell of, but the tobacco they roll it with is the problem - both the smell and it's carcinogenic properties. Either way, any inhaled smoke is bad for the lungs and no one should have to inhale second-hand smoke from a neighbor. Complain.
  11. Spot on. It truly is a strange phenomenon here.
  12. The death penalty? Blimey, wouldn't fancy you in charge of a nation.
  13. Bouncer throwing the punch doesn't look Thai from the pictures? It doesn't matter if he refused to pay his bill. If he was causing a nuisance then call the police. There is no excuse to just start caving someone's head in. He likely just questioned the bill and saw drinks on there he didn't have, as happens every night in these hellholes. This kind of steroid head is just waiting for any excuse to hit someone and prove he is a hard man, when in truth most of them are weak without the juice. And even then, if they come up against someone who can box or grapple they are quickly exposed. I trust the Thai police will press charges for assault (they won't, of course).
  14. I'm shocked that no one turned out. Very underwhelming for him after such a long flight. The tickets still haven't sold out either. Could be a loss on the cards for the promoters.
  15. One huge problem in the insurance industry is that most companies aren't transparent and do not explicitly state the rules on motorbikes/mopeds. Most people assume a ride on 50-100cc bike would be covered. It's a very easy way for insurers to get out of paying up. Even with a valid license, they can deny a payout if you don't have an IDP. They advertise quick and easy online policies for young travellers who are just excited to get packed and head off. When was the last time you read a 6,000 word terms and conditions for any warranty or service you undertook. Yes, responsibility has to be assumed, but there needs to be some legislation that explicitly states prior to buying the insurance that "you are not covered for riding any type of motorbike, not matter the size of the engine, or electric bike, unless you have a helmet of x standard, a full driver's license, international permit, and the bike itself is insured...etc".
  16. £65 odd quid! That's so cheap. Would likely cost 200-300 back in the UK.
  17. Proper legality and regulation will provide better protection for sex workers, but it may come as a shock when they have to start paying tax and other associated registration and insurance costs. I can see sex work being subject to a number of "business costs". The tax man can also look into earnings from the past 10 years, tracing assets purchased such as land, a home, a car, and even money given to family members. Could be a huge pay day for Thailand, and a new source of revenue.
  18. She ran a good time considering the costume. Congratulations to her. She was probably suffering jet lag too, if she flew in less than a week before her race.
  19. My word. The callous comments never cease to amaze me. That being said, you can guarantee those who make them couldn't fight their way out of a brown paper bag.
  20. I would count my lucky stars that a broken nose is the only damage and move on with my life, vowing not to be so stupid ever again.
  21. I've been here long enough to know that you may end up becoming the villain and not the hero. Next morning, when they are love birds again, you will be branded an attacker or interfering farang. You may also end up stabbed or shot. A farang interfering in the affairs of a Thai man's family is the ultimate loss of face. I agree though, it's hard to walk away. I would simply tell the nearest Thai person or security guard and ask them to call the police.
  22. Seems to be a lot of spiteful, jealous comments on here that one would expect from a teenager with a bruised ego, not supposedly mature men who have lived an examined life. Let them be; they are young and in love. Maybe it will last, maybe it won't, but they are enjoying their romance as young people should. And yes, they are both wealthy. He is self-made; hat off to him. Being a YouTuber is a career path these days, just in case you've been under a rock for the past 18 years.
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