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Posts posted by ProfessorFart

  1. Its a very effective way of revenge from beyond the grave in Thailand I must say!

    She will spend the rest of her life looking over her shoulder! Every mishap in her life, be it minor or major, will be put down to this!

    I bet she'll probably spend the 3 million Baht on witch doctors and fortune tellers over the next few years!

  2. Another problem for Pattaya is that it has to contend with snobbery. There is this mentality which is rife in expat circles and also put about by some guidebooks, Lonely Planet the main culprit here, that Pattaya is merely a sex shop and somehow not 'real Thailand'

    The truth is that most of those who knock Pattaya have probably spent a hel_l of a lot of time there in the past and now somehow see themselves as being 'above it all' now.

  3. My problem with this is that Warne could be a valuable asset to have in the UK. Just think what his influence could do on a young spinner in the Hampshire ranks. But the mighty British Press having seen off Eriksson now see Warne as the next fair target yet they'll be whining about a lack of decent spinners in England when he decides that enough is enough.

    As for his playing until he's 40 I hope so, however I wonder if he can keep fit. The last few years have seen some pretty long breaks for Warne through injury and general wear and tear. I reckon that playing county cricket will have its toll on Warne sooner rather than later.

  4. I take it you're back in the USA?

    I'd start by contacting the Thai Embassy in the USA and the US Embassy in Bangkok with your story and see what they advise.

    It sounds to me like you have had a very bad deal but it also seems like you are up against someone who is very calculating who has probably totally covered her tracks by now.

    Personally (and it is all too easy for me to say) I'd write the whole thing off to bad experience and thank your lucky stars you got away unless you can provide solid proof to incriminate your wife.

    Good luck, but sadly you are not the first and will not be the last either.

  5. Common sense is the key here. You can't believe how many people seem to check it in at the airport and forget to reclaim it!

    Trust me Pattaya is far safer than the likes of Benidorm, Magaluff etc which are clogged with battling Euros every night, most of whom don't seem too be much bothered about who they involve in their violence.

    Gimme Pattaya anytime!

  6. If you were prepared to head back to the UK for the game then surely it would be better to head to BKK for the final with some fellow hammers?

    You still have time to round the one or two there are in Thailand.......... :o

  7. The trouble is would you know it if you saw it?

    I recall an incident on Soi Diana Inn one evening where two guys attacked a man walking with a young girl. Turned out that the young girl was his step daughter and these two thugs were carted off to the nick and deported.

    Its a tough call.

    Vigilance from expats, locals, such as this noble security guard who deserves a medal in my eyes, and tourists to Pattaya can only help.

    If you see something iffy then tell the MIB. If you are mistaken at least they can handle it. If you are not mistaken and can help rid society from one of these vile people then your vigilance has paid off.

  8. They still show all the build up in the UK.

    I agree with Nonthaburial and will also drop ESPNSTAR an email. Who knows? If they get enough they may listen.

    When you get up on FA cup day and its on the box from noon onwards. FA cup Mastermind, FA cup Question of Sport, interviews with Tarby........ah the memories.

    Can't wait til its back a Wembley either!

  9. At the end of the day the only people squealing about 'stealing' are those whos profits are slightly dented.

    My question is will these bands and film makers stop producing their goods if piracy continues?

    I think not.

    Will they have to bring their outrageous prices down to combat piracy?

    Very probably.

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