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Everything posted by IamNoone88

  1. The mystery of the "missing link" has been found alive and intoxicated in Pattaya.
  2. I have a business in Isaan and find it refreshingly pleasant to visit. Not a blunt in sight and genuinely nice people.
  3. Facing off against an irrate Big Joke who is determined to put you behind bars must be a terrifying experience for any cop. Keep up the good work.
  4. They dont look like the benefactors of a THB 3 billion scam. More like one wheel in a multi call centre cog. More like one operating arm for the Chinese masterminds.
  5. There is no need to be concerned in Phuket with the PSI index from the annual burning in Indonesia as it drifts across. The island is awash with pot shops and the pungent smell of weed on the beach and in the bars which can be an unbearable thick haze. Personally, I don't care if people want to trip out the stuff ... just don't subject me and my like minded friends to the same pungent smoke .... <deleted> off outside and smoke yer joints.
  6. Police, meanwhile, said that all the people who are responsible for the safe keeping of the caesium-137 will be questioned to discover how one of the canisters went missing from the power plant. Easy it was sold a few Baht, probably together with plastic bottles and other scrap metal.
  7. Zero would be a much better number.
  8. The issue is not if he goes .. but what happens next if he stays.
  9. Selective refugees. Don't see the door open taking on a few 10,000's of the rubber boat types who have been invading Europe these past years. Sensible.
  10. "Not Air"? ... really. Nok Air might have something to say about. And the t and k keys are even close to each other!
  11. The RTP and French Ambassador are correct. These groups of typically French north Afican decent are a daily nuisance, tearing down the roads, cutting up traffic, on the more powerful motor scooters endangering other users. Other interactions off road can be just rude and belligerent. Hard to believe until you see it.
  12. I don't think losing a license will stop many people from driving anyway. They will simply get back behind the wheel with little respect and take their chances on being stopped or involved in accident.
  13. Stealing is acceptable? Under the law, any law, ignorance is no defence.
  14. Heavily tatooed and intoxicated Australian admitted to starting the argument. Enough said.
  15. I hope he loses and it costs him.
  16. "transgender" is an oxymoron, meaningless and it features nowhere in my vocabulary. Ladyboy is a perfectly adequate descriptor and in my opinion, totally non-offensive. I will not yield to the woke agenda.
  17. Must have seen 10 people looking like this beared guy so far today.
  18. Insightful as to just how "outranged" foreigners are on corruption in Thailand .... as if their own home country politics is so squeaky clean and incorruptible. In my opinion, western governments with their nepotism and shading back room dealings are far worse. Pity there are not a few more Chewit's in the west to follow.
  19. The headline should more correctly read "Why Thailand has attracted more foreign tourists than Vietnam, according to just one random person"
  20. Not enough information on the full circumstances of the fall or the reason why their insurance is not paying .. only they need a significant donation.
  21. London was ranked 1st. A city that has a horrendous crime rate where even the police advertise on billboards not to wear valuables in public. The tube is filthy and service standards across the board are generally very poor. Restaurants and cafes are crowded and expensive - as is public transport. Public toilets are few and far between. Try and enter a historic site and be prepared to pay through the nose for the privilege. While Bangkok has it's own issues, none of them are above and in my opinion is a much better city.
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