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Everything posted by IamNoone88

  1. I don't pay attention to politics. I have a business to run and people to pay.
  2. In defense of the RTP it is a big country, they are not paid well and I see plenty of examples of these guys doing a good job with what they have. Road carnage, foreingers, daily murders and shootings. Its a tough job with little thanks.
  3. Very sad. No supervision. I clearly remember those aweful cartoon public education adverts in the UK ... telling us all "don't be like Dave" and "to learn to swim young man". Cheesy as they were and the aweful freezing weather ... we all learnt to swim.
  4. For those of us that run legitimate businesses in Thailand and comply with our role as "guests" in this country which we choose to call home, it abhors me that there are fellow expats that lead a disgraceful existence that ultimately result in a tragedy such as this. It is beyond shameful.
  5. 100 cases in a population of 1,575,000,000. Nuff said.
  6. Have the RTP spoken with the TAT about this? I see a new advertising campaign in the making.
  7. By the same token the mosques should tone down their 5am prayer call to the legal 10 decibels as required by law before 6am, especially in Phuket.
  8. ,17 years ago a very wise Thai businessman told me not to depend upon the Gov't for support. In fact, he told that as business people we must nagivate through each challenge or crisis ourselves. How true that advice has been over the years. So, I avoid politics and focus on what I can control. Complaining does no good. Get on with what have.
  9. I do not think I would be giving the thumbs up if I had sadly been reduced to a wheel chair at the hands of a drunken gun weilding cop. Very tragic for the victim. If the force were held accountable for the financial actions of their members such as paying compensation ... we might see more "will" to reduce these types of crime.
  10. My kids don't participate in this period. Neither do they approve. They retain a better value system to life.
  11. I believe there is a term for it "Queening out" as found in the aptly name "Word of the Gay" ....... https://wordofthegay.wordpress.com/2008/03/28/13-queening-out/
  12. Brings to mind Boris, Sunak, Truss ..... would you rather be snake bit, shot or water tortured.
  13. Casino's, magic shrooms, marijuana. Great change is seemingly upon us. None of which I wish upon our children.
  14. Sadly, not a very clearly witten article from TN on this occasion.
  15. Its going to be difficult to wear a seat belt bouncing along in the back of a pick-up truck..... workers, extended families ... perhaps a cargo net over the top ...
  16. A group of hardened Cambodian fishermen that pretty much have knifes in their hands all day for cutting purposes going at it must have been quite a spectacle to watch.
  17. This kid seems to be trying to deal with this in the best way a 27 year old can that has caused negligent death. I do not see him as denying the facts - in fact he seems to be facing his responsibilities and must be feeling pretty terrible about this and the somewhat avoidable mistakes that were made. It could have been avoided but it went very bad for every-one concerned ... there are no winners in this terrible tragedy.
  18. Thank goodness. No chance of my beloved reliable petrol engine being phased out for a very long time at that rate then.
  19. This morning I was visiting Isaan and was driving to my project. The road a head was blocked by a 10 wheeler dropping fill for the road expansion ... all cars had stopped and I was probably the 6th car in line. The truck move off and traffic started to move. Then another oncoming 10 wheeler came in our direction and was going too fast ... suddenly it swerved across the road in front of us ... maybe 5 cars ahead and hit the new electric pylon, turning on its side in the ditch .... Luckily no other car was hit .... had I been 10 seconds earlier, who knows as the traffic was already moving ...... it was quite a scene.
  20. There are always two sides to the forex coin. Inward remitters are benefitting and so will exports. Those sending funds overseas or importing or buying imported goods and raw materials are suffering - prices will/are increasing. The Dollar is too strong. Whatever it is .... we are either a victim or we benefit .... so manage it has to be managed accordingly ... no-one will else is going to help.
  21. If its done well, such as Singapore, it will succeed. If not it will be like Cambodia with Chinese entities scarring the landscape.
  22. Sadly, it will continue, with as much certainty as the sun rises each day. There are many contributing factors .. law enforcement is just one ... however, it begins and ends with every driver on the road. Drivers cause accidents ... not the police.
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