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Everything posted by IamNoone88

  1. I don't believe that there is anything new here. Get back to business, stay out of trouble and focus on things that can make a difference.
  2. 60 years old ..... bet that wasn't the first time he had driven drunk.
  3. The photo above in which he gesticulates with two fingers, says it all as to this guys character.
  4. Interesting that the Authorities chose a photo of the rarer red squirrel to represent monkey pox in the above image. Surely not squirrel pox?
  5. McCormick was jailed for 10 years last year and others followed - 47-year-old businessman Gary Bolton was convicted last August, Samuel Tree will now spend three and a half years in jail, while his wife received a suspended sentence. The Bedfordshire couple bought cheap plastic parts from China and assembled the devices in a shed in their back garden. Courtesy of the BBC in their 2014 report. I would assume all are released by now and enjoying live.
  6. Them be fancy market strategy buzzwords. Reality, Russians won't be coming because they can't. Neither will the Chinese because they pretty much can't. A whole bunch of other people will holiday at home as inflation gets the better of them and any disposable income they had left. Add in a dash of travel chaos ... additional travel taxes and a society that want to claw back previous losses by raising prices.
  7. He admitted that he was duped when he was told by Anutin in parliament that decriminalisation was intended for medical and industrial purposes, when, in fact, they were not. That was my understanding and under 0.2% THC content ... which is difficult for domestic growers to control I would imagine ... leaving it potentially wide open to fines or bribes when they don't and a nice consortium to process, control and manipulate things ... much like happens with rice.
  8. This is not Thailand's proxy war on Russia. It is the West's. Better to stay out of things that don't involve you. As long as this guy does not break Thai laws ... welcome.
  9. Yes, the pot heads fits nicely into the strategic intent of moving from a low cost tourism backpacker segment to a more affluent premium traveller and wealthy family segment ....... or have I misunderstood. With recent changes, Singaporeans have already been warned if that if they test positive for drugs on return to SG from Thailand, they will be fined and imprisoned.
  10. More nonsense. Again, gasping defeat from the jaws of victory.
  11. Call it what by it is .... a "rip off" by any other name, especially for expatriates and foreigners who are local tax and social security contributors based in Thailand. Pretty much the same genre as two tiered hotel pricing that is being mulled.
  12. Ever heard of cause and effect principle? The first action was cause ... high on drugs ... the outcome or effect .. murder by gun crime. So the cause was drugs, the means a shotgun.
  13. There's a special place in hell for these rampant scammers. I do get some satisfaction though from cursing them over the phone when they call. I hope it ruins their day.
  14. Another diluted number, made to look severe. ....... "13 cases out which 76.92%"..... or 10 in numbers. In sampling, that doesn't even count. Sooo, 10 out of how many thousands that were infected over a period of x days.
  15. I'm am looking forward to mask free airports and flights.... in about 2030. I am pretty sure I caught covid either on a flight or transiting Bangkok while complying with all this nonsense and inconvenience - so better just run the risk and be comfortable while traveling. Masks do not seem to make a difference - so lets at least be comfortable.
  16. Another gun totting psychopathic lunatic who shot another person released back onto the streets and for just THB 300k. Have not heard of holding without bail?
  17. I heard a rumour it could require weekly booster shots and then quite possibly daily........
  18. A total increase of 18 in a population of 71,000,000. You do the math as the % to population is so far behind the decimal point my calculator probably does have enough digits to show a meaningless number. Road deaths were probably up by a greater % yesterday and that doesn't make a headline.
  19. They will default and lose the motorbike, car ..... land. Kai faak will rise and that will bring more despair,
  20. GDP negative of -6.2% in 2020 with a growth from that decline in 2021 of 1.6% and a forecast now of 2.5% - still puts the economy well behind 2019 by 2.1% and this does not take into consideration that the country should have had growth under a normal functioning economy during 2020 and 2021 (which widens forecast vs actual). Increase revenue has nothing to do with offsetting national inflation which is outstripping growth by a long way. Bottom line, the economy is still behind 2019 levels, the Gov't borrowing and inflation is a major issue. Public debt has risen to 62% of GDP .... however, compare to the UK at 95.7% or US at 128.9% of GDP is "relatively" good. Dark days, nothing to celebrate yet.
  21. They need a (many) big signs at Central to say masks no longer required and the removal of the overzealous security guards tbat jump on those not wearing them ... and then 7/11 and the airports. If you want to wear ... "up to you".
  22. Central are still enforcing the mask mandate. They need to wake up. Ridiculous.
  23. You can get the pox from a monkey, then covid from a cat and a nasty rash from a toilet seat.... thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
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