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Everything posted by jcmj

  1. That mother should lose all of her parental rights, the teacher re educated, and the stepfather in jail. For financial reasons it’s okay??? WTF
  2. Very sad way to go for the dogs.
  3. Not really surprised. It’s happening all over Thailand. Just starting to catch a few these days.
  4. One wrong step and it’s over. Can happen to anyone. We always think we can do something until it’s too late and either stop or pay the price. Unfortunately for him it was his life. RIP
  5. It’s sad to see life cheapened so much these days. I hope they find her and make her face what she has done and spends the rest of her life in jail. Pathetic woman. RIP family.
  6. A little too late for that one, but nice that they are starting to acknowledge the problems arising from these so called monks. As many have stated they need to get back to the basic principles of what Buddhism is about.
  7. Why do they never go after the employers? I’m sure it’s because they get paid off, but they should be held accountable for this.
  8. There are several dog and cat cafes. You’d think that they would be more risky. Apparently not so they say.
  9. I see so many companies looking for employees that must have a bachelor’s degree and offer a very low salary. Why are these kids fooled into going to University to study who knows what and only the elite may benefit from it? They need hands on experience so either take the lower paying job for a couple of years, get some good experience and then search for a better job. Otherwise skip the University and work your way up. I’d prefer to hire with more experience than just a degree.
  10. Why even post this until they have investigated it and know the facts.
  11. Sick bastard. Hope he gets what’s coming to him in jail and never gets out.
  12. I could give a rats a** about Auntin, but glad they got this scumbag. I hope they continue to find them and put them in jail for life.
  13. You can blame the schools a bit because they don’t want to upset the kids parents and lose face. So they get away with a lot more than we did growing up. But it’s really up to the parents to ingrain respect their elders and peers. They also need to be taught how to handle themselves when they are upset or don’t get what they want. My son would never dare raise his voice or disrespect an elder and understands that he can’t always get what he wants. Kids are stuck to their phones and unfortunately many parents are as well.
  14. Well at least TAT can increase their numbers 🤣
  15. I haven’t been able to get dormicum in about three years. I think they stopped getting them in the hospital. I don’t really use use Xanax , but you can get mirtazapine or trazadone at the pharmacy. Long flights suck. I get it.
  16. I hope that they realize by now that a slap on the hand and a small fine won’t stop them. Hopefully they toughen up and use 4 strikes and you’re out. Obviously 1,2 and 3 didn’t work.
  17. Tax paid now time to recover their losses. Should have locked them up.
  18. Is that for Thai garbage or will China be sending their garbage here? Nothing is ever what it seems like with the Chinese.
  19. How did Thailand miss it when he departed? Either they didn’t check properly or didn’t want to do anything and just notified the UK. Same with Dubai. Seems like they are getting lax as well.
  20. Hope they find him soon. Very sad news. I didn’t realize it was still considered monsoon season though. I thought we were in the winter season but with more rainfall as usual this time of year. Never underestimate Mother Nature.
  21. Someone forgot to send the envelopes.
  22. Obviously the Thais don’t want the pay that goes with these jobs or are just lazy. Send the Indians packing and keep the rest and make sure that the employers are punished hard if they don’t register them. The poor workers are the only ones suffering.
  23. The Biden administration is doing everything they can to create chaos and destruction for the American people. His administration wants Trump up to his neck with troubles from day one. Why destroy America because of one man winning the election that wasn’t on your team. It’s going to be a big mess soon.
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