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Everything posted by jcmj

  1. Sad. She definitely needs help and those poor kids will need help too.
  2. This shows how well they inspect these places. They don’t. Probably live wires everywhere and no grounding.
  3. They should never give a lump sum. It will be gone in a couple of days. Better to just increase their monthly allowance. MIL receives 800 baht a month then get taxed on that so around 750 per month. Pathetic.
  4. Looks like they have their answer. They just need to fix it.
  5. Great initiative. Wishing them success. We definitely need these all over Thailand.
  6. I hope they lock him up and he gets what he deserves. Sick man abusing these children.
  7. Pratumnak hill has become a nightmare as well during the weekend or holidays. One lane into Cosy Beach area and One Lane out. With all of the new restaurants and the Fishing Village coming soon it’s only going to bottle next even more. The city doesn’t look into the infrastructure before allowing all of these places. What happens if there’s a big fire or an accident. They need an alternative way out. Plus with no light and loads of busses it just all comes to a halt. They need to put their forces on the streets at least, to try to direct the traffic better.
  8. Switched SCB was not a problem for me, but we shall see when the next automatic bill payment comes up.
  9. You have let them come in for 90 days without a problem and now you are seeing the effects. At least you got your numbers 🙄
  10. Until they give high fines for DUI and worse if they don’t have a license nothing will change. They occasionally set up checkpoints but need a police force out all of the time to catch and stop those they believe are under the influence. Laws mean absolutely nothing here because they are never enforced.
  11. I have had no issues with my TM30 online at the Jomtien immigration. My account does it for me and I print it out and give it to them when I go for my retirement renewal. Never an issue and I don’t keep a copy of it or the 90 day online approval in my passport. I also make sure not to use my passport in hotels when traveling in Thailand, so they don’t do a TM30 while I stay there. Use my Thai ID. This alone can cause you problems and you have to re submit one when you get home.
  12. Meds here are much cheaper except for the ones that are more expensive. Insurance only covers it when you have been admitted to the hospital and leave with prescriptions. Otherwise you have to pay. Local pharmacies are much cheaper unless it is a controlled substance they don’t carry and you will pay for it dearly at the hospital. Not much you can do. If it’s too expensive then fly home, otherwise you will have to just suck it up and pay for it here. Always find out the generic names for your meds. That makes a huge difference as well.
  13. Very Sad. Glad they got the runner. I saw 3 accidents on Friday. The airport bus ran over a motorbike on Threppasit Rd. Guy was still stuck under the bus. Two on Pratumnak hill with cars hitting motorbikes. Both looked very bad. I really have no clue who was in the wrong. I know it was Loy Krathong and a full moon, but I don’t think I ever saw 3 in one drive. It’s just getting worse every day, especially the holidays when Pattaya gets packed with all of the tourists coming from Bangkok and other cities. They don’t know where they are going and don’t pay attention to the roads. Plus all of the tourists from overseas that cross the road wherever they want. Pattaya wants these people but don’t have the infrastructure or the police to help. I’m afraid it’s only going to get worse.
  14. Plenty of them in Pattaya zigzagging through the traffic. An accident waiting to happen. Just don’t do a go fund me page when you get stuck with the bills. You take the risk, you pay. Yeah, I know, the Thais and a few foreigners are driving around on unlicensed, uninsured vehicles but that’s why I have a license and full coverage insurance. Just in case of an accident with any of these people. Until one day they start enforcing it 😂🤣 better safe than sorry.
  15. While I agree with the other comments I also know that there are many foreign idiots driving around with no clue about the laws. And like some Thais they don’t care and know that the police are not out patrolling.
  16. They should never give a lump sum as most will use it up within a week. They definitely should make monthly payments to help them but a one off payment will just not work.
  17. It might be hard to believe but Thai police officers have to pay for basic equipment out of their own pockets. Thai police officers must purchase uniforms, firearms, transceivers, handcuffs and even motorcycles if required for duty. No wonder they don’t want to go out and do their job. 800 baht a month for allowance? Just petrol would cost more than that. Plus the government should be providing a decent salary and give them the essentials for their jobs. All they get is an housing allowance and government hospital insurance. I’d be setting up some roadside helmet and seatbelt stops as well for some pocket money. You get what you pay for.
  18. Not really surprised at all.
  19. Either his uniform was too tight and heavy or he didn’t know how to swim. Sadly the runner got away and the policeman didn’t.
  20. There are several pool maintenance companies that you can use if you want to travel. If it’s a matter of cost then just empty it, as you stated, and fill it up when you plan to sell. Emptying the pool should cause no issues as it is cement and tile. It may need rerouted before you fill it up again and not sure about the pump. It’ll just look ugly, but if it’s a burden just do it.
  21. Probably thought he should get 5 straws with his 1 beer purchase. Obviously some kind of language barrier but still shouldn’t have been assaulted by an outsider. Probably more to the story if they haven’t released the CCTV footage.
  22. Once again. They only act after the fact.
  23. Dad for him and his family, but he knew the consequences of possessing that many drugs. He could have just bought a couple a day and would not have been charged. Sad situation and I do agree that they need to go after the big fish.
  24. I wish them luck in getting the compensation due, but am not holding my breath. I have a feeling that this will not be good news to any company that intends to open a business here that requires parts from overseas. Would love to know if Thailand stopped them from importing the goods, or just taxed the stuff and made it a long difficult process.
  25. Great idea, but very expensive and probably no warranty or maintenance involved. They always come up with great ideas but they just don’t seem to think about the maintenance costs afterwards.
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