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Everything posted by jcmj

  1. Until they crack down hard on the companies that rent them out nothing will change.
  2. I would take him any day compared to Anutin. At least when worked and live here under his leadership he supported the foreigners and their investments. Sure he got caught out in the end and should be out of the political arena, but better still than the foreign hater Anutin.
  3. Same news every year with the same results. Nothing is going to change until they continually monitor the situation and impose hefty fines on the drivers and the rental companies.
  4. This doesn’t help the long term retiree at all. They need to make it easier for us with less paperwork and threats of taxation. We are the ones who are supporting the local businesses and people.
  5. A simple alarm system and/or a dog could fix that problem. Security cameras are cheap as well and just having them up will lessen the risk of burglary. The neighbors would all be awaken if my alarms ever went off. If you have anything of value, life included, you should take cautions.
  6. This is just another example of how the Thai education system is failing. Kids need to be taught about these things from a young age by both the parents and the teachers. There are so many predators out there and we need to have an open dialogue about sexual manipulation and why you should never send explicit photos to anyone. It’s a sick world we live in. Anyone caught preying on our children must be punished severely.
  7. Probably just the flu, but if you are that concerned about it you should get tested and quit using Dr Google or forums for your answers.
  8. Mankind is already destroying everything on land and polluting the seas, unfortunately now they will destroy the sea life even more. All for greed. Humans are the worst thing that has happened to earth.
  9. I agree with the 1st poster. The places that he stayed at and didn’t file a TM30 should be fined. Why is it that all of the foreigners living here have to have the headaches of reporting this, or being fined, but the hotels or guesthouses get off Scott free. Would have saved his father a trip.
  10. This has the makings of one of the best sh*t shows ever. Let the mud slinging begin.
  11. I guess they are happy that their credit card minimum payments have been reduced and are willing to spend more. Unfortunately they don’t apparently get that the interest rates remain the same and increase their long repayment debt. This country is only worried about how much people spend, not how they can handle repaying it. Sad state of affairs.
  12. It truly fucs with your head, and unless you have this issue with this your whole life you will never understand.
  13. You would think that by now people are smart enough to understand what works for one person does not mean it works for another. Common sense apparently isn’t so common anymore.
  14. Seems like there’s a bit more to the story than that, but I guess we’ll never know.
  15. Isn’t it always busy in April for the Thai New Year? I guess with everything being so slow now they have to look at the past figures to show how well they are doing.
  16. I guess that they don’t want to let him go freely to another party with his status so they decide not to expel him. Never ceased to be amazed here.
  17. I’m sure they are prepared for the worst considering how things are run here, but hopefully they will get a victory for themselves and the people.
  18. The lack of good education and the way they treat the foreigners here doesn’t help. They proclaim to want tourists and retirees but they have so many rules and regulations that many are finally looking to go elsewhere. Now all they are looking for are numbers and we can clearly see that this is causing all sorts of issues. You reap what you sow.
  19. Considering that the electric prices have been rising, and the news for even higher rates, it is no surprise that people are thinking twice before buying an EV. I’m still not convinced that the EV is a good thing. Still too many unknowns.
  20. That would have been one of the smartest things they could have done. Even better would have been to use it to pay off the electric “debt “ and keep the electric price down. But TIT
  21. This is exactly why we need to have the execution laws back in place and enforced. This guy certainly deserves the punishment. RIP little one
  22. It’s all down to Greed. EGAT is not hurting for money, they just want bigger profits.
  23. This happens every year. They need to be more consistent throughout the year, not just when all of the complaints start rolling in. But TIT
  24. He swings more than a ladyboy on walking street. Always trying to fit in until he sticks it to you.
  25. I highly doubt that the pay that the Thais made have anything to do with this. They are paid barely enough to get by. It’s the government letting China come in and take control and don’t impose taxes as they should. They are trying to get every penny out of the foreigners but give the Chinese a pass. Greed will be there own demise.
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