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Everything posted by jcmj

  1. Surprise Surprise. Keep going after the cheapest group tours and this’ll be the outcome. We all know who they are catering to.
  2. Dental Point clinic on the road behind Big C Xtra on Pattaya Klang. Great service and prices.
  3. I sure hope they start to work together to patrol both sides especially after posting news about seeing them. They are in much more danger now than ever.
  4. Why do they start this <deleted> during the high season. There’s already too many traffic jams due to incomplete road construction. They just don’t get it, or could care less. Pattaya city is a nightmare to drive through these days.
  5. Well if EGAT gets subsidies then they should pass it down to the consumer, but it is all about the greed. The least they could do is keep it at the same rate throughout the year and not increase the prices when they lose some of their subsidies. But TIT
  6. Would be nice to have a direct link to her page to buy some of these dolls. Can’t seem to find her on Facebook by name or which one. Love to help.
  7. It happens way more often than reported. Don’t ever send a video or duck pic If you don’t want your Willy being seen by the world, especially if it’s to an online romance.
  8. All of these “Awards “ are well paid for in advance when submitting the paperwork. It’s a bunch of crockery and is just a way for Thailand to try to stay in the game and look much better than it actually is. Hence the drop in actual figures coming.
  9. I use the Orestone Group which I believe is also called Pattaya Renovations. They are not very expensive and they do a great job. You can search google to find them. If you can’t find them let me know.
  10. I brought my friend to the hospital as he was having his second stroke. It was clear and as soon as they got him into the emergency room, unable to speak and very weak, they came in with a credit card machine and asked for a deposit. I absolutely blew up, told them he has insurance and told her to get the hell out of there. The doctors came and did the bloodwork, confirmed their diagnosis and the lady came back and said they have to do an MRI. The lady came back again and wanted a deposit because it was an international policy. He was clearly upset and disoriented and I told them I would take care of it and just do the scans and help him. I did have to go to the registrar while he was getting his scans done and put a deposit down, even though he had insurance. So be warned. They always spout this BS about taking care of emergency patients but that’s clearly not the case. My friend ended up having a 3rd stroke and thankfully I was there pushing to get him treated or he may have been another well hid statistic. This definitely needs more attention and monitoring.
  11. It wasn’t a Chinese boom in travelers it was a conference. Numbnuts
  12. Awesome. Hopefully they will start filling the streets there instead of Pattaya. I hope they aren’t expecting them to spend much. 1 beer 4 straws please. 🤪
  13. So they searched Thailand more, saw all of the <deleted> that happened there, and booked flights to other destinations. Sounds a bit more straightforward. How in the world can they think anyone believes their made up figures anymore.
  14. Hopefully they will understand that they need to let them hit maturity and keep a sustainable farm.
  15. These poor boys will be scarred for life. They need to defrock this scumbag and throw him in jail where , hopefully, he will get what he’s been giving. And shame on any parent for not trusting their child and sending them back to the same place.
  16. Nothing new here. Always going for the poor “uneducated “ people who are just trying to survive, instead of the real people and companies destroying the planet.
  17. Considering they gave a much higher figure after the first quarter then revised it every other month downwards, it’s no wonder why they will hit their target. They have no clue and are always changing the figures to make themselves look good. 🤪
  18. It may be because the Jomtien immigration asks for more, or different, documents than most other immigration centers. They won’t even accept some of the documents on the Thailand official immigration website as they have their own documents that they want.
  19. I’m sure TAT will use this as an excuse when they don’t hit their over the top estimations of tourists this year. They will always find a reason, and one just jumped into their laps.
  20. Should be fired immediately. That’s no way to get respect or get anything done. Unfortunately too many idiots in power here have bought it, instead of earning it. TIT
  21. They must have forgotten that they were originally quoting much higher figures. All they do is guess and adjust their figures when they see the real figures from other sources. They are a waste of space.
  22. Yeah. Let’s see how that will play out. Doubt it will be pretty.
  23. I’d suggest making a new Thai delicacy from the iguana. Stir fried, bbq’d, fried. So many options and not far from what many people eat already. Probably a bit more meat.
  24. They will be regretting this soon enough.
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