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Posts posted by ggt

  1. Avoid the threats of suicide...knives to your stomach...removal of your manhood...all the drama and accusations of you being mentally impaired for even thinking such a thing...plan your escape...move out while she is elsewhere...leave a note and a few baht...don't look back...good luck!

  2. Is there actually somebody who would willingly pay these amounts for a girlfriend/wife?

    Unfortunately for the sane ex-pats...there are those that would and do give all their worldly goods...accumulated over a lifetime to live with a Thai woman...

    This fuggs it up...for the those who take a more rational approach to the Thais marketing their fine puzzy...

    You can have an excellent time in Thailand with NSA...No strings attached...

    Protect your wealth...if you give it all up...you may find yourself broke...broken...and alone...and no one in Thailand will give a sxxt about you...

  3. First I read "Weeklong New Year holiday spurs 30 million baht spendings by 20 million Thais"

    And I thought..........wow these Thais are big spenders.........spending 1.5 Baht each.

    Then I realized, we are speaking about billions.......

    Moral of the story........read the text first..............

    This is likely a clerical error...30 billion actually spent...with officials only recording 30 million and pocketing the difference...

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