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Posts posted by ggt

  1. Years ago the floating market was a genuine thriving Thai market...was a fun place to visit...

    Now it is just another tourist trap in my opinion...took my son to see the market...the boat driver took us to several vendors (where he would get a commission if we bought something) and since we were not impressed with the Thai trinkets and refused to buy...he hustled back after a short ride...what a rip off...you were wise to stand your ground...you did not miss anything...

  2. Thailand has not addressed the Muslim terrorist issue with the resources to squash these radicals...that area of Thailand will remain unsafe for hardworking Thais and their families until it is dealt with properly...

    May have to adopt a "scorched earth" program to root these thugs from their hiding places...make it too uncomfortable to live there...move back to Malaysia...

  3. Election 2 years away and the rhetoric is already heating up around the nation...

    Dems have Hillary...Repubs have a mess...if they are not careful...they will defame one another to the point that the elections will be pointless...

    I shutter to think what will be left of the country if the Obama admins initiatives are carried forward for another 4 to 8 years...

  4. Deficit spending and printing gobs of baht to throw at the Thai business community is a dead end street...

    This will end badly...can go on for a short while...then implode....watch the US, Japan, and Europe for what happens when this Ponzi scheme comes to an end...

    Probably in the next two years...the shxt-will-hit-the-fan in these countries who have bought time by deficit spending...making the end game so much worse for their populations...

  5. There is an internet posting called "USA Watchdog" where government propaganda is sifted thru and you get a more realistic appraisal of an economic event or government overreach...

    So far...this and other sites like USA Watchdog have not been shutdown...but as governments become more insecure one might expect these beacons for hope and truth to be shut down..."in the national interest" of the US...

    Would be good it Thailand allows free expression of its policies without government intervention...probably not going to happen...

  6. I have never found the inability of being able to speak the language a problem,

    I suppose if you do not know what is being said by Thais...there is less chance for you to become pissed at how you are being perceived...

    Knowing the Thai language is important if you do not want to live in isolation...never immersing one's self in Thai culture...how boring...

    Tell me, what do you mean by Thai 'culture'?

    I'm here for my partner. I've lost any interest I ever had in Thai 'culture' long ago. But do go on and enlighten us about what it is and how you have gone about immersing yourself in it.

    Ignorance they say...is bliss...you make my point exactly...enjoy your stay...in this foreign country...

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