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Posts posted by ggt

  1. The REAL question here is...why does Englishmen living in Thailand bother you?...I could think of scores of other Thailand irritants that rank above the English, Russian, Chinese and even Australians enjoying themselves in Thailand...not to mention the Americans, Japanese and folks from the ME...

    The question we would like to ask the OP...what is your problem with Englishmen?

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  2. "Gold has always been a sound investment."

    Especially when the value declines 35% in a couple years. How can I get on that gravy train?

    You need to get on the internet and acquaint yourself with Gold and Silver investing...

    Here are a few sites:






    There are numerous other...to numerous to list here

    Good Luck!

  3. Take them to the beach...have one of the many roving massage ladies take care of your ladies...while they are preoccupied...scurry off to soy 6 on Jomtien Beach Road...right across from the beach...pick out a lady lovely...and enjoy a massage soi 6 style...you will not be disappointed...

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  4. Before the Nov elections...which was a condemnation of the Obama government's policies...Obama could simply tell Harry Reid, leader of the Senate, not to allow a piece of by-partisan legislation to come to a vote in the Senate...so Obama would not have to use a veto to disapprove of the legislation that was not part of his personal agenda for his community of supporters...

    Now...however...the Senate is controlled by the Republicans and legislation will certainly be sent to the President's desk for approval...

    By threatening to veto legislation...Obama is doing a preemptive strike against legislation which is not part of his game plan...letting the Congress and Senate know before they get started...that he will be hostile to their attempts to advance proposals to move the country forward after 6 years of stalemate legislation and dictatorial Presidential Executive orders...

    Two more years of a man using one of the most powerful offices in the world for his personal play thing...

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