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Posts posted by ggt

  1. Timing is everything...along with location...in a retail type business...

    Customer numbers are down in most of Thailand...

    Could be years...if ever...they get back to 2012-2013 tourist numbers...

    Tourist baht and ex-pat baht filter down thru Thai economy...

    Volume of baht transactions are down significantly from previous years...

  2. Thais could easily adapt this advice when dealing with horny drunk farangs:

    1. Pause your vehicle at least 30 meters apart if spotting a horny drunk farang crossing the road. If the horny drunk farang walks closer, shift your car in reverse gear, maintain your composure and drive off slowly. Wait patiently until the farang beast walks off the road and start to drive pass.

    2. Don’t blow the horn or make any noise to disturb the horny drunk farang as the noise could enrage and stimulate it to charge at as its ears are sensitive to the horn tweeters.

    3. Don’t photograph the farang beast with flash on as it could frighten and turn it to charge, or arouse its interest to come closer to explore.

    4. Always keep the car engine on so as to turn back in time if the horny drunk farang walks closer. The bass noise of the engine will not disturb or frighten it as it is familiar with such noise from vehicles and it is not interested in it.

    5. In case of driving at night and encountering horny drunk farang, always keep the headlights on and try to observe its signs and keep a distance from it. Don’t flash the lights as this could draw its attention and walk up to the vehicle.

    Hope this helps!

  3. With all due respect...when you marry a Thai...what was yours becomes part to the extended Thai families...they will beg, borrow, and steal...never expect to pay anything back...or take responsibility for maintenance or upkeep...and become somewhat taken-back...when a farang complains...

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