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Everything posted by jonesthepost

  1. The question was will a letter fom DWP to me with my name and address be excepted. Not wanting to know about who used an agent
  2. I have changed my address so driving licence still has old address but i have a letter form uk pension office which was sent 6 jan this year in my new address
  3. Do you need a proof of address to renew a UK passport at VSP Golbal . When I did it 10 years ago a current letter in from the UK english was accepted, Checked there website it said not because your Thai ID card will have have it but as those that are not Thai will not have one, with no avail so any one who has renewed lately did you need proof of address
  4. Did you download the form required off the internet as I can not find it
  5. I am lead to belive that the british embasy does not give a certificate of verifcation of a new passport for immigration for transfers of visa and extension of stay from old passport to new ,is that case any one done this lately
  6. Ido not know about the Americans, but if are not over the threshold of remittences although you do not need to file a tax return, you have to go to the revenue office with a years bank statement showing transfers from aboard., to get a tax clearence . I did that this morning
  7. There is far to much confusion about this,I contacted the revenue office in Chiang mai where I have just move from to ask about change of address and tax return . On both questions the change of addess I can do on tax return and a tax return must be done even if I have not exceeded my allowance's. I was asked where the income came from that I transfered ,from my UK state pension and UK company pension. So thats the info. given., maybe when I go to the Minburi office might get a different think, I did phone the minburi office and they refused to answer any questions on the phone and I had to go to there office, where as the Chiang mai office was very helpfull answered all the question's I asked
  8. As I understand it as a retired expat living here for more than 180 days you are reqired to pay tax on money that comes in from overseas. I got a tax id from the revenue office in Chiang mai and with my allowances if I do not exceed 560000 baht I will not have any tax to pay. When looking at the tax return form there is on refernce to any money received from overseas.As i have not exceeded that amount am I required to fill in tax return, did contact the miniburi office by phone but the person there that I would paper work to take there the answer was quote cannot answer any questions you must come to the office
  9. Has anyone found what doucuments are required to submit a tax return. I phoned them and asked as to what was required and wwas told by a very unhelpfull member of staff she would not any questions on the phone, explained I am disabled and it is difficult to leave the house got the same answer
  10. I am in my 87'th year and have mobilty promblems getting up steps to get in and out of the house unaided is difficult but I still have intrest in live to keep me going. Lucky enough to have my family to look after me but could not mange without them I could not cope. One thing I am glad about is I moved to Thailand 21 years ago and not stuck in England.
  11. Is Bangkok buddy a good agent to use
  12. Any agent that assits in renewal of uk passport , I am asking as I am adisabled person
  13. Thanks for the reply only just moved to Minibrui I belive the first report of 90 days can be made by post after registing TM 30,
  14. Does Bangkok Immigration have a drive through 90 day reporting at the main office
  15. I am the same trouble at this present time left Thailand by air 7 days ago and according to UK post not yet arrived in UK and trying to to even contact them does not seem possable once the uk royal mail was one of the best in the world, but now a micky mouse oufit
  16. I have just moved from Chiang mai to Minbure after living in Chiang mai for over 20 years. My question corcerns 90 day reports as i have just moved I belive that I must do my 90 day report in person not online. One question is there a place near minburl to do report or mustI go to the main immigration office,
  17. It is at 1300 barht 30 tablets, but I would never buy medicne on line.
  18. I meant a desidene certicate
  19. Today I called the transport office and they said I do need a residene visa to transfer log book to new owner
  20. Thank you was not sure about residene certicate
  21. I am moving to Minbure and selling my car as have to give up driving and get a wheelchair, what documents do I need to get. to sell car.
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