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Everything posted by jonesthepost

  1. What is extensidn of stay for disabled person in Bangkok procedure as Im moving there next month to be with my Thai family.
  2. Which ageny came to your house
  3. Am i right in that as a UK retired pension any money I transfer in to Thialand will not be taxable if it has been taxed in UK.If so as my UK state pension and my company pension come to less than 12,575 pounds P.A. so it is not taxed it there my transfered funds will be taxed I believe that there other UK pensioners in the same boat
  4. Yes if goes direct but this one is shown in tracking to go to doha with flight number and then to domanincan republic with flight number
  5. yes quite clear and the flight numbers from from bangkok to doha and doha to dominic republic
  6. Send aregistered letter to you UK 28 dec. on tracking progess it left thailand 29 dec to Doha and they sent it to The Dominican repulic central america arrived there 30 dec and still there. On contacting thai post they told me that was right and could take about 3 weks to get to UK but could not tell as to why it was sent
  7. I think it could be Mister Bob
  8. Thank you
  9. jonesthepost


    I am looking to buy Quinoa anyone know where in Chiangmai
  10. Thanks I have a mobilty problem and have been going to central festival and parking is a problem there.So no hassle driving so a good option and only have a laptop no printer and no wish to have one just to use 4 times a year
  11. Is the drive through still in use in Chiangmai
  12. Why do you make these stupid remarks. I was only trying to inform that if the tracking does not state the letter has been received it can have still been delivered
  13. At last after many attempts by phone to them got a reply to an email today saying that my life certificate was received on 25 feb, but on both Thailand post and Royal mail post tracking it is still in transit the last record being 12 feb. So the tracking systems are not reliable.
  14. If you return to UK yes you will get free treatment but you will join the large waiting list on the NHS, also a wait to get an appionment with a GP.
  15. Thanks for the reply ,if they said alllines are busy would help ass they quote on the help and advice that they can ring back if we ask but nobody to ask I have sent a e-mail enquiry
  16. Has anyone managed to phone the international pension cente I have tried for the last 20 mins. The call is answered by a recorded message welcome to the pension centre and followed by a dailing tone then goes dead they open at 8am uk time so they are open. NO answer that the lines are busy just cut but was charged for the calls
  17. What I said it has not moved for 22 days not been delivered hope long it takes the pension lot to sift througgh it is not a problem the fact that it has only got as far as recieved into Royal mail and no progress since the 12 feb isgot me wondering. As a ex mail worker I know the procedure
  18. Has it been delivered yet sent mine 3 feb. registered arrived at Royal Mail 12 feb as of to day has not yet been delivered still in transet according to uk mail tracking, and consindering it only has to go from Reading to Wolverhampton 22 days to travel there about 150 miles is abit of a p-ss take
  19. I tried this week the express vpn paid the fee for 1 year then the started to use it, entered the supplied activate code signed in and back came download which had aready done. So contacted help support chat line and they went through the whole thing with and still the same thing download express vpn. the next day try again same result after checking the account was active.after a hour getting nowhere ask for a refund after they gave aload bull---- they said they would return they money but would take 7-10 working days. however after reading reviews its not straight foward that I will get the refund so I will belive it when happens. What really annoys is have used vpns before once you paid up and you go. the reviews ou trust pilot are quite conncerning
  20. That could well be the problem as I saw on a forum that it happens if the laptop is on sleep I could of clicked sleep by mistake being old that easy done
  21. It stillhas the battery even with out a/c power on thank you very much for your input
  22. Well done the battery charges that was not the point read it and you will see what the problem is
  23. I have had a problem with my laptop today. After using it and then shutting down switch off, 3 hours later to use as soon as I pressed the power button up came hardware scan completed no issues then google chrome opened and also my battery was low. Is it normal for Dell to be able to run the scan while laptop is shut down and power off. I did contact Dell help chat but got no sense out of them, has any one had the sae sort of problem
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