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Posts posted by punisher

  1. How about starting to punish some Thai generals for the Takbae incident?How about starting to accept the religion,culture and history of those"terrorists"The Thai education system teaches only about history of Thailand,Bangkok,the Thais just ignore everything.The local language in the south is yawee[a malay dialect]they are forcing the kids to speak thai and learn about thai culture only..They force muslims to say buddhist prayers and wear thai style clothes.These are the reasons why school get burned down or teachers get killed.They force them to change their names in thai sounding names.

    Army or poilice come at night into muslim houses and take the sons away.Army and police torture them and kill them.Neevr anybody of army or police got punished for their doing.They building buddhist temples in predominantly muslim areas.They let muslims bow in front of buddha statues or pictures of the king,which is an offence to their religion,the army searches muslim houses with dogs,just to insult the muslim religion.

    You will not build peace as long politicians,police and army go free for their state crimes.

    I'm non religious,but thought some facts should be said

    And do you think spraying bullets indiscriminately, killing teachers and babies--perhaps even Muslims--is the right way to effect change? Things could probably be done differently to appease these people, but at the end of the day they were born into a Buddhist country known as Thailand and thus they need to accept the religion and culture irregardless of a chequered history. 'building buddhist temples in predominantly muslim areas', you say? The entire country is Buddhist, but that's it in a nutshell, eh.

    You want change, you lobby and protest, peacefully. That won't happen though, will it. Not with this bunch. As previous, and though it is a minority, I say swallow your pride, Thailand, and let them have their trio of tatty provinces. Nothing will change when you have monkeys recruiting young layabouts who prefer action over work!

    I don't say you are wrong but you forget a small fact.Pattani icluding Yala,Naratiwat was the center of a Malaysian sultanate,thanks to british empire Pattani belongs to Thailand[siam]since 1909,even Thailand is a buddhist country,means not you can force non buddhists[and sure not muslims] to pray to buddha,reminds me of the spaniards catholic who killed everybody in south amerika who did not want to believe in god
  2. Time to send in the army and just blow them all away, this is bullshit, killing innocent people in the name of your god, what a load of crap.

    How about starting to punish some Thai generals for the Takbae incident?How about starting to accept the religion,culture and history of those"terrorists"The Thai education system teaches only about history of Thailand,Bangkok,the Thais just ignore everything.The local language in the south is yawee[a malay dialect]they are forcing the kids to speak thai and learn about thai culture only..They force muslims to say buddhist prayers and wear thai style clothes.These are the reasons why school get burned down or teachers get killed.They force them to change their names in thai sounding names.

    Army or poilice come at night into muslim houses and take the sons away.Army and police torture them and kill them.Neevr anybody of army or police got punished for their doing.They building buddhist temples in predominantly muslim areas.They let muslims bow in front of buddha statues or pictures of the king,which is an offence to their religion,the army searches muslim houses with dogs,just to insult the muslim religion.

    You will not build peace as long politicians,police and army go free for their state crimes.

    I'm non religious,but thought some facts should be said

    Tak Bai was a crude method at eradicating terrorism resulting in bad publicity which has in turn led to ineffective polIcies for confronting terrorist activities. It is a balancing. When will enough innocent women and children be killed to sway public opinion and emotions sufficiently where public will tolerate the manner and level of engagement to eradicate the terrorism?

    The politicizing created by polar politics keeps Thailand paralzed for purposes of appropriate and efficient response to terrorism.

    Terrorists?what are u talking about?Security forces broke up a demonstration.Shooting with live bullets into the crowd,killing 7 people including a 14yr old boy..After that they captured young malay men,tortured them then throught them on a truck,when thy cried for water army stamped on them and tortured them more.6 hours later the malays who had been on the bottom died,80 people died,thanks to nazi thai army who treated those humans like jews on a transport to a concentration camp.Later the government said"oh well it was a tragic accident"but never anybody got punished.
    • Like 1
  3. Time to send in the army and just blow them all away, this is bullshit, killing innocent people in the name of your god, what a load of crap.

    How about starting to punish some Thai generals for the Takbae incident?How about starting to accept the religion,culture and history of those"terrorists"The Thai education system teaches only about history of Thailand,Bangkok,the Thais just ignore everything.The local language in the south is yawee[a malay dialect]they are forcing the kids to speak thai and learn about thai culture only..They force muslims to say buddhist prayers and wear thai style clothes.These are the reasons why school get burned down or teachers get killed.They force them to change their names in thai sounding names.

    Army or poilice come at night into muslim houses and take the sons away.Army and police torture them and kill them.Neevr anybody of army or police got punished for their doing.They building buddhist temples in predominantly muslim areas.They let muslims bow in front of buddha statues or pictures of the king,which is an offence to their religion,the army searches muslim houses with dogs,just to insult the muslim religion.

    You will not build peace as long politicians,police and army go free for their state crimes.

    I'm non religious,but thought some facts should be said

    • Like 2
  4. The whole scheme.....security...back-up....management..it seems that it is a total scam....the UN and all other agencies, including governments of countries that deal with Thailand, should be inform and informed to what is really happening in this region........simply crimes at unimaginable levels continue without response!!........

    The army is strictly against UN put it's nose into Thai business
  5. I think they didn't even know the story and just stuck to the standard line " we love China".

    Most thais can not even point to BKK on a map.then they sure not care or know about China and some islands in the South China sea,besides that it's typica Thail style,now China seems to be the big brother,if things change in favor of other states I am sure Thailand will change the train fast
  6. Most coups in Thailand happened because of Army or some other high profile people in Thailand,so Thaksin did the right thing to try to control all of them.Until those people are still in power,Thailand will never move on.What really scares me are sentences like" I am ready to be arrested by police for publicising clips of red-shirt leaders allegedly committing lese majeste offences"By Gen Boonlert,or when Gen.Boonlert calls his army friends,it reminds me of former east germany were 50% of population worked for the stasi and tried to to put the other 50% into prison,makes me wonder who is evil

    One side wants a coup and the other side wants to go back to Thaksin ... which would probably lead to a lot more protests and a coup.

    Most people want to move forward without Thaksin and without a coup.

    PTP are in government. Can't they just be happy with that and start running the country for all the people?

    ,I don't think the government or democrats,army,elite and others have any interest in a peaceful democratic Thailand,all is about to keep power and get more,for me and for most Thais Yingluck[Thaksin]is more sympathetic than the others,but it does not mean they are good.
    • Like 2
  7. maybe next time, people should protest for general elections if they have a probelm with this government.

    no problem with that whatsoever, whether i agree with their reasoning or not.

    this group was just a ridiculous joke from the beginning.

    The same old bla bla, so what you are saying is: corruption, nepotism etc is OK because they are elected?

    corruption and nepotism isn't the problem.

    The problem is that PTP or Thaksin want to bring all the 3 powers government, police and courts under his power. With good reason these should be independent from each other.

    As well he try to control the army.

    he has government and police now under full control and limited control of courts and military. There he has people who follow and people who oppose him.

    To make it worse his desire of a 1 party system.

    The corruption is a minor problem in compare with that.

    Most coups in Thailand happened because of Army or some other high profile people in Thailand,so Thaksin did the right thing to try to control all of them.Until those people are still in power,Thailand will never move on.What really scares me are sentences like" I am ready to be arrested by police for publicising clips of red-shirt leaders allegedly committing lese majeste offences"By Gen Boonlert,or when Gen.Boonlert calls his army friends,it reminds me of former east germany were 50% of population worked for the stasi and tried to to put the other 50% into prison,makes me wonder who is evil
  8. Anyone got any real solutions or suggestions? coffee1.gif

    Yes, Thai People need to come up with a real Strong and tough Leader, a dictator that can cut the crap out of the parlament house.

    A leader than can enforce the law, tough to withstand corruption and government force of corruption.

    Just like Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Brazil, China, they have a strong leader.

    Also a leader that can stop the US/Wallstreet prevalence in Thailand, the capitalism and monopoly that has been taking shape in thailand.

    Great ask indinans and chinese how they feel in Malaysia with a muslim goverment,Vietnam is communistic,Singapore ruled by one family,Brazil has almost the highest murder rate on planet earth,and China well..........................,
  9. there is another angle to look at today's events and possibly it was a plan or part of it

    1. Court ruled against the government and rally was legitimate

    Government went against court ruling and was blocking people from attending

    2. 500 or so people were allowed to dismantle the barb wires/road blocks and then fired upon. Keep in mind police outnumbered the protesters like 3 to 1, they stood by, allowing them to dismantle before taking any actions, which shows police intent or perhaps police orders.

    I am not law expert, but i think there is already grounds for some legal action against the government.

    The aim of this group and protest is to oust the government, which ever way possible, may be setting up traps was/is the plan

    Well you may have point there. The only sure fire thing we know is that one way or another the Government was not going to let it be peaceful.

    The last time yellow was on the streets,government buildings got destroyed,Airports got hijacked,and, and. ,then the government should just sit and watch and let them do?High season is coming I don't think government is interested in any bigger trouble.
  10. The army are the bad guys,who kicked out the last free elected government,so why current government should get involved with the army?

    Are you saying that the PPP was kicked out by the army or that it wasn't a free elected government?

    Or maybe you're saying that Thaksin's caretaker government was a free elected government??

    In the end everything is about Thaksin,ask yourself why royalists,army,and elites are so scared Thaksin comes back,I'm not a Thaksin friend but things were better for thais and Thailand with him,and most thais don't care how much he cheats or fills his pockets as long they have a good life,and about army I would say it's never good if the army has to much power and starts a coup whenever they don't like the government,please save ur irony for somebody else
  11. Each nation, country, have collective state of mind which reflects their culture and history.

    If you think you can impose democracy and you think democracy is the "good" choice universally, then you ... don't know. Stop watching TV go fishing .. I don't know what. You're proof why democracy is failing miserably.

    Saddam Hussein was a mate with western politicians, same as Gaddafi was. After they stopped being mates, that is.. after two "dictators" decided to do whatever they want, they got "phased out". So your example sucks. Our system and our world is not what teacher repeated to you in school, or mass media.

    And for all u farangs... that shit on Thai political or whatever, system ... why are you here ? Pack up your bags and go to your real democracy. Stop forcing your shit on other nations. Including your beliefs, prejudices and thoughts how things should or shouldn't work.

    I would assert that having an opinion about Thai politics does not infer that one is "shitting" on the Thai political system. Virtually every political system in the world is corrupt in some way or other. Take the US for instance,.. probably the most corrupt of all but at the same time the most sophisticated at hiding it and disguising it as something that it is not. Such systems are not only ripe for criticism (yes... even to the extent of "shitting" on them as they deserve little better) but actually call for criticism by people that would oppose tyranny and corruption.

    I may be farang,.. but I live here and have a wife and children here and that qualifies me by my own declaration to express an opinion regardless of whether it is heard as a legal voice or simply one that is willing to be heard.

    I long for the day when I can hardly bring to mind the comments left by some members that make the reference "...stop whining, stop interfering, or go home".

    This IS home my friend,... and as such I and others like me that have a voice will at least use this forum to make it heard!

    Yep and forming an opinion, AKA free speech is part of a democracy.

    Just to bad here is no freedom of speech,rapists,thieves,killers go free for a payment,if u talk to much about certain people,all money can't help, u sit in prison for a couple of yrs,as long it is like that the trouble goes on and on,does not matter which government is in power.
  12. Anyone living in Thailand for the past decade has witnessed a series of protests and surely has heard people on both sides call for coups and deaths and revoloutions of all sorts. They have urged their followers to occupy government buildings, airports, public spaces. We have seen grenade attacks, gunfire in the streets, and many people die. Some may be shocked at such antics and feel that a protest that uses these tools would be illegitimate. Here in Thailand that is what happens because it has been effective. The current government decided that it would actively undermine this protest even before it started. Yes what the Pitak Siam was calling for was not a good option, but the government gave them what they wanted and demonstrated how heavy handed they were and how intolerant of any dissent they are.

    As someone not involved with either side, I do wonder if the government has made this a thousand times worse. Behind the scenes, the army must feel humiliated and disgraced. It has nothing to do with the rally organizer pe se but with the symbol of national authority seemingly being given over to the police. The army, in effect, has been told to shut up, put on parades, and leave the defense of the country to policeman. It's like the SS state establishing rule over the Wehrmacht. What will the army do in light of the immense loss of face they have just suffered? Best for all outsiders to just sit back and watch, I think, instead of take sides.

    The army are the bad guys,who kicked out the last free elected government,so why current government should get involved with the army?
  13. I cannot get rid of the feeling that the Government are making an absolute cluster <deleted> out of this entire situation. They have successfully turned what would have been a peaceful, short, trouble free rally into something that could now prove highly problematic. The Government seem intent on garnering an overtly aggressive response and 50 000 police officers is overkill to state the least. The command and control issues will be interesting. It seems the police are drafting in units from all over the country now. 150 police left our town for Bangkok yesterday - 900 km away. There is so much fuss being made by the Government that there are now busloads preparing to travel up from here so that they can join the protest and see what all the fuss is about. I think if the current Government had to deal with anything remotely like the red shirts inflicted on Bangkok for a month or two, they would all implode. It's going to get even more interesting I think as Governmental panic sets in !

    "peaceful, short, trouble free rally" "we want a coup and overthrow the government"sounds not really peaceful to me.In the US or Europe u will sit in prison if u announce stuff like that,besides that i think it's smart of Yingluck to tell the people whats going on,and more smart to do it while half of Thailand is watching a boring Thai soap,this small announcement gives her something like "free ticket"to act the way the government want to act
  14. Gregory and Moob both worked well,thanks a lot.Anyway i would like to turn off Google tracking,it can't be I have to do a work around only because I don't want to get directed to Thaisites,by the way I tried with yahoo and bing,and it's the same,after clicking nike .com they direct u to nike.co.th

    Change your google from .com to another english 'speaking' google. for me co.uk works best!

    You know, how to change the searchengine for your browser? Ask google ;-)

    Ok thanks a lot, i will give it a try
  15. Gregory and Moob both worked well,thanks a lot.Anyway i would like to turn off Google tracking,it can't be I have to do a work around only because I don't want to get directed to Thaisites,by the way I tried with yahoo and bing,and it's the same,after clicking nike .com they direct u to nike.co.th

  16. I believe the change to 1,200 pounds is very recent so Embassy 900 is likely just the old figure that has not been updated but if you applied it would be 1,200. As for marriage there would not be any financial requirement but you would have to supply marriage certificate and a copy of spouse ID card or passport (which is a normal requirement everywhere now).

    Thanks lopburi3...still not good that they are not updating their website info in a timely manner and to say that you need merely provide a pension statement if you are a pension earner is also very vague ... no pension minimum is mentioned for example.

    In short ..as my old school reports used to say..."could do better".

    Go to Thailand,get a lawyer,go to family court and get a document what says u r the father of ur kid,with that u should not have a problem to get the non O visa u need,but it might be a bit time consuming,in my case it took about 10month from start till I got the document
  17. ]Maybe in Cowboyland it is right to kill your own people,it was 2010 Bkk not 1850 Wyoming with John Wayn,easy to use rubber bullets,teargas,water canons,and and and,u r not to different from red shirts white washers.If u would follow the report and punish everybody who was involved,would be big step ahead.If Abisit gave the order to use rea bullets,then he should get his punishment,if he does not know who gave the order,Abisit still should get the punishment,because he was the government leader,and the leader is responsible for everything.If red.black blue pink or whatever colours was involved,then they should get their punishment too,it is a bit easy to blame only red,on both sides people got killed

    Why 1850? Let's take an armed riot in Wyoming, or even New York, in 2010. when police/army/ security start getting killed with military weapons, what do you expect would happen?

    ".......,easy to use rubber bullets,teargas,water canons....." against AK-47s and M-79s? Easy for you to say, it's not your butt on the firing line.

    That is another problem,the region where i come from,civilians don't carry any guns,therefore no police or protesters get killed,anyway if 100 of 100000 have a gun,means not u hv the right to hold ur guns in the crowd and shoot everybody
  18. Look at some summaries...

    ... report asserts "misjudgment" by Abhisit Govt" - How? They delayed as long as they could until the bamboo barricades and burning tyres started, gave more than enough time, offered to step aside - which then the REDS did an about face - or have the Thai's forgotten the Government of compromise?

    ... confirmation of the existence of men in black - denied by the REDS there was armed militia/mercenaries - yet from the shootings, how many were actually killed by army issued ordnance? Never been revealed!!

    ... the seizure of the core business district was peaceful - 24 hour screaming speakers brainwashing the RED faithful, barricades, speeches quoting "Burn Bangkok" - yes all very peaceful.

    ... wrong for the Abhisit Govt to enlist military assistance - when sensible negotiation compromise fails and police fail to protect the public, and aid and abet the seizure, did the Govt have a choice?

    So whilst these reports clearly are trying to lay blame on both sides and condemn no-one - arguably some bent facts - the truth is still there to acknowledge by Thai's if they pull their collective heads out of their ..... REDS and no one else started the problem and deaths were the result. Irrespective of coloured shirts and the stupidity of Thai politics, that segment is clear cut. And should the other colours now come out at a future date whilst the PTP are in power - pray tell, what means of concilliation would they use to quell the protests? By all means PTP, lead by example and instead of denying the report, how would you have handled it differently?

    Maybe in Cowboyland it is right to kill your own people,it was 2010 Bkk not 1850 Wyoming with John Wayn,easy to use rubber bullets,teargas,water canons,and and and,u r not to different from red shirts white washers.If u would follow the report and punish everybody who was involved,would be big step ahead.If Abisit gave the order to use rea bullets,then he should get his punishment,if he does not know who gave the order,Abisit still should get the punishment,because he was the government leader,and the leader is responsible for everything.If red.black blue pink or whatever colours was involved,then they should get their punishment too,it is a bit easy to blame only red,on both sides people got killed
  19. I am currently in the UK and I am about to renew my non O visa based on the above but the rules have now changed for unmarried fathers and the Thai Consulate at Cardiff will only allow me a 6 month tourist visa.

    Sorry what has changed and when?I'm also unmarried father,and extend my non O visa every yr here in Thailand without any problems so far.I'm 49 yrs old,I have to show proof of income, and birth certificate,and a document from family court

    For you nothing has changed.

    The post was about getting a new visa based on having a Thai child, not about extensions of stay like you get every year from immigration. The change is that one must have proof of being the legal father, which you have with your court docuement. The birth certificate alone is not enough anymore.

    Thanks a lot for clarification,was looking around to find any change
  20. I am currently in the UK and I am about to renew my non O visa based on the above but the rules have now changed for unmarried fathers and the Thai Consulate at Cardiff will only allow me a 6 month tourist visa.

    Sorry what has changed and when?I'm also unmarried father,and extend my non O visa every yr here in Thailand without any problems so far.I'm 49 yrs old,I have to show proof of income, and birth certificate,and a document from family court

  21. "He says im 93 and shouldnt be treated like this",

    Didnt consider his age when he was raping those kids ! What a waist of oxigen for 93 years

    93 yrs old,prostate cancer,and he is rich.Alarm bells ringing.

    Anyway if he was in Myanmar,and they put him in prison then they have to contact the Australian Embassy.If Thailand wants him back to Thailand,then they have to apply for extradition,that's how it should be.A lot of bad people here in Thailand,but I don't believe a 93 yr old guy with prostate cancer is able to rape anybody,I believe they wanted money and he did not pay

    rape on children does not solely consist of intercourse

    Yeah,you are right,but still somethings smells fishy about the whole story,if the police has clear evidence then why he is not in thai prison long time ago already?And I just can't imagine a 93 yr old guy with prostate cancer still hv naughty thoughts to do shit like that,also if he stays here long time then I guess he would know how to come out of that situation[money talks]but he seems to be stubborn,and don't want to pay any single baht for something he did not do,just a thought
  22. guard dog ? a dog that would bite ? trained to attack ?

    there are dogs, that bite and attack...

    such dogs have to be removed from society, they dont have any reason to stay in populated areas...

    the police might have them, or security guards, but then only LEASHED...

    biting/attacking dogs shoulndt be allowed to private people or free in the city...

    Guard dog outside,baby inside,easy as that,guard dog has nothing to do in the house.Why blame the dog for stupidity of the parents.The dog probably did only what it was trained for[by humans]

    Sorry for the small baby,also sorry for the parents

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