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Hugh Jarse

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Posts posted by Hugh Jarse

  1. As said by 7x7 above, there is an earlier thread on this. I am now aware of 3 family visit visa refusals, all for applicants who have done exactly what you intend to do. In 2 of those refusals, the ECO's decisions were overturned. It seems that ECOs are trying to refuse applications which would have been issued before the last changes to the immigration rules, and this is not really within the spirit of the rules. It certainly isn't within the legal boundaries of the rules.

    If your application is refused, then please feel free to contact me by PM.

    A major problem is seemingly that ECO's in Bangkok since at least the 1990's have an elementary understanding of Immigration law and the new regulations. How many ECO's are top class graduates, I wonder and how many have law degrees which would help them understand this complex area of law. Could it be that many of their decisions are wrong because they recieve poor supervision from their line managers who are themselves also inundated with the problem of meeting targets for entry into the UK. Wrong decisions by ECO's have a detrimental and sometimes ruinous effect on peoples lives; people who do not always have influence nor money to pay for and fight injustice . People holding EEC passports do not have to go through this monkey business, as the basic human right of family unity is paramount.

  2. Songkhla town is really a nice place to live, with nice restaurants with foreign or Thai cuisine, good shops great market and lovely beaches. I used to take my wire haired dachshund for walks along the beach front. She loved it. There are bars of course as there is most places in Thailand that cater for all tastes. The farang population is small but very friendly. There's a great Hash group there too. A good place to meet people.

    One place to get a good Guinness and fine food or cider is the Buzz Stop, An Irish guy, George owns it and he's a very generous man. He holds a party there every year with free food on St Patrick's day, you buy your drinks, and he also does the same at Xmas time. He pays for a band, magic show etc and all food is free on that day. I lived there for two years before coming to Phuket and in many ways I wished I hadn't.

    Hat Yai is actually a suburb of Songkhla and it's very much bigger than Songkhla town. It also has large department stores there and many other interesting shops. so I couldn't imagine you not finding whatever you need there. BTW the immigration office is in Hat Yai now, it used to be in Songkhla.

    I don't think you'd be disappointed if you moved there. Take a holiday for a couple of weeks first, it might help you make up your mind.

    "Take a holiday (there) first" is very good advice, especially as you dont have transport. Presumably you have a good command of the Thai language (without that it will be miserable for you) and have some occupation. Satun especially is "as dull as heaven on a saturday night" and without some focus to your life it will be challenging. If you know people there it may be possible to get work as a teacher (assuming you are qualified) or rubber tapping. Without your own transport however your options will be limited.

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  3. From what I read if she has been married before and has kids you should not have to pay anything.

    In my experience no bride price is payable (spoilt goods ,plus she has a child to support) Suspect that the family are in dire financial straits hence these demands. Have you considered employing a private detective to find out whether the family have serious debts? I would in this situation. Be ultra cautious. You dont want to be saddled with her famil's debts (if any). Plenty more fish in the sea!

  4. Thaksins money should have been seized since a long time. Most he got from corruption.

    Only Thaksin?

    What about the rest of Thailands "elite", where did their money come from?

    Maybe not stop at Thailand either, how about Cambodia, Malaysia, USA even.

    Corruption is what World politics is based on I fear.

    By the way where did the suthep's family wealth come from?

  5. It's definitely fog and it wets everything in the am. But rising temperatures and drying out should see the annual burn start in earnest in the next few days, right through to April!

    The burning began a while back sad.png

    But it's fog in the morning affecting flights. Poor visibility from car exhausts methinks.

    Doubt its from co2 emissions alone, I smell plastic and rubber burning along side the household and leaves etc.,usually early to late evenings when there are no officials around to report to .

  6. Fog ????? I think it`s the smoke from the farmers wild burning of everything. The are burning their fertilizer....

    Agree, very poor air quality here in Hang Dong/Nong Kwai districts as considerable late night burning going on right now and over the X-mas new year. Some folks dont like to breath clean(ish) air.

  7. Not so much a coup as a slow motion skidaddle. The Shinawatras have already been run out of Bangkok. The best they have going for them right now is this government in exile operation in Chiang Mai.

    How about dividing the country into North and South, each having autonomy.

  8. If you pay nothing, as people are saying, then you are showing a complete disregard for your gf's and her parents feelings. Face is such a huge importance in Thailand and if you do not follow the old tradition of paying sinsot then they will lose face in their village or town.

    My suggestion is to arrange with the family to pay an agreed amount (say 100,000) so they can display this on the day and then they return it afterwards. This system is often used and everyone is happy.


    Agree, by far the best option. You will be looked upon as a miser/cheapskate if you give nothing and her parents will feel belittled. By the way dowries are paid by the wife's family to the grooms for e.g in India. It is the opposite in Thailand and called Sin Sot. Good luck and enjoy the rituals.

  9. What is this man doing with his pants???? Weird, but that aside... seems like the sleepy hollow that is CM, isnt without its dark side (Not that I thought otherwise) Just good to see some of the rotten apples getting what they deserve. Strange how retired Army types manage to get off the charges, but Im not suggesting any conspiracy theories, far too many of those circulating by people with nothing better to do.

    Would be interesting to see a follow up story from the stall holders to see if in fact they get any of 'their' money back. I wonder if the amount that was 'stolen' will increase in size between now and then?

    Glad that the case against a dead defendant has been put to rest..... what were the other options? Resurrection and then hanging?

    Oh well its a great day out (A bit nippy still), still good for bike ride.

    Have a great day wai.gif

    He's likely to be holding up the chains on his his leg irons.

  10. So you expect to pay less than you should because you don't have the right change?

    rounded up or down to the nearest baht usually the point im trying to make is no give and take only take

    If the cashier is short on takings she has to make it up out of her own money. Why should she pay part of your internet bill for you? coffee1.gif

    I find this practice infuriating also, 15 stg for **ck sake. Why not round up/down satangs, so if its 49 stg or less forget about it and over this round up to 1 baht. Makes more sense to me , these little copper coins are surely anachronistic in 21st century Thailand. Move on!

  11. Might not be such a good idea, he still has the very serious charge hanging over him. I'm talking about his taking a holiday in the Maldives during Yingluck's great flood. Also some paperwork issues from his cub-scout days? Damaged goods.

    It's more serious than that. He lacks any legitimacy (the right to rule) as does his party by the majority of folks in the north and north-east.His party is an anachronism (outdated ) in 21st century Thailand. I am no supporter of PT but they at least offer some hope/progress for those on the fringes of the power wielders.

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