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Hugh Jarse

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Everything posted by Hugh Jarse

  1. Thailand is not a signatory of the UN convention on refugees. Most unfortunate as many Burmese are fleeing persecution for reasons outlined in the UN definition.
  2. Hope you bought some gold or silver as fiat currencies are on their way out due to the worlds unsustainable levels of debt.
  3. Thais I know keep a lot in gold rather than fiat currencies.
  4. Wait til it’s officially announced in The Royal Gazette.
  5. Also many stores now need a 4 digit chip and Pin no. Apple do.
  6. Hope he has usufruct title on the deeds. That way he can use the house for the rest of his life. That way if his wife predeceases him he has right of use. He will likely leave the island after this theft and damage. Hope the cops can do a thorough job.
  7. In the uk, and perhaps other countries, the pedestrian has the right of way at ALL times. Maybe Thailand could consider adding this rule in their Highway Code and test.
  8. .. sad to be abandoned like this. Poor woman. Hope her govt. will take over and resolve the case.
  9. Consider installing a few solar panels linked up to your pump for some added warmth.
  10. Ship him off to North Korea for a sabbatical.
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