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Hugh Jarse

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Everything posted by Hugh Jarse

  1. Absolute pettiness and appalling a 1 cm tear..
  2. It’s shameful. The money is needed in education, health and housing as well as reducing inequality.
  3. BTL only works when a Thai buys and then registers in their name . The chanot can then be endorsed with you as usufructee but you can’t have a mortgage as bank needs to hold the title deed and they don’t allow any other interested party apart from the Thai owner. Non Thais can’t do this so you must gamble on a long and healthy marriage.
  4. BTL worked for us in a Moo Bahn popular with Thais and foreigners alike Avoid a mortgage so your name can be on a usufruct. Also consider govt. savings bonds but these in your wife’s name. And don’t forget to insist on your wife writing a will with you as main benefactor. Also consider opening a shop selling products like vinyl and hi Fi gear. Not a coffee shop but maybe a tea room in the right location during the daylight hours and a wine shop in the evenings. Good luck.
  5. Prisons are are full. Hewill probably be given a community service sentence in view of his age. Gottfreid would doubtless approve!
  6. The Sangha seemingly has no teeth to reprimand this errant monk. A sad indictment of an off the rails monk succumbing to want and a spirit of greed that flies in the face of Buddhist values.
  7. Well put. By banning vapes this will put out a clear message to the tobacco corporations who thrive on people becoming addicts and keep the school age children away from the horrors of tobacco addiction.
  8. Last contact I had was 081 8439953.
  9. He moved out prior to Covid as business was so poor.
  10. My preferred solution is to wait for them to retire and then play Pat Metheny’s, Zero tolerance for Silence.part 1.at high volume. Its so raucous it would wake the dead
  11. Agree in todays FT there is an article of Thailands failed policies over the economy and alarming levels of rural poverty.By removing the BOT independence means the ruling clique can borrow vast sums for their B10000 programme. Just saddle the next generation with debt. The last uk PMwanted to borrow vast sums too without it being funded and the uk economy was thrashed .
  12. I have tried to renounce my British citizenship but told by immigration that they will only transfer on the passport you arrived on.
  13. No ,temps are going to rise due to climate catastrophe. The global elites are responsible for fiddling while the planet burns.
  14. Or better still, move to Mauritius
  15. Why? what’s wrong with constructive criticism. Are you from The Trump Centre for promoting Democracy?
  16. Why poor planning? Brit’s were not told about this when the moved abroad and believed they would be entitled to a pension based on their contributions not their residency!
  17. CBDC are a reality step 1 to Dystopian future. The Banks have been preparing fot this for several years now and will increasingly adopt it fro here on in. deeply worrying.
  18. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer bloke.
  19. Train staff to user tasers on drunken fools like this. Hope he will be banned from flying for 10 years
  20. This happened to me a few years back when I suffered a stroke and 3 hours later internal bleeding through the mouth and nose. Fortunately I was in a Chiang Mai hospital and got appropriate treatment.
  21. Good to heat the staff are back at work in the passport office.
  22. Maybe she entrusted him with her ATM card and PIN no.
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