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Posts posted by Tingtau

  1. It is not about damaged property . It is also not about religion. It is about respects of Thai culture. Do you know what Thais consider of the feet ?

    As I said, irrational, culture, superstition, religion, ..... "consider ot the feet" ? yea, can make good money performing foot massage. It is up to the tourism people to inform visitors of any special cultural fetishes.

    Would you mind providing your "expert credentials" so that the reader may know what qualifies you as an expert on cultures. In other words, what qualifies you to make these denigrating comments in which you paint something which is a "sacrilege" to the Thai as being a "fetish"? I am a simple person with no fixed religious affiliations, but I do believe in conducting myself with respect to the culture/religions of whatever country in which I live! Kicking the "sacred prayer bell" obviously doesn't bother you, but that does not make it "irrational culture, superstition, religion". The fact is....displaying the bottom of one's foot to another or, as in this case, applying the foot to a sacred object, is blatant disrespect....not only to the Thai but for most, if not all, people of Asian background...INCLUDING the Chinese!! http://traditions.cultural-china.com/en/14Traditions5519.html AND I'll wager that this guy would not leave his chopsticks sticking upright in his leftover bowl of rice back in his home country!!

    • Like 1
  2. One of the posters, seemed to suggest that the fact that Polot was "carrying his own pistol" warranted a "get out of jail free' card. I don't understand what that could possiblyhave to do with the fact that Kabin shot him. Clearly in his (Kabin's) mind, he was shooting an unarmed man! Not always a believer in capital punishment, but the facts of this murder cry out for it! Video footage is irrefutable.....Polot did not pull out his weapon and was shot down like a dog....the second shot seals their fate in my book!! Murder in the 1st degree, no question! Should warrant the death penalty...if not, what the heck is the use of keeping it on the books. At the very least, life imprisonment WITHOUT parole!!

  3. Re: AnotherOneAmercican's comment re being amazed at what "some youngsters in the west get up to on the grass outside (otherwise known as the graveyard". No, I wouldn't, but that doesn't make it appropriate where ever 'there' was or here in Thailand!

    Re: Bluespunk's "If they are doing something wrong then say so to their face instead of this cowardly, chicken crud online BS outrage campaign", with respect, I suggest that he knows full well that confrontation is not something Thais are comfortable with, especially with "outsiders" except under extreme circumstances. Hell, I'm not comfortable with it either and I'm not Thai. If these youth had been, say, urinating on a statue of Buddha, I would not be surprised if a confrontation (and physical one,at that) was initiated by aThai (joined by falangs, including yours truly, as well!!).

    Re: PaddyJenkins "....another racist, over sensitive thai taking their oh so precious culture a little too seriously?" How is it racist to complain about actions one finds offensive? You don't seriously suggest that any person who complains of another's behaviour is a racist simply because they are not of the same race as the "offender"? Over sensitive? In your mind....but not in the mind of many, if not all Thai's I suspect. And, for reasons I will expand upon later, not in my mind either, for I find their actions were offensive! . "precious culture" Hmmmm! A slight tone of some unvoiced resentment, is there? Too seriously. Again, in your mind! "...choice between some Chinese tourist publicly defecating.....some young Thais doing yoga... example of good, clean living people. Looking back over PaddyJenkins comment in its entirety, I get the feeling that ole PaddyJ just might be a tad racist!

    and finally

    Re: Jeremy50's "They look nice. When will people get off their high horse about religion and national borders." a) Eye of the beholder in the venue seen. Probably never!! I gave up a long time answering the question as to where I was from by saying "I'm an Earthman from this World" and as to what religon I espouse "Agnosticism". Now I will be as forthcoming on either question as any listeners and circumstances desire or will allow.

    The credo "when in Rome......" contains sage advice for the most part. That doesn't mean assuming the bad traits of your chosen country to live, but it does mean respecting and abiding by cultural mores as well as the laws of the land. Walking around on the beach shirtless is perfectly okay! Walking around shirtless elsewhere is usually frowned upon and, I believe, that it can result in a modest fine if a police officer were so inclined as to enforce the law with regard to one's attire in the public areas. Walking around shirtless (not sure about tight leotards as to acceptability.....someone more knowledgeable than I might put in a word about that?) anywhere within a Wat is, I believe, totally unacceptable! If you have visited the "Big Buddha" in Chalong, you will have noted that, prior to entering the grounds proper, proper dressware is required and any clothing required to bring the visitor up to the required dress code is provided free of charge. While performing yoga in a public venue would not be frowned upon except where doing so would interfere with traffic or people in that public venue, a Wat is NOT what I would think of as being a "public" place in the usual sense of the word. That is to say, a street, a park, a mall are all public places where certain decorum is expected but are not places of worship. A place of worship, whether or not, the visitor is practioner of the faith in that place of worsip has no bearing, I submit. One may attend in a Catholic Church or on the grounds immediately outside that church and not be a Catholic, but would still be expected to behave in a manner acceptable to Catholics. I.E. To NOT get up in the middle of a service and starting singing as done in some churches of a....more relaxed atmosphere, shall we say. I refer to churches whose followers are referred to (and I mean no disrespect here) by some as "Holy Rollers" because of the fact that a good portion of their church attendance involves veryh enthusiastic singing and dancing in and around the aisles and pews of their church!

    So, may we agree that these young people were dressed inappropriately (at least the shirtless ones) and that their gymnastics (I don't believe that it was 'yoga', although whether or not it was would not alter anything as to acceptability, in my opinion) was unacceptable behaviour on or in a Wat. If not, well............we disagree and must agree to disagree until one or other of us are enlightened)

    If we agree, then the only issue left is whether or not it was appropriate for not only the behaviours to be published on such public venues as Facebook, but for their photos to be shown as well. In my humble opinion, I find nothing wrong with this incident being made public and thereby bringing to the attention of persons who otherwise would be ignorant as to the perceived disrespect seen in such behaviour, the wrongfulness of their actions. There are countless examples of incidents being reported upon in the social and other media involving behaviour which has upset someone...and these examples are worldwide in origin, so let's not even suggest that this is limited in any way to Thailand or the Thai people.

    As to photos of the "offenders" Again, I refer to the countless examples of publications on Facebook where verbal accounts of an incident together with photographic documentation is provided. Such photographic documentation, to the best of my recollection, has seldom if ever, afforded the people anonymity EXCEPT where the publication has been made by news media such as CNN, for example. Perhaps, if these participants had been expressing any interest in their anonymity, I might be open to the suggestion that their facial features be hidden or blurred as we have seen done by our news media in certain circumstances. Having said that, an argument in favour of rendering their facial features unidentifiable that might more easily win my approval, would be to argue that they did not realize that their actions were disrespectful let alone the degree or gravity of such disrespect. Therefore, while they did commit these acts with full knowledge of them being visible to the public, they should be given the benefit of the doubt and treated as though they would not have acted in this manner had they known! In other words, the punishment should fit the crime!

    Bottom line? Publish such incidents without hesitation anywhere, anytime they occur. If you don't complain, you are giving your tacit permission! Complaints don’t have to be made via personal confrontation with “offenders”, and in fact, often such confrontation is best avoided.

    Publish visual documentation in support of such incidents in such a manner as to NOT make the "offender(s)" identifiable UNLESS,

    1. the act is of such nature that any reasonable person would know it to be wrong. i.e. in the stated example (did it really happen?!) of some guy "publicly defecating" or the story about someone "spitting on a Buddha statue". An even better example is the incident which was videoed, of the mug who physically hassled a tourist because she hadn't rented a beach chair. The video not only documented the crime, made possible identification of the criminal, but led to his arrest and subsequent deportation, none of which, I dare say, would have occurred had the video not been made public. OR
    2. the act was knowingly committed in public view AND
    3. the person committing the act is "compos mentis" i.e of sound mind...not say, so hammered to the gills that they may not even remember doing the act and would likely never have done so if they had been sober)

    With respect, there is no need to be confrontational when politely pointing out when someone is being insensitive. Seen it happen at temples in past when people dressed inappropriately. It is doable and is done.

    To take offense and do nothing at the time, but then post it on line later is the actions of a 'behind your back finger pointing gossip'.

    It is cowardly and contemptible.

    You don't like something then say so. To the persons face. Politely. In a non confrontational manner.

    If they then ignore you, fair enough, post away.

    I don't entirely disagree with you. If it were me and I were to do something that someone found offensive, I would want to be made aware of that fact...and I would hope that I could apologize and amend my behaviour on learning of my error. That's me....with respect to being taught and having one more area of ignorance perhaps removed from my unfortunate repetoire of lifetime "boo boos".

    In some instances where a clear and flagrant violation of my rights is being committed, I have registered my displeasure "face to face".....and then felt somewhat chagrined because I'm not sure that any such violation was recognized or intended.

    In the incident regarding these youths, I, personally, might well have approached them and politely suggested to them that they not only cease their activity but put on shirts. And I would have done so, largely due to the fact that, while younger than I, they visually represent my perceived group...light-skinned falangs! And I wouldn't like the feeling of being thrown into that " just another dumb falang" anymore than I feel comfortable when I hear one of my own grouping make a comment in which any other group, including but not limited to theThai, is described using a negative generalization. Yes, some of us falangs can be dumb...probably all of us at one time or another, at least once in our lives. But that is true of any group of people! So, I persoally would feel a strong stake in setting those young people straight.

    Such confrontation is a common behaviour in Westerners and usually gets positive reinforcement. It doesn't take a couple of Chinese tourists jumping the queue in a crowded airport ticket line to cause havoc as occurred recently in a Thai airport. We'll tell you to get to the back of the line at a Timmy's and have everybody nodding their heads. As I think you know, due to a combination of the usually encountered language barrier and a taught behaviour of general "non-confrontation", most Thais will not, under normal circumstances, approach falangs to admonish them regarding almost anything, but rather will show their displeasre by avoiding even looking at the offender.

    So, while I don't say that you are wrong in wishing that these young people had been put in their place right then and there, neither do I think that how the person dealt with the fact of their disrespectful actions was wrong in and of itself. With respect, I do say that to characterize the complainer's actions as "cowardly and contemptible" is to impose on another, one of your own culturally learned beliefs. That they have been raised to a different attitude should not result in being branded as you suggest. They dealt with it how they could, and by doing so, I venture to say, they shone a very bright light on at least one aspect of Thai culture....that appropriate dress and behaviour, especially in a place of worship. IS expected and that the reverse is to show disrespect!! If ony those youths had the wisdom to ask before doing something which I am certain, they have never seen done by ANYONE in a Wat, let alone by any Thai.

  4. Re: AnotherOneAmercican's comment re being amazed at what "some youngsters in the west get up to on the grass outside (otherwise known as the graveyard". No, I wouldn't, but that doesn't make it appropriate where ever 'there' was or here in Thailand!

    Re: Bluespunk's "If they are doing something wrong then say so to their face instead of this cowardly, chicken crud online BS outrage campaign", with respect, I suggest that he knows full well that confrontation is not something Thais are comfortable with, especially with "outsiders" except under extreme circumstances. Hell, I'm not comfortable with it either and I'm not Thai. If these youth had been, say, urinating on a statue of Buddha, I would not be surprised if a confrontation (and physical one,at that) was initiated by aThai (joined by falangs, including yours truly, as well!!).

    Re: PaddyJenkins "....another racist, over sensitive thai taking their oh so precious culture a little too seriously?" How is it racist to complain about actions one finds offensive? You don't seriously suggest that any person who complains of another's behaviour is a racist simply because they are not of the same race as the "offender"? Over sensitive? In your mind....but not in the mind of many, if not all Thai's I suspect. And, for reasons I will expand upon later, not in my mind either, for I find their actions were offensive! . "precious culture" Hmmmm! A slight tone of some unvoiced resentment, is there? Too seriously. Again, in your mind! "...choice between some Chinese tourist publicly defecating.....some young Thais doing yoga... example of good, clean living people. Looking back over PaddyJenkins comment in its entirety, I get the feeling that ole PaddyJ just might be a tad racist!

    and finally

    Re: Jeremy50's "They look nice. When will people get off their high horse about religion and national borders." a) Eye of the beholder in the venue seen. Probably never!! I gave up a long time answering the question as to where I was from by saying "I'm an Earthman from this World" and as to what religon I espouse "Agnosticism". Now I will be as forthcoming on either question as any listeners and circumstances desire or will allow.

    The credo "when in Rome......" contains sage advice for the most part. That doesn't mean assuming the bad traits of your chosen country to live, but it does mean respecting and abiding by cultural mores as well as the laws of the land. Walking around on the beach shirtless is perfectly okay! Walking around shirtless elsewhere is usually frowned upon and, I believe, that it can result in a modest fine if a police officer were so inclined as to enforce the law with regard to one's attire in the public areas. Walking around shirtless (not sure about tight leotards as to acceptability.....someone more knowledgeable than I might put in a word about that?) anywhere within a Wat is, I believe, totally unacceptable! If you have visited the "Big Buddha" in Chalong, you will have noted that, prior to entering the grounds proper, proper dressware is required and any clothing required to bring the visitor up to the required dress code is provided free of charge. While performing yoga in a public venue would not be frowned upon except where doing so would interfere with traffic or people in that public venue, a Wat is NOT what I would think of as being a "public" place in the usual sense of the word. That is to say, a street, a park, a mall are all public places where certain decorum is expected but are not places of worship. A place of worship, whether or not, the visitor is practioner of the faith in that place of worsip has no bearing, I submit. One may attend in a Catholic Church or on the grounds immediately outside that church and not be a Catholic, but would still be expected to behave in a manner acceptable to Catholics. I.E. To NOT get up in the middle of a service and starting singing as done in some churches of a....more relaxed atmosphere, shall we say. I refer to churches whose followers are referred to (and I mean no disrespect here) by some as "Holy Rollers" because of the fact that a good portion of their church attendance involves veryh enthusiastic singing and dancing in and around the aisles and pews of their church!

    So, may we agree that these young people were dressed inappropriately (at least the shirtless ones) and that their gymnastics (I don't believe that it was 'yoga', although whether or not it was would not alter anything as to acceptability, in my opinion) was unacceptable behaviour on or in a Wat. If not, well............we disagree and must agree to disagree until one or other of us are enlightened)

    If we agree, then the only issue left is whether or not it was appropriate for not only the behaviours to be published on such public venues as Facebook, but for their photos to be shown as well. In my humble opinion, I find nothing wrong with this incident being made public and thereby bringing to the attention of persons who otherwise would be ignorant as to the perceived disrespect seen in such behaviour, the wrongfulness of their actions. There are countless examples of incidents being reported upon in the social and other media involving behaviour which has upset someone...and these examples are worldwide in origin, so let's not even suggest that this is limited in any way to Thailand or the Thai people.

    As to photos of the "offenders" Again, I refer to the countless examples of publications on Facebook where verbal accounts of an incident together with photographic documentation is provided. Such photographic documentation, to the best of my recollection, has seldom if ever, afforded the people anonymity EXCEPT where the publication has been made by news media such as CNN, for example. Perhaps, if these participants had been expressing any interest in their anonymity, I might be open to the suggestion that their facial features be hidden or blurred as we have seen done by our news media in certain circumstances. Having said that, an argument in favour of rendering their facial features unidentifiable that might more easily win my approval, would be to argue that they did not realize that their actions were disrespectful let alone the degree or gravity of such disrespect. Therefore, while they did commit these acts with full knowledge of them being visible to the public, they should be given the benefit of the doubt and treated as though they would not have acted in this manner had they known! In other words, the punishment should fit the crime!

    Bottom line? Publish such incidents without hesitation anywhere, anytime they occur. If you don't complain, you are giving your tacit permission! Complaints don’t have to be made via personal confrontation with “offenders”, and in fact, often such confrontation is best avoided.

    Publish visual documentation in support of such incidents in such a manner as to NOT make the "offender(s)" identifiable UNLESS,

    1. the act is of such nature that any reasonable person would know it to be wrong. i.e. in the stated example (did it really happen?!) of some guy "publicly defecating" or the story about someone "spitting on a Buddha statue". An even better example is the incident which was videoed, of the mug who physically hassled a tourist because she hadn't rented a beach chair. The video not only documented the crime, made possible identification of the criminal, but led to his arrest and subsequent deportation, none of which, I dare say, would have occurred had the video not been made public. OR
    2. the act was knowingly committed in public view AND
    3. the person committing the act was "compos mentis" i.e of sound mind...not say, so hammered to the gills that they may not even remember doing the act and would likely never have done so if they had been sober)
  5. One that YOU must master before even thinking of asking others, Thai or otherwise, to attempt! Caution: Not to be used withiin hearing range of young children, unless you wish to stand accused of teaching them a number of s**t words (which, depending on the household, may already have been taught)!

    The sheet is slit.

    Who slit the sheet?

    Whoever slit the sheet

    Is a good sheet slitter !!

    Start slowly and work up to normal speed and then try (for advanced level rating) rapid speed. I think you will see the problem very quickly!

    Another one, which can also pose similar problems to the above is

    "Rubber baby buggy bumpers" to be repeated as often and as quickly as possible. Recommended - 5 xs to start at slow normal speed

    • Like 1
  6. I strongly suspect (hope) that Pitrevie had his tongue firmly tucked in his cheek when he made the comment "The sooner that civilians are allowed to carry arms the better what is needed is a Thai NRA, no more punch ups." If anything could make me rethink living in Thailand, the prospect of people running around carrying firearms would do it!!

    With respect to the lady being shot in the ankle as the apparent result of a mis-directed or richocheting bullet fired by a police officer at a THEFT suspect, thank the Supreme Being that she wasn't killed....ankle, leg, torso, head, all areas of the body that could have been struck! And what if the area occupied by her ankle, had been a child sitting down, or bending over to pick up a dropped toy? What part of its body would have been struck? Would it have survived the bullet?!! I don't know what training or direction under the laws of Thailand that polce are given with respect to apprehending suspected felons, but....was there any suggestion that those two touts were armed or thought to be a serious threat to the physical safety of the public should they have escaped? Had they used a gun during the theft...or threatened death or serious bodily harm to their victim? I am referring to the "common sense",let alone any "legal" justification for the use of what amounts to "deadly force" in an attempt to prevent their escape (which, in this case, it did in fact accomplsh)! Firing bullets at someone on a moving motorbike in a public venue during evening hours with presumably unknown and difficult to see numbers of the public present in the area, seems to me to be what, in most jurisdictions, would be considered an act of "reckless endangerment" or "criminal negligence". Yes, the police were quick to admit their responsibility and are prepared to pay for all of the lady's medical expensies. And, yes, due to the "accidental" but "fortuitous" path of the bullet, the lady is alive and, hopefully will be able to fully recover. Does that mitigate in any way, shape or form, the officer's responsibility for an action that easily could have resulted in death to an innocent, an action that was carried out in an effort to arrest a thief!! As a retired police officer, I am usually on the side of the police, but in this instance, my mind boggles!!

  7. I know A LOT of Jewish people here who are NOT going to take his lightly.....

    Well the ones who dont are obviously trying to make some personal or racial gain , because it should be patently obvious that there is not a one of us capable of rectifying what happened in Europe over 70 YEARS ago !

    Oh I love 'WW2, Nazi, Hitler' Time on Thaivisa ....

    It happens every couple of months and allows for an extremely funny interlude of outrage and pious indignity from a bunch of mongers who lived no where near the s actual scene , and in most cases werent even born yet! They arent even aware that their own side levelled Bangkok and caused unbelievable hardships to the Thai , who should be "respecting" THEIR sensibilities <deleted>...

    I particularly enjoy 'swastika' time ... heres another occassion for the expat bigots to cast their vociferous slant over an asian symbol of prosperity and exclaim , "These Thais just dont get it , do they?"

    Keep up the entertainment guys !

    And what ever you do , dont educate yourselves or try to see anothers perspective - it would ruin the wonderful irony of threads like this.

    'Well the ones who dont are obviously trying to make some personal or racial gain , because it should be patently obvious that there is not a one of us capable of rectifying what happened in Europe over 70 YEARS ago !"

    Are you for real!!, ZaZa9? Because I am not of the Jewish faith but am appalled at what that monster Hitler did, I am trying to "make some personal or racial gain"? Because I speak out against the genocide for which Hitler was responsible, I am "trying to make some personal or racial gain"? Because I don't accept what, on its face, is the applauding of Hitler under the banner of 'Learn about Democracy, I am "trying to make some personal or racial gain"? You, sir, are either a total idiot or a troll attempting to elicit feelings of anger and disgust so that you can get vicarious pleasure from seeing the pain your remarks might cause! I am not of the Jewish faith, but I don't take the portrait of Hitler shown under a heading "Learn about Democracy" and being applauded by two students, as you say "lightly". If afforded the opportunity to view the film with subtitles, I may be persuaded as some readers have stated, that the film does not portray Hitler in a favourable light. But on the surface, pardon us who see it as a travesty!

    With respect to "not one of us capable of rectifying what happened in Europe over 70 years ago", you are correct, sir! No one can rectify the monstrous acts committed by Hitler and his Nazi followers.........BUT WE CAN DAMN SURE MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO PREVENT ANY REPETITION OF HIS GENOCIDAL ACTS!! And making the effort to do so includes NOT TAKING ANY DEPICTION OF HITLER THAT IS PERCEIVED AS POSITIVE, LIGHTLY!!

    By the way, with respect to your other comments, I have every respect for the Thai people and would never, knowingly, do anything to show a lack of respect for them, their culture or for their King. If they suffered abusive treatment by any of our Allies, I certainly decry that and would speak out against it in any public forum that brought it up as a topic. That, however, is not the topic here...the topic is the portrayal of Hitler under the banner of "Learn about Democracy" with his being applauded by students. Unless there is some bold clarification with respect to such a portrayal, I strongly suggest that any person, Thai or non-Thai, who values human life and knows anything about Hitler and his followers, is behaving appropriately and understandably when they do not take such portrayal lightly!!

  8. All of you reading this, including myself...do not know the real history behind the man. As you all should know, the "winners write the history books" Therefore, I do not trust the history books, NGO's or private-interest ethnic/groups....

    So, you will ignore the photos from Auschwitz-Birkenau, Buchenwald, Dachau, of the dead, the dying, and the walking dead who were the victims of that monster?!! You will ignore autobiographies of those who lived through the Holocaust and biographies of those who died, biographies written by those who survived that horrific era and put pen to paper to tell of what befell their loved ones. You will choose to not be offended by memorabilia that is held out in supposed honour of such a monster, because YOU DID NOT KNOW HIM PERSONALLY!

    Freedom4life, does your name therefore translate into "freedom to remain ignorant and have no opinion because YOU personally didn't experience the evil committed" and that because it didn't happen to YOU, you feel no duty or right on your part to speak out against the monstrous acts committed by another?

    I fear people such as you, at least if you truly mean what you say. For, if you truly believe what you have written, you are unwilling to learn from history and therefore will be a party to its repetition!!

    deathcampphotos4.jpgstackedbodies.jpgThere exist at this very moment in our lives, people who are willing to repeat the monstrous acts that resulted in these horrifying photos taken of the Holocaust victims who already have been gassed and whose bodies were awaiting being "loaded" into the crematoriums. A willingness to repeat the genocide which you see here is currently taking place in parts of the Middle East. You have HAMAS who have publicly voiced their goal as being the erradication from this earth, of all Israelis....ISIS who are carrying out the genocide of Christians in public view Currently, neither of those organizations have even begun to be able to achieve their goal to the degree that Hitler was. But, since you 'don't know the real history behind" either, is it your position to not speak out against them and to do all that is in your power to stop them in their tracks!!

    Refer to sites such as can be found at http://www.chgs.umn.edu/histories/ and then tell me that you intend to ignore the information contained therein because "I didn't personally know the man or the people or the regime". If you can do that and also ignore information as to the goals of the current world's monsters that exist in HAMAS and ISIS.......no words can express my loathing and despair that such as you can continue to exist!!

    • Like 2
  9. Hitler is not portrayed in a positive light in the film. Have someone who speaks Thai interpret it for you but don't let me get in the way of a good bwana party.

    The only way that I can see the truth in what you are saying is if, at the same time as that monster's portrait is being shown under the heading "Learn about democracy", but separate from the children applauding, a narration is being given that clearly states that he was the antithesis of democracy. Prior to signing in and reading your comment, thailiketoo, I posted the following:

    Kulp Kaljaruek, director of the film is quoted as saying - "I didn't think it would be an issue," & "As for Hitler's portrait, I have seen so many people using it on T-Shirts everywhere. It's even considered a fashion. It doesn't mean I agree with it, but I didn't expect it to be an issue at all." Knowing what that monstrous person was responsible for and yet, he didn't think that "it would be an issue at all"?? To use Hitler's portrait as an icon under the heading "Learn about democracy" and not understand that it would be an issue to those of us who know what Hitler stood for and did!! To those of us who lived through that horrible era, seeing his portrait being used in such a manner has, I imagine, the same visceral effect upon us, that would be suffered by a loyal Thai being confronted with a photo in which the most despicable act of "lese majeste" was depicted!

    I am absolutely shocked that any responsible adult would allow the use of that monster's portrait for any purpose other than inform or remind the listener/viewer of the atrocities for which he was responsible!! His picture under the heading "Learn about Democracy"? Without meaning to minimize in any way the monstrous, despicable acts that Hitler and his "goose-stepping" followers committed, I suggest that this is akin to putting a photo of the Taiji "fishermen" wading amongst dolphins in a sea of blood as the dolphins are being slaughtered, under the heading "Learn about Respect for Cetaceans"!! I understand fully that many of today's youth may not be aware of the atrocities committed by that despicable person, and I lay the blame for that, at least in part, at the feet of such people as Khun Kaliaruek.

    I would like to quote the words of a long since deceased great intellectual of our time who said "Those who have the privilege to know, have the duty to act". All of us who are knowledgeable as to the atrocities committed by Hitler and his Nazi party should make every effort to ensure that our children are made fully aware of what he stood for and believed in! The educators have an even greater responsibility, for in accepting their role as educators, they automatically accepted as being their duty, to seize every opportunity to remove ignorance. I suggest very strongly that, by allowing this portrait to become such a part of his film, Khun Kaliaruek abdicated his role and I truly hope that he revises the film accordingly!

    Now, thailiketoo, if the film is available, with English subtitles, I for one, will certainly watch it! If in fact, Hitler is NOT portrayed in a positive light, I would be more than willing to offer Khun Kaliruek my apologies...but what possible conclusion, not being shown the film with or without subtitles, can any reasonable person expect, except what is obviously that of the majority of the readers! By the way, I am certainly not looking for a "good bwana party" and I take offence at the remark which, correct me if I am wrong, suggests that those of us who are disturbed by the photo, feel that Thais are somehow inferior to those of British background? I am a Canadian and I believe the Thai to be every bit my equal in intellect. At the same time, I believe that many of the Thai youth, as in other countries, have been neglected when it comes to world history. The proud wearing of Nazi memorabilia is clear evidence of that in my opinion. And the overlooking by any society of such display is an abdication of its duty to its members!

    • Like 2
  10. I think quadcopters are the rage at the moment as they have an undercarriage that fits a gopro camera.

    I just ordered this upgraded unit with built-in camera (Phantom 2 Vision) and will pick it up in USA next month and bring it back to Thailand. Personal drones are getting cheaper and cheaper and you'll be seeing more and more of them in the air in the next few years ... probably to the point that they will eventually be government regulated.

    The unit I'm buying can be flown via an iPhone that attaches to a long-range RC unit and you can see on the iPhone's screen what the drone's camera is capturing. You can also pre-map out a course or grid via GPS and the drone will fly it exactly without your control. And if the drone gets out of RC range or the battery is running low it will automatically fly itself back and land within a foot or two of the spot from where it took off. This is a very high-tech toy/tool for only $1,200.

    BTW, these days the word "drone" is being used to describe any and all unmanned quadracopters ... including the cheaper hobby models.

    Are you, by chance, in the vicinity of Phuket? Would you consider renting your services for any period of time for a good cause (i.e. we are non-profit and don't have a lot of money, but the cause is good)? If you are interrested, or know of anyone in this area who might be interested, please contact me at tau152@xxxx. Thanks

    Please us the PM function.

  11. 1zgarz5.gif Well, there ya go!! Should have gone to see the full story at http://www.pattayaon...ke-rental-shop/ . I guess he DIDN'T have suitable "plausible explanation" seeng as how is he residing in jail now. I imagine also, that the shop owner must have confirmed that there was no agreement between he and Mr. Wiesla? So much for "picture bieng worth a 1000 words" Hmmmm! Still would like to hear what he was saying to Khun Police Officer. In the meantime, enjoy Thailand's Hospitality Suite for Alleged Miscreants, Mr. Wieslaw. If you truly are innocent, best wishes! Now, back to my coffee1.gif

  12. I'm with Brimathai.....more to this story, I'm sure!! Why? Well, putting aside the inappropriate dress for operating any motorbike, let alone a stand-out high powered one, the picture appears to show a man who (1) is not drunk (2) seems calm and collected (3) may have a plausible explanation (4) just may be providing that explanation to the officer.

    Plausible expanation....?? Well, colour of right, perhaps. i.e. in its essence, colour of right, means an honest belief that an act is justifiable.

    So is it not possible that a set of circumstances about which we the public have no idea, exists which have given rise to this guy's belief that he has a right to the bike but is being denied possession. So, stupid solution on his part, but go and take it! cool.png Heck....no mention is made of the owner of the shop. The owner's brother witnesses this, but has the shop owner confirmed that what occurred was actually a theft? I know it's unlikely, but could this be a case of the brother not being aware of an mutal agreement for an afterhour 'pick-up" of a sold bike?

    Too many unknowns, questions, and too many possible explanations for me to conclude that this was a straight forward theft. More to the story, methinks! Sure looking forward to hearing bottom line on this one!! In the meantime, sign me unsure.png Need more facts!!

  13. I'm immune to the law. well son tell that to my bullet next time you try that and I'm around, Because I'm old don't give a damn and I'll pop a cap in you in a heartbeat. Tried of these lowlife hiso's doing as they please time to clean up dodge cowboy style. Make Thailand fit to live in again.

    Agree with you wholeheartedly, Strangebrew..... as a father with daughters, I can't even begin to imagine the anger that exists in her family toward that "cur with the golden spoon". Which is why I made my recommendation for his parents to do whatever it takes to see that he is dealt with appropriately (i.e. charged with most serious offence possible given facts of the assault) and to not attempt or allow for any interference with the appropriate criminal "due process". If he's given a "slap on the wrist" (PLEASE NOTE ANYONE/EVERYONE.....I am not counselling or making any suggestions here!!), some, closer to the victim than you or I, might feel an irrresistable impulse to render a more suitable punishment!!

  14. Firstly, my condolences to Pairinya Labbuangam and wishes for her complete and speedy physical recovery. The psychological recovery from such an act of betrayal by one who was supposed to be a protector, will undoubtedly take much, much longer if ever. My heart also goes out to the family of Kuhn Pairinya, for the emotional trauma that must accompany bearing witness to such injury to a loved one! Reading the list of injuries sustained....never mind seeing the photos of the poor victim, as a father with daughters, I can only offer this piece of advice to the family of that coward, Treethana Prasertsopa :

    "Advise, urge, recommend, counsel, beg if you must, for the authorities to proceed with the most serious criminal charges possible (from story, attempt murder would fly in western countries, not sure about here) against your son!! Your son is either currently slithering around beneath the feet of cockroaches, or is suffering from some severe mental issues!! Only serious consequences for his actions here MAY bring about his salvation. If the fact of his being your son in any way is allowed to minimize how he is treated by the judicial system, you will have not only allowed him to feel "above the law" but will very possibly be the indirect cause of someone else later in his life, becoming seriously injured or killed (and it just might be your son)!"

  15. Sounds like he wanted to practice his Engrish and you obliged.

    The correct action would have been to ask, "Am I being detain or arrested, officer? If not, am I free to go?"

    As far as having been in Thailand for five years without learning any Thai passed hello and thank you -- yes, they are right it is an outrage.

    Would it be OK for a Mexican to move to your hometown in New York and not learn any English? Wait...don't answer that...

    Give me a break! If you are going to try to tell us that, after getting stopped while operating a motorbike w/o helmet and not having all of the paperwork that a m/b operator is supposed to have, by a police officer who has every right to give me a ticket for each and every infraction, I should get up on Mr or Mrs. Uppity Up Horse and say what? "Am I being detained or arrested, officer? If not, am I free to go?" !! You gotta be joking!!! Mr. Police Officer Doing HIsJob would quite rightly reply...."Certainly, Khun Farang ...just pay the fines for these tickets I am going to write and you are free to go! Poot arai? Mai mi baht? So sorry, must accompany me to police station" C'mon, the guy did exactly what he should have done under the circumstances. And as far as speaking Thai....he didn't say that he hadn't learned any...don't put false words in his mouth...he said that he only spoke a little. I don't know how fluent you are in Thai, but for me,while I REALLY do want to speak, write,etc Thai,wanting and doing are poles apart for some of us. it's a whole different ballgame than a Westerner learning Spanish,French,Italian.. I know cause I was conversational in Spanish after a very short time, and was able read and write even sooner. Thai to an English speaker is one whole lot harder!! So, hey, Chiangrai Tony....props for how you handled yourself and the situation. You are obviously one who doesn't get himself into shit with attitude...and that's a good way to be!! Not sure about you, though Godfree 2. Anyway, said my 2 satang's worth, cheers!!

    • Like 1
  16. After what happened to Prasin Nunkaew, who was beaten to death less than 24 hours while being held in general population at the Trang Remand Prison just 3 months ago, it seems ludicrous that these two Koh Tao, allegedly self-confessed rape/murder fellows have been put into GP at the Koh Samui prison. Granted they’re charged with rape/murder of two adults as opposed to Prasin’s charge of sexual molestation of his 7 yr-old step-daughter, but every scintilla of police common sense, would cry out that there is a definite need here for these fellows to be kept in solitary confinement, under 24/7 watch, if for no other reason than to ensure that, short of a bolt of lightning striking those two in full view of hundreds of civilian witnesses, they live to have a full trial! I, Officer-In-Charge of this investigation, NOT having been dropped on my head at birth, realize that, if these two guys die in general population, a cloud will forever be over the investigation and my reputation, indeed the reputation of the whole police/prison service!!

    Chanin Llangsuwan, chief of Koh Samui District Prison reportedly remarked that “ I have instructed other in-mates to monitor the two Burmese men…” Why? (Because) “ I am afraid that they may commit suicide, because they show signs of stress”! Really!!.... and stress due to what? “They may be feeling guilty for the crime they have done." Oh, really!! Well, ring the bell please!! Your public may have a couple of other scenarios in which they may consider it to be reasonable for them to feel stress at this point. At least one of those would involve circumstances of innocence coupled with a reasonable fear for one’s safety since their defence obviously involves making allegations of unlawful acts by the police themselves.

    No, asking other inmates, who share the general population with these two, to "monitor" these two is ingenuous at best. If a gaggle of GP geese in the Trang Remand Prison did in fact stand by while some "Mr. Big" stomped a fellow to death for "sitting in his chair" what's going to happen if a couple of "Mr. Big"s at Koh Samui prison decide to do the same for some equally brilliant reason. Even if that were to happen, IF these two end up dead whilst in GP, there will be those of us “honest” folk out here, who will never ever believe that and will be of the opinion that one CAN NOT put their trust in the Thai judicial system!! If ever a situation cried out for transparency AND security for the well-being of an accused, this case is at the top of the list.

    I don’t know what the truth is here, however I do know that if I were one of the investigating officers and the investigation was completely on the up and up, I would be really ticked at having our work questioned on the basis of falsehoods and innuendo. That’s perfectly understandable…..BUT...all the more reason on the judicial side for ensuring that those two don’t miss a well deserved and fully transparent trial by reason of some “mischance whilst in general population”.

    Witthaya Suriyawong, director of the Department of Corrections, is understandably concerned about their safety and reportedly stated “I also want officials to set up CCTVs and guards to monitor their safety when they sleep." Good idea!! Would that not be most easily achieved if these two are in solitary confinement?

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  17. Oh, this is not going to end well.

    Due to the high profile nature of this case, these two need to be placed in a single-cell status away from the GP with 24-hour cctv.

    IMHO, they are safer with other inmates around, though the danger of a planted assassin cannot be ruled out. In a cell by themselves, it is more probable that they will be found hung and there will be problems with the CCTV tape.

    I would think it much easier to explain the actions of a "rogue" inmate killing them in the general prison population than to explain how they hanged themselves under 24-hour guard in isolation.

    This is precisely what happened "allegedly" in the Prasin Nunkaew jail murder.....he was found "beaten to death" less than 24 hours after being remanded to the Trang Remand Prison where he was being held in general population. According to a sole report filed by Bangkok Coconuts reporter,(see - http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2014/07/10/stepdad-accused-raping-daughter-7-stomped-death-prison) Prasin was "stomped to death by Worapong Suwanwichit, a convicted arsonist" , "identified by prison guards as a big shot' after Khun Nunkaew "sat in his chair". Wow!! I wonder what Mr. Big Shot got for that....a murder charge, littering, or extra privileges? I get a feeling for how upset the judicial system was at Mr. Big Shot for ruining their opportunity to allow Khun Nunkaew his day in court. I mean the Bangkok Coconuts report is the only one I can find alluding to anything having come of any investigation into this matter.....and there ain't no further info given as to what actually did happen to Mr. Big Shot if he did indeed "stomp Prasin to death" over his "having sat in his chair" !!

  18. You are not late and will not be fined.

    You have a window of 15 days before and 7 days after to report.

    I have a 12 month multiple entry Non-Imm B visa. On one of my 90 in/outs, the visa run company driver "forgot" me and I ended up going the following day which put me in one day overstay. The company paid for the overstay, but it still was ฿500 fine. So I'm not sure what this "window of 15 days before and 7 after to report" that you refer to is.

  19. I am very glad that the people of Thailand, whether they be Thai National, Tourist/Visitor, or Ex-Pat Residents like myself, are angered over "increasing cases of animal cruelty" here. But, I wonder....where are all these people during this time of crisis for at least 6 - 8 dolphins (and 2 South American Fur Seals) which are destined for the Phuket dolphinarium? A consortium of Russians have built what they propose to call the Nemo Dolphinarium in Chalong, Phuket. - See the attached photos for a better understanding as to what sort of "home" these people are proposing for these dolphins....FIVE of which have been confirmed as coming from Taiji, Japan, where THE COVE documentary was filmed. If you have not yet seen this documentary, I would recommend that you do so, although in an attached video here, I do describe, in as accurate detail as possible, what occurs in that place of horror.

    Caution : Any viewer of The Cove is warned that some of the footage may be disturbing. And some of the verbal descriptions given in my video may be found by the listener to be disturbing!

    If you check your dictionary for the definitions of SLAVE, SERVITUDE and ONE, I believe that you will agree with me that the "fishermen" of Taiji, Japan while murdering and kidnapping the dolphins, are not "fisherman, but rather are SLAVERS, dolphin SLAVERS no different than the human SLAVERS of old who would raid villages and kidnap the ones which they knew would bring the highest price on the 'block'! A SLAVE TRADER, according to the dictionary is anyone who is "involved in the business of procuring, transporting, and selling slaves, esp. the bringing of slaves to Thailand."

    Now, I altered the words in that quote slightly....the original dictionary version states "involved in..........................black Africans to America", but I think a reasonable person would not limit that definition to preculde SLAVES of any nature being brought to "ANYWHERE".

    If the Phuket dolphinarium, which is really nothing more than a small prison cell, is allowed to bring in these SLAVES, I believe that this will bring the province of Phuket and the country of Thaland, deep shame and dishonour. For any such allowance will, first of all identify them as SLAVE TRADERS. (** Remember, "involved in the business of .....................bringing of slaves to Thailand" ) Harsh words truly, but consider what happened and will happen if permission for those SLAVES to be brought in and the prison to open is given. Fees are charged for any applications to have items imported into Thailand; licencing fees are charged for operating businesses and taxes are levied, property and income taxes. So the governments (Phuket & Thailand) will be taking money from a group of SLAVE TRADERS and in the process allowing (involved in) the bringing in of those dolphin slaves. Secondly, any such allowance will put the stamp of LIE to any claim that the City of Phuket and the country of Thailand, are NOT, in fact, proponents of the Prevention from cruelty and Protection of Animals.

    For a full understanding of the tie between Taiji, Japan and the proposed Phuket dolphinarium, I invite the reader to view " NIGHTMARE IN TAIJI and ITS ASSOCIATION WITH PHUKET " at


    I will point out that for reasons unknown to me, at the very precise second that I state that 5 of the dolphins have been confirmed to be sourced from Taiji, Japan, my voice is electronically garbled or overwritten!! I reviewed the original video file on my computer, found no such problem, re-posted the video and a repeat of the garbling was found to have occurred. So, for the record, the bill of lading for the shipment of a total of 8 dolphins and 2 South American Fur Seals to the Phuket dolphinarium, clearly states that 5 of these 8 were obtained as the result of Wild Captures in Taiji, Japan!!

    The reader may view THE COVE at


    The only changes from what you see in the Cove are that they now use a "new method" of killing which I describe in my video AND they do this under a cloak of thousands of square yards of tarpaulins in an effort to prevent the world from seeing these killings!!

    I, too, wish for an end to the cruelty being inflicted on any animal. By putting a stop to the Phuket dolphinarium, WE CAN make a difference TODAY!! Sign the petiition at https://www.change.org/p/phuket-tourism-board-stop-the-nemo-dolphinarium-in-phuket-thailand

    Contact he Office of Tourism Development Service Standards Development Section Ministry of Tourism and Sports National Stadium, Rama I Road, Bangkok 10330, Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 2219 4010 Fax: +66 (0) 2216 6906 E-mail: [email protected] and let them know that this place should NOT be allowed to open!




  20. So how exactly is the Russian government 'hitting back'? What a piece of garbage journalism.

    Haaaah! I guess by telling Thailand that they are mistaken? At least to the jounalist who wants to get his caption on the front page! I guess for that hapless guy, implicit in being "corrected" is the unspoken, but heard by him only

    "See, here's what you signed! You're wrong. So, take that, Thailand! Consider yourself TOLD!!" Journalist "OMG, they're talking back!! They're challenging a Thai government body!! OMG!!"

    You're right...garbage jounalism.

  21. For the purposes of making a comment regarding this incident and with no intent to disrespect the reporter, I felt it necessary to revise the report. The following is that revised report, with the questions that occurred during and after making the revision:

    PATTAYA – August 23, 2014 [Pattaya Daily News];- at 03:00 am, Pol.Lt. Kwanchai Numkanisorn-Investigation Inspector was notified by a male party that a male Non-Thai had been found, apparently located on the 6th floor of the Spanish Place Pattaya condominium building.

    Police officers, along with medical staff from Bang Lamung Hospital and the Sawang Borriboon Rescue team quickly arrived at the scene, and found the victim, a Mr. Jason William Flannery, aged 25, from England. The apartment was described as being covered in blood stains and he victim was lying naked on the floor, in the middle of the room. It appeared that he had suffered multiple penetration type wounds to his mouth, cheek, chest and (“other areas’?...What? hands, feet.. ..??groin??). Nearby, on a sofa, was a syringe and, a marihuana cigarette.

    When questioned by the police, the deceased’s girlfriend, Ms. Janjira Buapae, age 23, advised that they had been in a close relationship for a year. She stated that, upon finishing work, she returned to his room, where she found him to be in a serious discussion with his friend and Thai girlfriend. After drinking a self-made mixture of cocaine and water, and smoking a cannabis cigarette, Ms. Janjiry alleges that Mr. Flannery tried to attack her.

    It is unclear to this reporter as any actions that the other two persons may have made before suddenly fleeing the apartment, leaving Mr. Janjira alone with the victim before she also fled.. It is reported that Mr. Flannery, before falling to the floor, mortally wounded, ran into a glass door cutting himself severely. Police sources advise that it was a neighbor who had notified the police.

    The body of Mr. Flannery has been sent by the authorities for an autopsy in order that a determination as to cause of death can be made.. The case is still under investigation.

    Questions that immediately come to mind: Were there any witnesses to his having “running into the glass door? Does damage to the glass door support Ms Janjira’s account of events. Any wounds to the victim’s genital area? What is the best timeline available as to the “sequence of events” leading up to his death and prior to neighbor calling police? Can the neighbor provide any insight as these events and/or to the deceased’s relationship with Ms. Janjira? . Any history (complaints by either party as to domestic problems between the two) on file with police?

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