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Posts posted by seabass69

  1. On 12/17/2020 at 6:36 AM, KhaoYai said:

    Really, then you might want to research the law. More specifically this one:




    In particular I refer you to section 14.


    I've read reports that it doesn't actually mean that a 20 year old has to choose citizenship and that there is no penalty for not doing so - none of those reports are official and appear to be an opinion. The above however is an official translation of the current law as ammended. I tend to believe what I read in an Act rather that someone's opinion.


    I did say that in real life, there is rarely a problem but it is only right that the OP is presented with the facts - only he can decide what he wants to do.


    Now that I've posted the law, I am absolutely certain that a 'lawyer' like yourself will say its wrong - happens every time.

    Section 14 “...may, if he desires to retain his other nationality, make a declaration of his intention to renounce his Thai nationality...the minister shall grant permission...”

    A far cry from having to renounce one nationality.

  2. 8 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

    You say dual citizenship?  Well, going strictly by the law, not what happens in reality, under Thai law your son will have to give up one of his citizenships when he gets to 20 (could be 18. could be 21 - can't remember which). Following the law he has to choose which nationailty he wants to keep - if that's Thai he will be liable to National Service.


    However, in reality, in most cases the Thai authorities don't even know of the existence of such a child - at least in terms of public records for National Service.  Is he recorded on any Tabien Baan (house registration)?  I believe the lists of those liable for National Service are provided by the district office - if they have no record of your son, no National Service.


    A friend of mine's son was on the Tabian Baan at his mother's house back in Thailand but was living in the UK.  When the time came the village head man (Pooyai Baan) simply informed the district office that the lad had emigrated and that was the end ot it.


    Going by the letter of the law, the only people that are allowed to legally have Dual Citizenship beyond the age of majority are Thai women married to foreigners but in reality, the Thai authorities have absolutely no way of knowing how many passports someone holds.



    What a load of nonsense 

  3. On 6/6/2020 at 11:00 PM, 4MyEgo said:

    Just doing two Child 101 Visas here in Thailand, a bit of running around and travel to get things in place for the applications, fortunately the wife is an Australian Citizen as I am, and with us looking at relocating back to Sydney come November, we are anticipating a 4 month waiting period for approval, and as the children came with us on a holiday to Sydney last October, we don't believe biometrics will have to be done again.


    Fingers crossed the documents get to Western Australia when we send them by express post with little hassle thereafter, although it would have been better to do everything online through VFS as we did with their tourist visas last year. 

    Why not get citizenship for them?

  4. In Australia there is no minimum age restriction for gaining employment. At the restaurant where I work we have a 13 year old girl who does a few full shifts on evenings & weekends and when my son turns 8 we’re gonna get him dishying out the back.

  5. 51 minutes ago, Ulic said:

    What are you -------? The risk of catching ZIKA may be low but it is still a risk for your child. For a vacation? If you are one of those who doesn't believe in vaccinations either by all means roll the dice and go. But be ready to accept the consequences including explaining to your child, family, and friends that you were happy to roll that dice. 

    There is currently no vaccine available for the Zika virus and the risk of contraction is less than that of becoming a road fatality statistic in the Land of Smiles. Following your logic, one would be “rolling the dice” by travelling to Thailand and getting into a car....explain that to your child, family & friends

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  6. 1 hour ago, Chicken George said:

    Excellent link. Although it is ambigous saying Dual citizens are exempt from Natiinal Service. I expect the word Not has been left out.. Education. Three years part time while at school. Mefical grounds. Or staying abroad untill after you are 30 are the main options.

    Saying that dual citizens are exempt was one of the misconceptions, therefore no ambiguity 

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