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Posts posted by Somsrisonphimai

  1. In this case....listen to your heart. There is a chance that it could be a life changing thing for her. If so.....good. If not.....good too. You can look proudly in the mirror always....whatever happens later.

    I know I need to do something about it otherwise I will feel bad later on. The way to go about it is what got me. It seemed people here are quick to think that this is a scam.
    Trust your own instincts. The mirror will never crack. Just read the whole thread again....did you contact the financecompany already ?

    No, I have not contacted the finance company. I am going home for Christmas and New Year so I told her to come by my parents' house to talk about it.

  2. In this case....listen to your heart. There is a chance that it could be a life changing thing for her. If so.....good. If not.....good too. You can look proudly in the mirror always....whatever happens later.

    I know I need to do something about it otherwise I will feel bad later on. The way to go about it is what got me. It seemed people here are quick to think that this is a scam.

    • Like 1
  3. OP, from you OP I understand that your 'long lost friend' has an ex boyfriend, with whom she has kids, correct?

    Why does the ex boyfriend get away so easily with not paying, or at least contributing, for the house for his kids?

    Does your 'friend' still chase him for that?

    Just curious.

    Don't really know why the father did not pay and where is he now. She said she is no longer with him. She is living in the city and send money to support the children each month. The house belonged to father's mother.

    So wheres the rest of the family then?

    So the repairs never got done? the moneys gone the boyfriends gone.....sheesh if I were you Id be gone too.

    No one wanted to help her. That is why she asked me.

    And when you have helped her do you think she will LEARN anything from this experience? the only thing she will learn is repeat ad nauseum

    I am not sure if she will learn from this. I don't know. I feel like I am being forced to do something.

  4. OP, from you OP I understand that your 'long lost friend' has an ex boyfriend, with whom she has kids, correct?

    Why does the ex boyfriend get away so easily with not paying, or at least contributing, for the house for his kids?

    Does your 'friend' still chase him for that?

    Just curious.

    Don't really know why the father did not pay and where is he now. She said she is no longer with him. She is living in the city and send money to support the children each month. The house belonged to father's mother.

    So wheres the rest of the family then?

    So the repairs never got done? the moneys gone the boyfriends gone.....sheesh if I were you Id be gone too.

    No one wanted to help her. That is why she asked me.

  5. OP, from you OP I understand that your 'long lost friend' has an ex boyfriend, with whom she has kids, correct?

    Why does the ex boyfriend get away so easily with not paying, or at least contributing, for the house for his kids?

    Does your 'friend' still chase him for that?

    Just curious.

    Don't really know why the father did not pay and where is he now. She said she is no longer with him. She is living in the city and send money to support the children each month. The house belonged to father's mother.

  6. OP, if you are going to help, you should certainly ensure that the debt is genuine before proceeding any further.

    If the debt is genuine then pay the amount that you are willing to donate directly to the finance company.

    I would also add conditions to the donation in so much that your childhood friend provides monthly evidence of making the principal repayments to the finance company. You could also offer advice on managing her finances and decide whether she is able to afford the remaining instalments.

    Can you visit her personally at her home before making your decision?

    If she doesn't continue to make regular principal repayments then your donation will have been for nothing and she will only defer the problem until a later date.

    Long-term constructive support will be more fulfilling than just making a donation.

    I don't really need a hassle. I could pay for the whole loan and be done with it. The principle behind it that is what got me. People say when you give gift to other people, you should not care what happen to it. I put money away for the students' gift and happy and look forward to it. But why am I feeling uneasy to help this girl?

  7. If you really want to help her ask for the name of the finance company and account details so you can pay off the interest directly.

    If she's genuine she will have the details.

    I have not even thought of it. I will request that from her. Thank you so much for this idea.

    • Like 1
  8. Block her. Or even better... delete your fb account.

    I knew her. She is a few year younger than me. It is hard to think that she will be scramming me smile.png.

    I don't think it's her that's doing the scamming or scramming coffee1.gif

    What is it then?

  9. A couple of weeks ago, I posted on my Facebook asking my friends about the school in my village and how many class and student are there. I want to motivate the students to go to school and be a good student, so I plan to give the top 3 students in each class a gift for the new year.

    Ok, why my Facebook's post has to do with anything? Well, on my Facebook page, I have many friends that are from my village, Phimai, Korat. After my posting, one of the Facebook friends sent me a message telling me about the house where her children are living will be taken away if she does not pay down the loan interest by the end of the year. She said her boyfriend at the time was supposed to make monthly payment, but he never did make payments, so now the interest is kept piling up. She and her boyfriend are no longer together. Their children are with the grandma (boyfriend's mom) in the village that is farther away from my village. The grandma is taking care of their children. My Facebook friend has been supporting them.

    She asked me if there is anything I could do to help her. The amount to pay the interest at the end of the year is 7,000baht. But, she will still owe the principle of 20,000bath and will need to make monthly interest payment of 800baht until she pays off the principle. She and her ex boyfriend took the loan from the finance company in Phimai. She said the money was to improve the house their children live in. She does not live with her children. She does have a job and have the apartment close to her job in the city. She said she is making about $500/month but has a lot of expenses such as rent, food, send the money to her children, etc. She is unable to save the money to pay off the interest because the notice came in such a short period of time.

    I don't know how to handle this. She is not part of my family, although, I knew her since we were young as she used to live next to us, we were never really friend. I have seen her or spoken with her for years and years until she sent me a Facebook friend request a couple months ago.

    I will feel bad and will regret it later if I don't help her especially if the story is true and I am able to help her. My family is not sure about the story because the house is not in the same village as ours, but I am tempting to help her.

    What would you do if you were me? Should I not give the students the gifts and help this family pay off the loan so that they don't have to worry about their house will be taken away?

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