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Posts posted by phycokiller

  1. 21 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Cambodia no longer appears to care much about cannabis.

    My trip earlier this year, bars were selling joints to smoke in the bar, pizza shops had it as a topping, and guys on m/cs were selling it on the street in the evenings for $10/bag (they ask for $20 but haggle down to $10).

    The only warnings were don't smoke it in public places,  but out of sight in bars restaurants and hotels no problem. The guesthouse I stayed at had a special sala outside by the pool for all the backpackers to smoke their weed. I was quite impressed, they had managed to source western quality varieties, bags of weed openly on all over the tables. We They smoked all day.

    I also had a pizza at a street-side restaurant, nobody examined the toppings.

    they are still a bit hung up on it, they stop the bars and pizza places from selling it occasionally when they get afraid the young locals might start smoking it and question authority, then I guess they start to miss the bribe money and it creeps back. it was a lot better a year or so ago, and the quality is usually not good unless you can find a barang that has grown or imported it. I dont smoke here because my lungs cant handle the local weed. if weed is your thing cambodia might not be the place for you

    • Like 2
  2. I think its all over rated. english people getting paranoid because the english signs are being replaced by chinese ones. the chinese dont need a military base in the region, they can buy what they want. and as for controlling the economy, there is none to control unless they build it first. the dictator treats the cambodians as slaves, the chinese wont be any worse

    • Thanks 2
  3. its not so much the poverty, its just different values. sex isnt so sacred to them, they dont have a belief that its going to ruin their lives forever, its more like a massage. they would rather not do it and play on their phones but as long as they get paid they dont really care, its easier then working 12 hours a day 6 days a week for a lot less money

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  4. it is a police state. it doesnt really effect tourists much but if you have any empathy its sickening to watch grown men stealing from old folks with no money who are just trying to make a living. its not going to stop me visiting or even living there, but it cant be denied. Im living in cambodia at the moment, not because of anything to do with the police, and it may be a police sate in its own way, but seeing police chasing old people to steal from them and strutting round with their silly hats is not something I miss

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  5. 6 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

    i planted bougainvillea which grew very fast into very thick stocks with a lot of thorns. Just about impossible to get through.



    Im just in an apartment but bougainvillea is perfect to stop people climbing round your balcony, and, some bees have decided to make their nest in it as well so anyone that tries getting thru is going to have a fun time

    • Like 1
  6. On 8/9/2019 at 3:04 PM, wombat said:

    is there enough water to float a cruise boat in the river ?
    the dams in China must make a difference.

    yes, theres already quite a few boats similar to this. they arent exactly cruise ships, and they wont be going past the rapids in laos, but I think their plan is just vietnam to siem reap

  7. On 8/9/2019 at 2:27 PM, tabarin said:

    It is in most cases the reason they are hold back from getting on the road of 'success'.
    They are supposed to listen to their parents, who know nothing of the modern world, aside of the idiotic status ego issue refusing them to do work other than told / studied.

    Could be as horrible as you describe but even much better; people who were forced to study nursing, end up with a 500K education debt and a job that only pays around 15K average unless you are lucky to get a position in a private hospital. If they then can make double by doing business, the parents disagree as it is not what they studied (read my parents in law too --- Even it means she can now pay off the debt in 3 years only rather than 20 as bank suggests + interest).

    They are not looking at the financial maths at all, just at the status of the job and that there should basically always be work within that profession. 
    In terms of the old guy forcing the $5 dollar shots, it is his way of assurance in financial results, like offering 100 usd today or 1000 in a year, they pick 100.

    yeah, I know a few girls working for $5 that could easily get $50 from foreigners. Ive taken them to bars where they have had the offers so they know they could. but thats not what papa wants. its odd. I sometimes think its the hindu influence in cambodia, a caste system, where they simply think they cant do anything outside what they were born to do. also male domination. I know one girl whos khmer bf has vd. I can give her the antibiotics but not him so she cant get rid of it. so when she is in too much pain to work she goes out collecting plastic bottles and cans while he sits in the room saying its too hard to make money in cambodia, but she loves him so its all ok. one things for sure, you cant use rationality to explain the irrational.


    just to add to that, theres plenty of cambodians that arent this stupid

  8. 2 hours ago, Cereal said:

    I know a girl, she's 21, and her father got into debt with lenders to the princely sum of $900. Yep...$900 measly dollars. What did daddy do? He sent his daughter to "work" to make the money up.

    she will work just enough to pay what they have to pay when the lender calls and makes his threats, but never enough to pay it off completely, so she will be working until her daughter is old enough to take over the loan repayments. oh, and daddy sends her off to bang khmers with no condoms at $5 a go when the lender calls but she cant work on a cam site because daddy might see her naked because while shes out making money he sits in the room watching porn on the phone one of her customers bought her. you can offer her $20 dollars to sweep your floor but she cant do that because daddy she has to go out and look for khmers to bang for $5 a shot. I guess Im not supposed to say this stuff but Ive witnessed it multiple times. you cant help these people

    • Sad 1
  9. I dont know whats going on but most of the women Ive been with get a call from their mother every few weeks and the daughter stresses out and takes drugs and goes and looks for customers. Ive often had the feeling that mama is about to get a beating if the loan payment doesnt come in but the girls dont want to discuss that. the daughters also were sent to work in brothels when they were 14, I believe there is a tradition going back hundreds of years in SE asia of loans been taken out on the daughters and this is how they pay them off, or pay part of them off. but I know for sure many of them pawn their phones and jewelry several times a month, and then often sell the paper on to someone else, then buy it all back. the pawn shops are getting half their incomes year in year out. They definitely have no idea of the mathematics involved, which is why I have no doubt about my suspicion that many of them are permanently in debt and have to pay the debt collectors for the rest of their lives or suffer beatings or death. this is all mainly the result of children not going to school and learning maths, without that there is no solution. There are three easy ways to make good money in SE asia, be a dictator, pawn shop owner or drug dealer

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