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Posts posted by phycokiller

  1. 8 hours ago, William Osborne said:

    It was one of the easier exchanges to deal with and to cash in/out......altou surprised people are still playing around with crypto.....thought most people had figured out it is utter garbage by now ????

    Im enjoying my early retirement. i dont care if its utter garbage, I prefer not having to work and being able to do what I want to being stuck in a job. difficult concept I know

  2. 2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    I'm guessing Chinese nationals were running the online gambling from Sihanoukville.

    Now there's no work for them, they are all going home.

    still work for them, you can run online gambling from anywhere. you only need a few people to run a website. I cant see how this would effect a large amount of people

  3. https://calvinayre.com/2019/09/06/business/sihanoukville-cambodia-sees-chinese-exodus-following-gambling-ban/


    according to this article theres a mass exodus of chinese from cambodia. the article has many errors right from the first sentence and i have heard nothing about it but it is being posted on other sites. I dont see how a ban on online gambling could lead to an exodus, is there any truth this story?

  4. 3 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    Not in "any area". In fact not any place I would call central anymore.

    Rents have skyrocketed in past year due to the Chinese influx.

    I just priced apartments -- simple 1-2 rooms for Cambodian family members and they also did a search. Constrained by needing a place that would rent for just 4 minths, in TTP and Boeung Trabek areas -- which are not the most expensive or upscale areas but also not the cheapest -- average rate for basic apartment was 450. Had they been in a position to sign full year lease would have been more choice and 50 - 75 less a month but they weren't hence my question to OP on that score. With difficulty and inside contacts they finally found a place for 350. Small, ultra tiny (hotel sized) refrigerator, no tv, no a/c in the bedroom, mimimal furnishing (no wardrobe etc). I doubt it would be consideted "comfortable" by most expats. I certainly wouldn't want to live there and they aren't too pleased either but can make do.

    You may have a 300 lease now but may well find rent higher at renewal time. Just 3 years ago I was able to rent a furnished 1 BR in central location for 3 months for $250. No more, to put it mildly.

    OP specifically asked about "living comfortably" and needs to define that.

    If he means, as many would, fully furnished a/c in all rooms, washer/dryer, good sized refrigerator in good condition, fully equipped kitchen, nice TV etc then that is going to cost. If he means all that in say BKK area, even more so.

    Can certainly reduce rent by living across a bridge or in outlying areas but trade off is terrible traffic and long commute if wanting to travel into town. If all he wants is roof over his head and meals and not concerned with location or wanting to go into town often then that doesn't matter. But then in that case why Phnom Penh at all, same money will get much nicer avcomodation elsewhete.

    Sent from my SM-J701F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    you may be right, Im in the riverside area, they actually seem to be having a difficult time renting out places here at the moment. you can get an apartment right on the riverside for $200

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  5. you can get nice one bedroom apartments in any area for $300, takes a bit of hunting tho as most arent so nice. I pay about $30 for power and water and cooking gas, but I dont use aircon. if your apartment is open at both ends you get a thru breeze which I prefer to aircon, but thats what I mean by having to hunt, most are stuffy closed in boxes that the asians seem to prefer. foods probably about the same as thailand except the street foods not worth eating so you dont have that cheaper option. 

    • Like 1
  6. 35 minutes ago, MJKT2014 said:

    Thanks. If I chose segwit the address was also bc1, so I tried legacy and that address starting with 1 worked with BX.


    This is first transfer I have tried to Electrum wallet - just sending a very small amount of BTC to test it. It says status "Pending". Do I need to keep the app running until it doesn't say pending or how long does it take?

    no, you dont need to keep the app running, it works on servers rather then the app. Im not sure what the pending is, I would guess it waits for 3 confirmations so would take about 30 minutes, depending on the fee which is about 25c last I looked. you can check whats happening on a site like https://www.blockchain.com/explorer . just put in the address you sent it to

  7. talk of past wars is a bit silly in my opinion, nobody really cares about what happened before they were born. hatred of germans and japanese died out in my grandfathers generation and Im not young. most young people in cambodia havent heard of pol pot as far as I can tell. sure there is racism, but I doubt, unless they are elderly, any vietnamese have a grudge against the french or americans in particular these days

    • Like 1
  8. 19 minutes ago, MJKT2014 said:

    Yes, perhaps the BX going has an upside as I will now move my BTC off it. Could I just use a wallet on my laptop like Electrum? No need to buy any hardware then? Is that safer than leaving on an exchange? 

    you could use electrum on tails on a USB drive. only costs $6 for a usb drive, altho having a few backups is a good idea.

  9. 9 hours ago, singking said:

    Is there a specific reason Isaan Sailor for you always using the ChiCom term. Chinese should suffice. It reminds of the derogatory term Leftist or worse still Leftard. I could be totally wrong but I could assume you are an American or an Australian? The reason I say that is because I’m Australian and when it comes to inert racism those two countries rate 1 and 2. To be honest I don’t quite get why there seems to be so many racist farang on Thaivisa living in South East Asia? What is that about?

    they left their home countries because they didnt like the immigrants moving there and dont have the intelligence to see that they are immigrants themselves in someone elses country. rules for thee but not for me. I guess racism could be defined as a superiority complex

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