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Posts posted by MichaelJackson

  1. Thanks for replies so far.....

    The problem with running the various anti virus tools etc is they just dont see the problem, its not recognised as a threat.

    The folder and files are all somehow protected from detection/deletion, any attempt to remove them results in a "handling error".

    I found the folder and files from searching the net and knowing what to look for as they are renamed from the onvious, I got the source of the issue, just need to remove it.

    So anti-virus tools dont see it, any ideas or suggestions on how to remove these files "manually" ?

  2. Malwarebytes plus a others wont even install ? Gives runtime error

    tried Avg 2015, doesnt see it for removal, but throws warnings its trying to connect to the internet.

    Avast, doesnt see it.

    IObit wont remove it.

    Any other suggestions ? No drive to use dvd or cd solutions.

  3. I have additional windos folders, one is windows.old, the other windows.old.000

    is it safe to delete these without causing me hassle ?

    The "old" file isnt very big and last modfied around 3 years ago according to log. The other old.000 is huge with about 5gb of files in there.

    Are these necessary or just remnants of previous installations of old OS system ?

    Previously had vista, currently windows 7, system 5 year old.

    Thanks for any info & help

  4. Some, and I am not suggesting it happened here use there senior years to take advantage and cause abuse feeling safe that as an "old man" they are unlikely come to any physical harm.

  5. There aren't many Thai/Thai weddings where a sinsot is discussed or even expected. A farang is expected to have money so therefore this rarely used custom is reintroduced. As has been mentioned in hundreds of bars and discussion forums the farang is seen as a source of money. Thai girls gave no shame in sleeping with farangscas long as they satisfy their mothers demands. Their very limited knowledge of the world outside Thailand leads them to even consider means of income.

    Anyone ever see a Thai reading a book. Thought so.

    What an absolute pile of Sh*t. Never read so much ill informed nonsense.

    Oh and that part of your nonsense "mentioned in hundreds of bars" just about sums up the credibility !

    • Like 1
  6. Making a choice of what is legally available and convenient is NOT "playing the system" and certainly isnt lying.

    and as the term "tourist" generally means visiting for pleasure, isnt that what he's doing ?

    If he then switches to an appropriate O visa, he is in fact acting responsibly and doing the right thing at the appropriate time by changing from a tourist visa to the O for a longer stay which a tourist visa would not be correct. Therefore he is 100% correct legitimate and legal.

    • Like 1
  7. Reach the box once ? So having created the problem, you are going to repeat it ? Geez

    What happens if you have to get to it again ? You are going to be exactly where you are now!.

    You should either move the box to a more accesible place or make the current position more accessible.

    I reakon they could almost make a movie out of this.

    I wonder if Adam Stiller is available to play Jesse.

    Better still, perhaps that Michael Crawford aka Frank Spencer would be a better canadite.

    "Ohho, betty, Ive lost the remote again betty"

    Jesse, enlighten us, why are you hiding the sound system in the roof, is it stolen?

    Khun Betty ! What I can do ? 555555...... mmmm nice !


    • Like 2
  8. Jesse - after studying the results of this thread and your apparently nearing a nervous breakdwon - I suggest you consult a shrink at your earliest convenience. :)

    I think you are spot on James......poor old Jesse is feeling the heat.

    I just read back to the 11th where hes accusing me of being a tight asss, this is the guy that created a thread about a missing 500 baht remote control f f s. 555555


    Jesse, you've been given heaps of good advice on this thread, time for you to crawl up into the little hole in your ceiling dude and chill out for a while.

    how hard can it be?

    glad I didnt have to take you to war son, it would be like working with a 2 watt light bulb.

    i wish you all the best with your remote control endeavours.....whats next, window cleaning, venturing out to 7/11 without your minder?

    Two watt lightbulb .....55555555

    Other expressions spring to mind:

    Sandwich short of a picnic

    2 cents short of a dollar

    Or as the Thais say "mi dem baht" ...555555

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