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Posts posted by MichaelJackson

  1. Have to remember here its "womans work" its been that way for such a long time, to change it you would have to catch em young.

    If they look around at other examples from other familiy members etc, same thing "womans work".

    You are trying to get a tiddlywink player to play by the rules of chess......just aint gonna happen.

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  2. Mine is a smaller city, by 9pm very little traffic, by 11pm it a virtual ghost town

    In the Village where I live its 9pm and everyone is asleep, nothing moves til 4 am.

    never heard of a fight, or anyone EVER being hurt by anyone else, but that doesnt mean it doesnt happen, I nor the family have just never heard of it happening.

  3. If it was loud music or some other voluntary noise, fair enough, but this is a crying child, for Goodness sake. Such is life. What do you really expect the mother to do? Gag the kid? By complaining to the mother you have just put more pressure on her when she has enough on her hands already.

    Children cry for a reason. If it is constant, and screaming, then my heart goes out to it. It's unhappy and probably sick.

    Learn to tolerate it, with the help of earplugs maybe, but get over it.

    Go for a jog, come home tired, have a few whiskeys, put the earplugs in, and go to sleep.....praying the poor child gets well.

    Exactly !

    Mr Seastallion, most out of character, but well said, people might think you have a heart after that.

  4. Its really quite simple, they have a bit of money saved, they can come here where there money goes alot further than from where they came from. The make a home etc here, spend or invest in property etc here then they are stuck ! the pot of money is invested here, they live a comfortable lifestyle that they couldnt afford to do back in thier home country and they cant leave because they got no money and couldnt afford to live back there now anyway.

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