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Posts posted by MichaelJackson

  1. Just remember, you can run away from most things, most situations, but one thing you will never escape and can never run from,,,is yourself.

    Dont think that running away will fix it mate, it wont.

    Have a dream, yes plan etc, but do it for the right reasons and you'll have more chance of success.

  2. Why could you not have waited for him to go by first? Would have avoided all the issues from the start. You're lucky he didn't kill you.

    Because we all do stupid things sometimes ?

    Because I didn't realize that shooting this one glare at him would turn him into a murderous idiot ?

    Because I was in the present, not in the future ?

    Anyway, you're right, I was lucky. Or was I ? blink.png

    Your comment proves that you read the whole story thoroughly ... thank you for that smile.png

    You must have been terrified, what started out as perhaps a reflex action to a situation, (that if in the Uk as an example may have been so different)

    I can only imagine the fear you must have felt, the worry that you would be hurt further, the trying desperately just to get away from this nutcase. I think given the circumstances you describe you were very fortunate that you held it together long enough to eventually get out of it.

    There are many perhaps less able, maybe over weight, or not too healthy that could have resulted in a heart attack.

    To be in that situation, alone, dont really know where you are going, driven by fear, dont know the language, nowhere to turn for help.

    I am not the least bit surprised it left its mental scars on you.

    Its all too easy to pass cliche remarks and "you should have" etc, but no one can really know what you felt unless they have been there.

    I hope though in all seriousness, that you are now a little slower to react to any situation and think about what might happen before rather than later.

    It is in many respects like the wild west out here, and in many instances you can find yourself totally alone without the back-up you have always relied on and taken for granted in the home country.

    best of luck and hope time is the healer.

    • Like 1
  3. I must say....

    I'm a Farang and I have an SUV and I have had old Farang Motorcycle riders dangerously riding in front of me, then turning round giving me a glare....!!!

    I'm all over them from that instant, I want to pull them over and drum into them that if you bring a motorcycle to a fight with a Fortuner, you're gonna lose, and , you never challenge people on the road, it's dangerous, a friendly burn up , ok, but aggression, especially when you are the wrong side of 60 is not a good idea.

    Old Farangs should be banned from driving in Thailand.

    So bu your own admission, you are Bully that preys on older guys ? Wow, that's something to be really proud of.

    • Like 2
  4. Disgusting ! For gay person to adopt that atfifude.

    It is a great irony that those seeking to increase tolerance and understanding do not extend that to those who disagree or dont understand them.

    You appear to misunderstand. We don't want tolerance - we want equality. 'Tolerance' smacks a little too much of noblesse oblige to me. I really don't care whether you like me or not. I want to be equal before the law. Got it now?
    Who said anything about "like" or dislike , and the use of tolerance in the post was meant as per the dictionary description.

    "a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one's own; freedom from bigotry"

    Do you understand now ?

    What happened on this thread was WRONG you all know it was wrong but no one has the strength of character to admit it, you would rather try and divert attention to other allied issues or away completely and detract from the point that it was wrong and should not have been said or perhaps more appropriately, handled in the manner in which it was.

    The final "go elsewhere" was totally un-called for. If that was said to you on any other forum because you were gay it would be stamped on. Where is the equality now, that you are so passionate about ?

    Hypocrites, and now I too will leave in disgust with a more enlightened opinion.

  5. This is the new attack tactic of the anti-gay crowd. They accuse gay people who defend themselves against hate speech against gays of being intolerant haters themselves. That does not wash. Do not be deceived. Defending against bigotry is not intolerance.

    Here is a thread about this very topic:


    More to THIS thread topic, there is a faction of gay posters here who are clearly of a more conservative bent and some even strangely HOSTILE to gay civil rights activism. Yes, I said bent. So do you actually want moderation to change to ALLOW homophobic comments here or not? I think they should not be allowed here (or actually anywhere on the wider website). Is hate speech against ANY OTHER identity group tolerated on the wider forum? I think the tolerance on the wider forum to anti-GLBT speech is greater than any other group. I am not saying that other identity groups are immune though, just a matter of degree and how common.

    Are gay people not supposed to CALL OUT such hate speech here when it happens? Do you have no self respect, no GAY PRIDE? I know to some of you gay people the concept of GAY PRIDE makes you retch. I get it, that's your right, but heck this is a GAY forum ... don't be too shocked about it.

    Yes I realize there are often grey areas about what is a hate speech comment and what is not. That's moderation's job to rule on of course.

    If an official decision is made, anti-gay speech is totally OK on the gay forum, if that IS the decision that is the decision. The forum is a commercial enterprise, it is not owned by the users. But I would think in that case, it would still be OK for members to push back against such speech. I don't favor this change because then the forum is likely to become a free for all of homophobes coming in here to provoke. We get that here already, predictably, but they soon learn there ARE rules against that, at least in THIS gay forum.

    Anyway, if you wish this change towards official toleration of anti-gay speech here, so be it, but it will turn out to be a classic case of be careful what you wish for.

    So people, is that what you really want? No rules against anti-gay speech here?

    You are so predictable its pathetic, when in doubt when unsure or basically whenever the situation presents itself lets scream "homophobia", wow is me I'm gay and your wrong and homophobic its boring and predictable.

    There are NO homphobic remarks made or inferred in this thread. Quite the opposite it seems its more about

    " hetrophobia" and your obvious hate of non gays and assuming everyone who isnt gay MUST be homophobic.

    Pathetic response largely not even relevant to this thread, posted I suspect purely in support of your clearly very biased friend.

    I wasn't talking about the thread, but the history of the forum in general.

    If you don't know that we often get virulent homophobic comments on this forum, well, you haven't read the forum for long.

    Sir, please desist from insulting me personally. I am not anti-straight people. I am against bigotry of ALL kinds, including homophobia.

    I also think a gay forum should not be a place where anti-gay speech is to be welcomed any more than racist speech would be welcome on a black people's forum.

    Also it is a TOTAL LIE that I have ever said even one time that straight people are not welcome here (not that it's my call anyway). I have mentioned a number of times that it is important that straight people posting here be RESPECTFUL to gay people. That's all.

    You Sir, need to resd your own post ! You specifically state THIS thread ! Nowhere did i insult you directly or name you , unlike the poster above who was clearly singled out and insulted, this was in my opinion the vety thing YOU have just stated you are against.

    There is a very clear statement made above to basically "go elsewhere" made directly to a non gay, if that was said to you in as a gay you would be up in arms ! and rightly so, therefore when the reverse happens and a direct comment to go elsewhere is made to a non gay ITS WRONG !

    No homophobic comment was made or inferred it was ASSUMED to be present purely based on not being gay and that is WRONG.

    It cuts both ways or does it only apply when it suits you and gay people are the victim of it !

  6. This is the new attack tactic of the anti-gay crowd. They accuse gay people who defend themselves against hate speech against gays of being intolerant haters themselves. That does not wash. Do not be deceived. Defending against bigotry is not intolerance.

    Here is a thread about this very topic:


    More to THIS thread topic, there is a faction of gay posters here who are clearly of a more conservative bent and some even strangely HOSTILE to gay civil rights activism. Yes, I said bent. So do you actually want moderation to change to ALLOW homophobic comments here or not? I think they should not be allowed here (or actually anywhere on the wider website). Is hate speech against ANY OTHER identity group tolerated on the wider forum? I think the tolerance on the wider forum to anti-GLBT speech is greater than any other group. I am not saying that other identity groups are immune though, just a matter of degree and how common.

    Are gay people not supposed to CALL OUT such hate speech here when it happens? Do you have no self respect, no GAY PRIDE? I know to some of you gay people the concept of GAY PRIDE makes you retch. I get it, that's your right, but heck this is a GAY forum ... don't be too shocked about it.

    Yes I realize there are often grey areas about what is a hate speech comment and what is not. That's moderation's job to rule on of course.

    If an official decision is made, anti-gay speech is totally OK on the gay forum, if that IS the decision that is the decision. The forum is a commercial enterprise, it is not owned by the users. But I would think in that case, it would still be OK for members to push back against such speech. I don't favor this change because then the forum is likely to become a free for all of homophobes coming in here to provoke. We get that here already, predictably, but they soon learn there ARE rules against that, at least in THIS gay forum.

    Anyway, if you wish this change towards official toleration of anti-gay speech here, so be it, but it will turn out to be a classic case of be careful what you wish for.

    So people, is that what you really want? No rules against anti-gay speech here?

    You are so predictable its pathetic, when in doubt when unsure or basically whenever the situation presents itself lets scream "homophobia", wow is me I'm gay and your wrong and homophobic its boring and predictable.

    There are NO homphobic remarks made or inferred in this thread. Quite the opposite it seems its more about

    " hetrophobia" and your obvious hate of non gays and assuming everyone who isnt gay MUST be homophobic.

    Pathetic response largely not even relevant to this thread, posted I suspect purely in support of your clearly very biased friend.

  7. Disgusting ! For gay person to adopt that atfifude.

    It is a great irony that those seeking to increase tolerance and understanding do not extend that to those who disagree or dont understand them.

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