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Posts posted by PAWNEESE

  1. "Can anyone confirm that EVERY game will be shown live and in HD like it was on CTH?"

    I am hopeless at maths but ... True have said they will show 380 live EPL games.

    20 teams = 10 matches per week = 38 rounds of matches.

    Each team plays 38 games per season. (19 teams home and away).

    Must be every game. Gonna lie down in a darkened room now to rest my brain.

  2. "No mention of club channels"

    Good point.

    To be clear .. they did not show the clubs channels entirely ... but match coverage from the 3 clubs own TV station at least 2 days after they had been played. (Plus in Man U TV case youth and reserve team games live).

    So they would not claim coverage of the clubs channels. In my opinion as they just show tiny bits of them.

    Enough ... 3 games at least a week, repeated many times, to be able to correctly have a poster that the show EPL.

    But hey ho ... we should know soon I guess ... Fingers crossed.

  3. I am not letting myself be over optimistic just because of that poster on post 177. But its a good sign.

    It could have applied last season. True showed EPL in the form of showing most of Man U, Liverpool and Spurs games by having those clubs own TV channels. The matches were always shown first about 2 days after the game .. never live.

    My point being they could have had that poster last year .. and if the same showings are to happen this year ... they could have that poster now.

    It does not mean yet we are going to get the EPL live in my humble opinion. But I dont read Thai so maybe it says live games.

    Fingers crossed it happens. Wifi coverage not fast enough where I am so I hope True shows EPL ... I dont care how much it costs.

  4. Yeah sorry. I think someone being called lazy or acting cool for calling a bar "TQ" when said bar has a sign outside saying "TQ" got to me in a happy smiley way.

    My first post for about a year.

    Tahitian Queen 2 when full of beer always came out as "Ok .. for the great music next itsssssh the Taheeeeeeeeshun Quuuu ... damn .. I mean TQ next.

  5. The first sentence of this very informative post said it was about daytime Go Go bars in Pattaya (well it was in the Pattaya forum).

    The second line listed some of them including one called "TQ".

    It could not be clearer what TQ was.

    But shock, horror he gave the commonly used name. He is obviously very "Jai Dam" and deserves the flaming for being lazy and trying to be cool.

    It used to be called TQ2 ... for Tahitian Queen 2. There was a TQ1. The name was such a mouthful to say it always abbreviated even in speech.

    Nothing to do with trying to be cool .. its always been abbreviated and it says TQ prominently on the sign outside.

    Personally I act cool by wearing camouflage shorts, wearing my "Good guys go to heaven, Bad guys go to Pattaya" T shirt to open air bars, next to grid locked main roads at 10 in the morning. Cool or what.

  6. Ha ha ... sorry about my very bad English in the reference to those of whom English is not their first language.

    Ironic and embarrassing in a way.

    But hey ho ... I was rushing to go out.

    When I googled the subject, there was pages of different reports and facts. The Telegraph article was the first one concentrating on London but

    "up north" things are similiar.

  7. We were told we were joining a trading block. I.e no import duties from member countries etc etc. That what it was originally. No mention at all of open borders or a European Parliament being more powerful that our own. I should know ... I was there being very old ... I voted no by the way. I remember having discussions at work. But thats another story. I cant remember why I was against that minor step.

    We were tricked into minimal control over laws and borders etc etc etc.

    Not just my view ... even EC loving politicians and EU loving newspapers have accepted that.

    But hey ho... we all entitled to a view ... believe we were consulted if you wish.

    • Like 1
  8. Yes ... UK citizens including me go live in other countries. I respect your point.

    All I would like is DEMOCRACY.

    A strange concept to many particularly politicians I know. Consult us BEFORE huge changes. Dont give our country away by stealth to all.

    I dont think I am asking for tooooooo much. But hey ho ... I dont worry about things I cant change. Just speak out and then go back to chilling.

    Does any one remember the huge clamour for a United States of Europe with no borders. There was NONE.

    But bit by bit it was imposed by a handful of politicians who tricked us.

    They were too scared to ask us to vote on open borders.

  9. Personally, I would never ever ever stand up on the back step ... I am often asked to do so at that baht bus terminus. They wont leave till they get someone to do it. I wait for the next one or walk further up the road to hail a different bus. A falang was killed a few years back falling off a bus step. Must have been more previously. It must be remembered most baht bus drivers seem to think someone pressing the bell is a test ... when they hear it ... they have to do an emergency stop. Perhaps they think we are unable to time our pressing the bell to allow a safe stopping distance to where we want to get off.

  10. To be fair it is possible the guy was not as stupid as it appears. I am thinking of a time about a year ago when I bought a Thai lady a drink one afternoon. I remember her phoning someone. Within minutes 3 friends of her friends turned up. By then I was playing her at pool. I did not offer her a second drink or speak to her friends other than being introduced and saying hello. Her friends sat on the next table to where our drinks were and ordered 2 rounds of drinks during the time I was playing pool. They bought drinks for the lady I was playing pool with too.

    I was naively surprised I was not being hassled to pay for my pool partners drinks. You ve probably guessed by now ... It was all going in my bin. As I was playing pool I was not seeing the dockets going in.

    So 4 games of pool cost me 10 drinks only one of which was for me. Very stupid of me I know not to have twigged what the game was. I thought Thai girls dont drink much. I paid ... lifes too short to get into conflicts unnecessarily over £30.

    I know my stupidity so dont need telling ... just saying the guy MAY have bought one drink for one Thai guy and got a similiar shock when he got the bill for half the bar ... hence it ending in blows. But who knows.

    • Like 1
  11. TallGuy ....

    Ok ... but the Immigration Officers call them both Retirement Visas !!! . Its just that there are 2 ways of getting one ... and ok they are slightly different. A collective name for various brands of liquid drink is beer. With respect it is a collective name thing mostly brought on by the Immigration offices calling them Retirement Visas so we do too. But hey ho .. just a light hearted discussion and fun topic.

  12. Many thanks sunshine51. Kind of you to give the tip. To be honest I doodled the flower pic a long time ago and only posted it when I stumbled across it today. I think I was widening my topic range as I realised my posted pics were of lady subjects of the opposite fingy type. Watch this space for more better-er efforts. Errrr after Ive had a lie down or two. I may cheat and look to the squillions on Photobucket for inspiration. It keeps me out the bars .. occasionally. I must apply more quality control ....

  13. Photobucket just had a "Colour Splash" photos competition and there were tens of thousands posted. Some were brilliant. I was way toooooo late making an effort myself. So as they not abstract ... I decided to post a new topic. Ooooo errrrr .. Mainly because there may be others out there with no suitable TV topic for their ooooodles of doddles .. or something. This pic from a shop in Soi Pattaya Tai the other day.


  14. Tomyumchai ...Mafia scamming and extortion is being discussed. Threats of serious violence if the victims dont pay for "damage" . I really dont see how Soi dogs, loud music, flower sellers, beach vendors come into it. When has any one been surrounded by 6 thugs some with iron bars who were flower or ice cream mafia ?????

  15. They seem to know Pattaya Jet Ski thugs have been filmed for the internet. So they bully / threaten any one lingering too long near them with a camera. 4 thugs asked to see what I had photographed recently. I had known some Indian guys were getting threatened / scammed but I was waiting for the sunset in the other direction. I had taken 2 wide angle pix of the bay in their direction though earlier. I was 200 yards away along the road and they or anything incriminating was not in view. I deleted them at their insistence .. I just want a quiet life. If it was a 20,000 baht camera instead of a 120,000 one I might have risked it or me being smashed up, but I doubt it. In most countries you call the Police but here they are in on it. A guy on TV recently posted he had the same experience but stood up to them. He is braver than me I prefer not taking on mafia type gangs. Yes ban them .. but I think it does not matter what we think. Thailand has to want to sort it. Thais dont seem bothered.

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