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Posts posted by PAWNEESE

  1. I dont want to go off subject but its close-ish to a concern I have. Delete if Im out of order. Sometimes I want to download something .. an example yesterday was a chart showing average rainfall per month in Thailand.


    I was using Firefox browser .. a common and popular browser. .. A dialogue box came up and said to download it I had to agree for Firefox to have access to my photographs and files,  <deleted> !!!


    I declined to agree and my download would not happen because I not agree.


    I have noticed this requirement before.  I think occasionally I have agreed to such requests to get whatever I was trying to download. A couple of times I have got collages of my own pics on my tablet as notifications .. not emails just notifications I think .. previews. Spooky .. someone or thing is processing my provate photos.


    I have family, holiday and various girlfriend pix (portraits only honest ) that are private thank you. Why do they ever need access. 


    I am guessing it is for targetted adverts. No idea really.


    Deleted Firefox .. Not noticed it before loading that browser.


    Only loaded it because installed browser on my Android tablet not compatible apparently with some sites .. like when I tried to order a sports event tickets. It your browser they said on phone .. ... use Forefox.


    As I say .. what is justication to ask access to photographs and files. Scary stuff.


    Any experts able to convince me nothing to worry about ?





  2. On 10/9/2018 at 1:57 PM, mercman24 said:

    its not a case of having the money, its a case of now having 20,000 english pounds in a Thai bank for 3 months, and we hear every week of skimmers, using cloned cards to nick money from unsuspecting people with the banks taking no responsibility for the losses. and everyone having to show 800,00 baht in the bank i dont trust a Thai bank as far as i can spit

    Just put it in an account that has no ATM card affiliated to it. If you got an ATM facility account .. visit bank .. get a second account and top up ATM account from it as you go. I think you can get an internet account and move funds. No risk of skimmers taking big bucks if you keep small bucks in it. Thats what I do ... 

    • Thanks 1
  3. "I question the propriety of one embassy announcing something on behalf of another embassy. If nothing else it demonstrates that British diplomats (if that's not gilding the dandelion) lack diplomacy."


    It was a Thai employee who "announced" what he thought the US embassy was going to do. Probably an indescretion because he was asked a question.  I suspect a rollicking will be given. But it was not a British Diplomat.  Ok a British employed person but a Thai. Pedantic I know but it was not a Brit.


    They will issue the rollicking I hope to the employee .. but in between cocktail parties and filling in expenses.  

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. Nobody has any idea what the other Embassy's are doing yet. No Embassy can or will guarantee what you tell them. This enquiry as such, has been going on a while and this I suspect, is the start of it. The UK is simply the first to say that they just cannot comply with what Thailand is asking for in the way of guarantees of financial information.
    Lets see what transpires over the next month or so. I suspect the UK won't be the one and only that say they cannot comply. I posted a link above which may help to understand where they are with it.

    I think we all know they cannot comply ... but Brit Embassy have taken an action that means big problems for its own citizens. THEY could easily keep doing what they have been doing for decades. Nothing more. Nothing less.  Thailand not ordering them to stop providing letters on existing basis are they ?
    Then tell Thailand to tell Brits their income letters not acceptable.  But the embassy is not fighting our corner .. its saying ok WE
    will screw up our citizens. Not saying you can decline the letters if you wish.
    It not effect me. Got money but income method to keep visa essential for people with ties here and none in UK. Family etc. Let Thailand uproot them not Britain take action to force it.
    • Like 1
  5. 26 minutes ago, blackhorse said:

    So here we are. Not a single other embassy joined the income letter party and nothing on the thai immigration website announcing a new law.

    The British Embassy has royally screwed their own citizens.

    I would be furious but I'm not a brit.

    Why are you guys not descending on the embassy and demanding answers? No good crying on TV I doubt the embassy staff are on here


    I agree ... but it took me a day or two to realise what the situation was. It does seem like the Brit Embassy is acting disgracefully. For a day or so though  it was suggested other embassys will follow or HAVE  to follow, 


    Also there were thoughts getting ones Thai bank to verify payments in might be easier.


    To me it seems the Brit Embassy has created a huge problem for tens of thousands (guess) and deserve protests.  Its ok to chat on here about it for now .. if it causes in reality the problems it seems possible to huge numbers ..  well lets see.


    I wonder if withdrawing a service provided for decades .. and relied upon .. and the withdrwal of which will create big problems to citizens is even legal (by UK government dept by UK law).  Probably is .. a rhetorical questiom.


    It seems possible doing income letter a pain in rear for them and they have found an excuse for stopping doing it. 


    Big protest may come. My writing to my Member of Parliament on the cards .. that will teach em ????????????????????????????





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  6. Soooo many blaming the British Embassy.  Thailand told said B.E that they can no longer just provide a letter saying "Mr Expat says he has income of .... and has provided letters etc" 


    But it has to now to investigate every single income quoted ... investments/pension/property income and certify it as genuine. B.E says it cant and wont.


    Logical to me. They would need a small army of investigators. And it would cost big bucks. But hey ho .. been said many times on here and posters still saying its the embassys fault. 

    • Like 1
  7. "If you do transfer 800'000 to here, which is the best interest-bearing account? Is it taxed?




    Be very careful .. and realise that it has to be in a accessable account .. not a "high" interest account that cant be accessed till the term is over. I had a million baht locked in a 12 month account. Stupidly thought this prooved I had funds over my living expenses and not a pauper .. but immigration would not count it. Had last minute panic to get B. Embassy income letter (a year or two back). I guess higher income term account that the term has ended before visa application logically may be acceptable but paperwork / letter possibly needed to show now available ...... the account had the word term in it that IO was not happy with. I personally wont risk bothering squeezing an extra 1 or 2 percent.

    • Like 1
  8. I stopped keeping 800k in my Thai bank and opted for the embassy letter "proof" of income.  I guess I will have to move a lump sum back.


    My only objection to having nearly £20,000 here is how hard it will be for my grown up son to get it when I go off to the big Go Go bar in the sky. A Thai lawyer needed to do a will and process it when I go. I guess the bank keeps the money if no arrangement made. 


    My cunning plan .. I guess will be move said sum 3 months before .. and start to spend it only after visa obtained. Top up 3 months b4 next visa.  


    Not my problem I guess if £20k lost if I "go" whilst account has a big sum in. But its best to make things easy as possible. Oh well ... maybe a will needed. Im not sure if I decide Ive had enough ... and just to go home if its easy to take out my 800,000 baht.  


    Im ok this year .. my renewal in very early December .. the question of whether they take regular movement into my Thai bank will be sorted for future years .. but the banks will need to do lots of work certifying by letter it is genuine incoming funds from abroad not just moved from person A account to person B account .. if that makes sense.

  9. The British people wanted out on the very first time we wre properly consulted about giving away our sovereignty and self rule. The 1975 referendum was the biggest con trick you could imagine.  No one other than politicians were asking to join. It was imposed. The referendum was about joining a common market. No import tariffs etc. Indeed it was called simply the "Common Market". A clue in the name. There was no mention of open borders, common currency, a European parliament, laws being imposed. Its not hard to goggle the leaflet every address was sent at the time. It said we were joining a market .. not the United States of Europe. Opposition had no money to mailshot similarly. The government refused to pay but could afford the pro pamphlet ! Opposition were warning the true intent was a US of Europe but were dismissed as scare mongerers.  


    Unbelievably I recently happened upon a site of pro marketeers re the 75 election ... which said its rubbish that the public were not informed it was going to lead to a huge political join up and open Europe because opposition were warning that was what was intended and we were being conned. (The government and pro Europeans denied it) So because we were fooled and conned .. and a few wise people warned us .. we apparently thus DID know and so cant complain. We were conned they admit so cant complain now. Grrrrrrr. Its not me making it up. Its not hard to research the pamphlet and 1975 con trick. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  10. It wont let me edit my post but I was trying to add .. we should let people be different. The knockers hate it seems those who are different from them. The cruise is not your thing. Get over it. Let those who are different from you be different without your superior pomposity. Who are you to be judgemental. It hurt no one and benefitted many. It was private between consenting grown ups but some hate that and think its their business. To allow pix stupid as stated .totally idiotic as amongst other things it lets the superiorocracy .. who errrr just invented a word .. to look down on others.

    • Like 1
  11. I'm a little confused about the Pattaya bashing and bashing of "fun" loving guys not wanting to grow up. So you go on a Pattaya forum to knock fun. Its like going on a stamp collecting forum and knocking in a superior pompous way stamp collecting. Maybe I could work on that comparison ?.  Errrrrrr maybe I will try .. its like going on a keep fit forum and saying those who go to a gym are morons.  No that not work either. If you hate Pattaya and its seedier side so much ... go to the knitting cardigans forum. Nah not work either. I admire the fun loving guys going on the cruise.  Allowing photography naive and stupid though. Good on the fun loving cruisers. Keep on enjoying life ignore the smarmy superior knockers of Pattaya on a PATTAYA forum. If you hate it so much why live there or get involved in the forum. Go to a philosophy forum or a opera music forum or a errrrrr need inspiration ...?????

    You go on a Pattaya forum to insult 90 percent of the people on the forum. Makes you feel so superior I guess.

    • Like 2
  12. I would guess that as none of the many Thai men near are remotely protective of the Thai "girl" struck by the foreigner they can see its a ladyboy ... who at the instant the video gets clear is getting threatening/aggressive before the one arab seems to strike out in self defence. They would be going to their girls aid big time.


    Hey ho ....


    There is a long conversation between video taker and the girl ? in the torn jeans. No Thai speakers able to translate ? .. I think she is saying we should not have been so horrible to them nice lads .. they only out for a morning stroll and breakfast, I jest ..sorry. 

  13. I used to go to a gym in that street ... its off Walking Street ... early mornings and was a number of times pestered by aggressive ladyboys. One insisted I had promised to "go with her today". My ignoring and walking faster away resulted in "her" getting very threatening. Had very aggresive looks and moves towards me, from one on another occasion when I totally ignored her saying hello.  These lads dont look drunk after an all night bender.  One seems eventually to have had enough.


    • Like 1
  14. Sorry ... My condo complex subscribes to what everyone calls Sophon cable. It is in all 300 odd condos. A collective fee included in annual maintenance bill. I never bother with it as it has only about 30 English channels.  But by chance when I had True installed I got them to wire it so I could also access the existing feed.  And Bingo .. 3 years later I have found it to be a good extra 200 baht one off payent.


    Sorry I cant be more helpful. 

  15. It is on what I call Sophon ... Thailand Golf Channel. I am watching it now.

    A Astro channel logo appeared briefly during preceeding adverts.


    I hardly watch Sophon channels as I have True satellite subscription. Its not on Trues Golf Channel..


    Im glad I sorted dual feed now ..



  16. A couple of times in the last 2 days, I have looked forward to watching an advertised re run of one of the EPL games I have not seen. For example Crystal Palace v WBA has been advertised for a week on the programme guide to be repeated at 1300 today. They are showing Middlesbrough v Stoke .. a game I have seen. Its not the crime of the century but very annoying .. not least as I avoid the scores till I have seen the games.  Grrrrrrrrrrr. Chelsea v West Ham was on live at 0200 so not wanting to be up that late ... I researched the repeat times. Never been shown when it was advertised.  Not much point whinging on here  I know .. but I have also sent a Whingeing Pom email to True's contact email.   How hard is it to show the game advertised ... Not impressed with Bein in that regard but all other aspects happy.  The email brought an automated reply saying they will get back to me. I guess True will blame Bein and nothing to do with them. 

  17. 4 hours ago, MrMuddle said:

     I'm seriously thinking about not bothering with football on TV, if it's going to be twice the price of what I paid CTH. It isn't the cost, it's the principle. Why pay double for a service that isn't as good ?


    CTH went bust ... so obviously were not charging enough. For the Platinum package it works out at just over 70 baht a day.

    For all them there channels.  I cant think of anything more value for money. I want them to recoup the fortune they would have paid  BEIN so they keep providing access to EPL.


    A bargain in my humble opinion.  


    If only the EPL football is considered its 50 baht (a weeks payments div 10) per live match plus they repeat them so they can be watched at a convenient time. 



  18. Hi Patriot

    I upgraded to Platinum from Gold today by phone and asked what I already knew .. for him to confirm I get all EPL included in the package. (2155 baht).

    He confirmed. He said something about the Bein channels will appear on the 5th August but possibly he said 6th as I did not make notes.

    Within minutes I had access to all the Platinum channels so no need to go to a True shop.

    He warned I could not go back to Gold at my previous rate. Presumeably new Gold customers pay more than existing ones. That wont happen.

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