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Everything posted by liddelljohn

  1. I live in Bang Sarey and all the nice Villas with pools are on East side of Sukumvit ,,as far as I know, on West side there are condos , rooms ,,but when you say Dark side it is not Pattaya its just a nice area actually prettier than the west beach side sprall Bang Sarey is a small place ,
  2. My HiLux is oil changed at shell , filters for fuel and oil and Shell Synthetic oil every 10k kms
  3. Go to Manerat in soi Post office pattaya they are very professional and efficient been in Business for over 30 years
  4. If we dont help Ukraine then Kazakstan will be next on Putrids list then Poland , Finland ,etc he must be prevented and punished even if it means WW3 , does the lesson of Hitler and WW2 not register on some idiots tiny brains The russian people are being sent for cannon fodder by a lunatic power mad despot , I dont trust USA OR uk POLITICIANS much , You do not kowtow to Bullies ,, do nothing and it only encourages more outrages and suffering
  5. there was some mention a couple of weeks ago about international cable hub links for Thailand having issues ,,
  6. My Daughter katria was at BEST from 2002 aged 3 until 2009 when she was 10 and went on to a senior school at wat Pottisamphan North Pattaya for matayom 1-6 . then to Bangkok University to study Business Degree, we found BEST to be excellent she is faultless in English and Thai both reading and writing , she loved BEST . I dont know what its like now its expanded a lot over the years but It was great for her and many of my friend Kids , The Dual language program was very good. she is 24 now and running her own business in UK .
  7. Laughable and pointless ,, there is already a huge shortage of actual flights to Thailand compared to pre covid ,, and airlines especially from Europe and ME are reluctant to add extra flights which is one reason prices are so high .
  8. No its not finished , never will be as what was done last year is already broken and will need fixing again soon,,, all of Chonburi and rayong is one vast road work due to EEC projects
  9. usually 22 mm bur not easy to get at , can use crows foot extensions and a ratchet for access if really awkward
  10. sell wife and kids , buy a motorcycle and be happy,, only joking I bought a low mileage 3 years old Toyota Hilux in mint condition 29,000 kms from a big 2nd hand franchise that have places all over Thailand car was like new , with 6 months warranty and full Toyota Service History now had it 2 years totally Bomb proof now over 80k kms and it was half the price of a new one which is currently 980,000 I paid 530,00 . Stick to Toyotas, Hondas , Suzuki , Mitsu , beware of newer Nissans they are not so reliable these days , Our last car was a Mazda it was OK , avoid Fords and German cars
  11. Firstly there are NO Mambas in Thailand only in Africa ,,,but there are many snakes that are active by night , many are poisonous ,, pythons also can be active at night if hungry but its very unlikely one would be big enough to eat you , other poisonous creatures active at night are centipedes, Scorpions , spiders, ,, If walking around at night wear stout strong shoes r boots ,the most common snake bites in Thailand are russels vipers and other leaf vipers that camofluage themselves in leaf litter and undergrowth as they are ambush predators , I am not a herpetologist but when a student i spent 6 months working on a snake farm in Israel collecting snakes for research . another snake species that is extremely poisonous in Thailand is the bar girls you are more likely to be bitten by one of them .
  12. Should have gone to government Hospital you would have had change from 1500 Baht
  13. Unless you buy Rizoma ones for about 8,000 baht the other ones at 2000 will be the same items you can buy from China on Lazada for 600 Baht but with massive mark up , best be patient and get from Lazada , I got lazada bought levers on 2 of my ducatis very good quality
  14. out live all my enemies and make more enemies to outlive so I live for ever
  15. The summers are nicer , warmer , longer , but everything else is crummier , ripoff pricing , ruder , innefective and miserable,, Oh the real ale is good ,,
  16. Alot of ignorant comments on here , I have ridden motrcycles all over the world ,for over 50 years I have a Big Ducati I have ridden in Thailand , Cambodia, Laos, Burma for 20 years and also now a new even more powerful Kawasaki Ninja 1000 , both can easily be ridden slowly or crazy fast is up to me depending on appropriate situations and my levels of concentration ,, I suspect either the rider was inexperienced , or lost concentration ,, but more likely the truck did something stupid .. I SEE IT ALL THE TIME HERE . And in Pattaya there are no road rules , and stupid tourists renting big bikes without helmets and safety gear is ridiculous , but Thai big bike riders are just as bad ,, I see Hiso Thais on New 1m Baht bikes wearing 200k leathers, boots , but NO helmets or gloves , very fashionable and passing me at 150mph idiots ???
  17. In my experience its totally useless ,, they dont care lazy sods ,, I actually ended up with an apology from the Thais who actually got British embassy to pay them and me compensation when They let me down back in 2007 , its a long story , Thai officials tore a strip of the Ambassador ond consolar officials on my behalf it was lovely to see their embarassment . Fortunately I also now have an Austrian Passport and they are proper people in the Embassy
  18. Netenyahu is a Psychopath and fanatic only interested in his own power , the Fanatics , sephardic jews racists and Ultra Religious jews are in control , but they are a minority ,, most secular Israelis I know just want peace , If Israel does not come to an accomodation with moderate palestinians who are also a majority the It is ultimately doomed . I have relations there , have worked and lived there ... I have also worked with palestinians all over middle east , problem is Fanatics and vested interests , nasty minorities that ruin the majorities regular citizens life on both sides .. Jews and Arabs ... its a mess Netenyahu should be in Jail anyway ,, another Bolsonaro, Trump, Assad, Putin, type monster
  19. The cops here dont just try it on with tourists and foreigners , they do the same to Thais , but the Thais seem to have ways of deflecting the cops using humour , influence or acting dumb for my self I find out quickly if officer can speak english , if he cant I act dumb pretending not to understand anything , they usually get bored and also see other potential victims passing by so give up. f officer speaks english , and its a shakedown i will either do some Pamot stuff and mumble things in welsh or ancient hebrew ,, they usually get spooked as do most Thais and back off ,, or trump them with my soldier and police biker pals who are senior officers , if they are fake cops ,,they can go to hell in an ambulance If im genuinely in the wrong I will negotiate ....or pay ticket at station There is one traffic Officer based in Chonburi who is a notorious scammer , interesting thing is that although he is now in his late 40s he is still only a leiutenant when he should be captain or major but he is very wealthy and HISO looks like a movie star , he is actually despised by many of his co workers ,but he is connected to the Kunphloen family ,, he has a ferrari, 3 HDs, 3 Bmws and a big house ,,he is a real pain to deal with , when dealing with him let him write u a ticket , half the time the guys at the station pay point will lose it when they see his signature and number .
  20. try going into a bank in Uk , most branches have been closed Thailand has some weird systems but plenty of banks you can go in a speak to people ..
  21. Phillipines is OK but its got worst food in the world , and terrible transport system,, be prepared to wait up to 6 hours for your bags at airport , I have spent much time there working and holidays ,, people are nice , but its not as user friendly as Thailand
  22. Close all the scam , ripoff NWG bars would make the place great again
  23. Residency Cert is only 200bt at Jomtien I did one 5 weeks ago you were scammed , also go in the morning not 3pm , avoid Bangkok Bank Go to SCB or Krungsri ,, they will open account easy peasy
  24. Electric cars are an expensive limited dead end technology , already in UK and Norway many elctric cars users are giving up on the things due to charger problems range and reliability, Most Norweigans families have an electric car for local journeys but also have a massive gas guzzler SUV, 4X4 or limo or yank Tank for pleasure and long journeys , I know many people in Uk who had electric cars but due to lack of chargers or range problems have sold them for petrol vehicles, , My Brotheris a power train development engineer in Motor industry and he says same thing future will be Hydrogen fuel cells, or Hydrogen Internal Combustion engines and synthetic fuels ..
  25. Human Rights and Equity from a bunch of greedy , arrogant , incompetent , fascist xenophobes ,, some one is talking complete rubbish out of their bottom
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