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Posts posted by Seastallion

  1. Trump should say he'll apologise when they apologise for the jihadist terrorism. I guess that'd shut them up.

    Why should she, or any other American, apologise for nutcases in Syria?


    Why should Trump apologise? She was just sh**stirring and in danger of getting thumped.

    It's just a way of getting the stirrers to pull their heads in. No one would believe they meant it even if they did, and they wouldn't.

    You didn't answer my question which was directed at your post.

  2. The US needs to put the heat on China to deal with NK. The US is the largest buyer of Chinese exports and charges NO duties for them. China rips the US off by unloading its crap duty free.

    While the US is the largest buyer, the Chinese imports are less than 20% of all US imports. LINK The US could do without those imports. A 30% duty would make it more cost effective to manufacture in the US.

    Imagine what would happen to China if the US suddenly put a 30% tariff on all Chinese imports, right while China is already crashing? China has been propping NK up for decades and it's time to stop. Surely even China doesn't want those nukes in the hands of a crazy man.

    NK couldn't survive without support from China. It's time to stop supporting China.


    Yeah, that's going to happen....Not!

    "The largest foreign holder of U.S. debt is China, which owns more about $1.2 trillion in bills, notes and bonds, according to the Treasury."

  3. The evidence of disruption was there.....You!!! Rose Hamid!!! ...YOU, purposely went to this rally, with that in mind, as you knew you wouldn't be welcome.

    Nice try....

    Get off the turps mate. Anger doesn't become you.

    She has every right to be there.

    Actually, she has no right to protest in a private venue.

    Her plan was to disrupt. She knew she would be asked to leave. There was a PR team ready to play the Oppressed Muslim card when she did get asked to leave.

    Nobody is buying this any more. The card has been played too many times.

    Standing silently is not disruptive.

    Was she asked to leave because she was standing, because she was silent, or because she was Muslim?

    If the first, she could have been asked to sit down. If the second, she could have been asked to speak up........But it seems that her mere presence, the fact of her religion, sparked uncontrollable feelings in the WWF fans. It is they that were disruptive and who should have been escorted out.

  4. Is making Mexico pay for a wall SARCASM too? Is banning all Muslims SARCASM too? He's dangerous. Warning.1zgarz5.gif Dictator Alert. He's pandering to fascists and if elected they will expect him to follow through with his MAD promises.

    You might need to read my post a little clearer because you are completely stretching it dude. Your above post has Nothing to do with the coats at all. And yes having Mexico pay for the wall is sarcastic ( but not a bad idea actually) building the wall has some truth but also some sarcasm because of the cost. Banning all Muslims has some sarcasm. But banning some in certain situations is already occurring and will probably increase because in 2016 , almost daily, there are situations where Muslims are getting out of control somewhere . You should sit down with the family of the Philadelphia police man just shot at numerous times and hear what they might think It was of course in the name of allah. He says things to provoke with some truth and quite honestly with lots of sarcasm and fun. Everyone has to stop taking him so literal ALWAYS. No politician follows through on most issues. Don't you know this by now?

    So.....everything stupid that Trump says is just sarcasm?

    I've heard of people making excuses but this takes the cake!

    Just to veer off topic....What is your opinion of Hulk Hogan?

  5. Screening political rallies for supporters only is normal. Questionable but normal. Ejecting protesters that are disruptive is normal too. What's not normal is the coat thing. More proof Trump is a fascist and his supporters are fascist.

    People say no matter how outrageous Trump gets it doesn't hurt him, doesn't stop him. Perhaps not going towards the nomination of the right wing republican party. But this coat thing, if he is nominated, and similar, will damage him later. Many Americans do want an American Strong Man Dictator in the spirit of Il Duce, and that choice is obviously Trump. But not the majority when it comes to a general election.


    I agree with you....but it sort of looks like George C Scott.

  6. Here is why Trump will win the presidency with a landslide. I am putting myself on the limb here but I believe it . First I usually get 1 or 2 people agree with me on posts here from time to time on varieing subjects from Politics to cats

    But when I posted about Trump not being politically correct and we need someone in the White House that will ruffle some feathers I have 12 people agree.

    Although not scientific it is the general feeling of the public that they are very tired of the old guard so to speak. He is hitting a nerve with the Silent Majority . The people who usually are not vocal and who may not vote under normal circumstances since they feel their vote does not matter in the big scheme of things.

    What Trump has done here and no commentator has yet to zero in on it is that he has tapped into the silent majority . He has energized them and THEY WILL VOTE THIS TIME because they believe they have someone that really echos their feelings and frustrations with Washington

    Its not the woman's group or the men over 35 or the black minority or Hispanics as a voting block that will put him into office. It is this silent majority that politicians have ignored for decades that are fed up with the system and will show up in mass to vote for Trump. Not necessarily because they love him but because they want to send a very clear message to the politicians that they are fed up with the status quo.

    You can see it from the venues he is attending where there is standing room only . Hillary is not getting those types of crowds and neither are the other GOP Candidates.

    And the bottom line is that Trump knows what he has

    Here's why Trump has a snowball's chance in hell. My best number of likes for a single post is close to 170. Not about cats, though. And I say he wont'.

    Not scientific, I agree.

  7. Did you notice in your clip that when he was saying, in a moderate voice, "Take them out, take them out..." there was little response from the crowd, but when he changed his voice to gruff, "Get 'em outta here!" the crowd cheered? Typical wrestling fan mentality. Ya gotta talk tough like an angry John Wayne or wrestling star.

    Whoa there, Pilgrim. The wrestling part might be pretty accurate but lay off the Duke. cowboy.gif

    No offense to the Duke.....it's those that want to parody his toughness that I was aiming at.thumbsup.gif

  8. The TV wingnuts are outraged at the free speech expression of people who find tRump a xenophobic buffoon. Constitution is made up of a number of rights, not just the right to carry a gun. By the way, it doesn't say that.

    Hillary seems to be able to handle the opposition. Trump sicks his Storm Troopers on them. tongue.png

    Fig­ures provided by CNN show that while 66 per­cent of Re­pub­lic­an wo­men ex­pressed a fa­vor­able view of Trump in the Decem­ber sur­vey, that plummeted to a minus­cule 12 per­cent among all wo­men who are not Re­pub­lic­ans. 81 per­cent of non-Re­pub­lic­an wo­men viewed Trump un­fa­vor­ably.

    He's obviously not going to get the minority vote. He's not going to get women. Who is going to vote for him?

    I wouldn't walk across the street to protest against him. Why bother? thumbsup.gif

    What's the percentage of voters who are wrestling fans or live in a trailer park?

  9. Liberals really can't stand Trump.

    Why not let all politicians have their rallies free of disruption by those with opposing views?

    Any politician worth his or her mettle can handle opposing views and can respond. Politicians (or army generals) who can't handle opposing views are insecure in their policies or inept at diplomacy.

    And any comedian should be able to handle hecklers.

    But there comes a point where they spoil the show for others.

    People spent their time & money getting to that venue to hear Trump. Those people have rights. Rights that were trampled on by the demonstrators.

    It was Trumps show. The demonstrators revealed nothing more than a lack of respect for others.

    I take your point.

    An adept politician or an experienced comedian wouldn't order security to steal their coats and kick them out in the freezing cold....THAT is just playing to the wrestling fans AND showing what a crass buffoon he is.

  10. Seems to be a lot of effort for a rather mall haul. Cocnuts might be leaving out some details.

    Looks to me the taxi driver got his wife to baby sit the drunk at a hotel room. He didn't have money for the room so took the drunks 600 to pay for a room. If the drunk passed out, was that drunk, then likely didn't tell the taxi where her room was, he did right by not just hauling her out of the taxi and leaving her passed out at some dark corner.

    A lot left out here, how could it be robbery if you leave your wife at the hotel room to take care of the drunken woman. He should get an award.

    Defending the indefensible, quite difficult to do in this case and you fail completely in your attempt.

    well, it's quite nice to occasionally see someone trying hard to see a good thing, even when it's likely that no good was happening.

  11. Liberals really can't stand Trump.

    Why not let all politicians have their rallies free of disruption by those with opposing views?

    Some conservatives, moderates and liberals really can't stand Trump.

    You forgot to mention some women, men, Muslims, Christians, smart people, dumb people, fat people, skinny people, .......It's quite a long list.

    And yes...even some dumb people. Not all dummies support him...and good for them.

    That's not to say that only dummies support him.

  12. Seems to be a lot of effort for a rather mall haul. Cocnuts might be leaving out some details.

    Looks to me the taxi driver got his wife to baby sit the drunk at a hotel room. He didn't have money for the room so took the drunks 600 to pay for a room. If the drunk passed out, was that drunk, then likely didn't tell the taxi where her room was, he did right by not just hauling her out of the taxi and leaving her passed out at some dark corner.

    A lot left out here, how could it be robbery if you leave your wife at the hotel room to take care of the drunken woman. He should get an award.

    No, the wife was the cover story for the motel. He told the motel that the two women were together...he then returned to get his wife, leaving the woman to pay for the motel in the morning....but it backfired.

    He would have reaped an i-phone and 600 baht, simply for the time it took to install the woman in the room.

    Unless he did have nasty sexual intentions...which is possible, at least he put her in a room, not at the side of the road.

  13. "Officials insist the new guidelines are based on firm scientific evidence, confusing some who understood that moderate drinking can be good for you"

    Yes, indeed. There have been many reports regarding a glass of red wine or two every day lowering heart disease.

    Perhaps the Brit strategy is to lower the target in the belief that people will ignore it but decrease their consumption anyway out of concern. A scare tactic designed to encourage moderation.

    The red wine thing only really applies to over 55s. There is a big drinking culture in the UK so I can't imagine this will go down to well.

    I had actually decided at the start of the year I would cut down anyway and now limit my drinking to 1 session a month, the session consisting of maybe a few pints at most. I feel better for it and my pockets a bit fatter.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    You bring up an interesting point that I was going to mention, age.

    Just as if you were to start smoking at age 40 you are unlikely to die of smoking-related illness, if you were to drink more than recommended after you turn 40 or 50 would the bad effects still affect you?

  14. Good on you NZ looks like you have finally grown up and have a sence of self worth and for having the leadership and maturity in removing the union jack.

    Too bad and a shame Australia can't say the same about itself.

    Key word is "POSSIBLE" From BBC. "A second referendum will be held in March to decide whether to adopt the new flag or keep the current one."

    No back slapping yet.

    Yes. I can't work out the logic of holding a referendum on "IF we were to change, which one do you want?" and then afterwards have another referendum, "OK, do you want to change?".

    The further the date for referendum gets from the Rugby World Cup victory, the less likely this sports-inspired flag will be chosen.

    Can you imagine Australia changing their flag to a wallaby or South Africa to a springbok, Argentina to a puma? Laughable.

    It is all political. Not really much about the flag per se, but more about the ambitions of a certain politician.

    Perhaps this should have been one of the choices?


  15. At the rally Trump said, “Get them out. Take them out. Get them out there. Don’t give him his coat. Keep his coat. Confiscate his coat. It’s about ten below zero outside. You can keep his coat. Tell him we’ll send it to him in a couple of weeks.”

    Sure being petty and vindictive towards protesters in Vermont who happen to be American citizens.

    Trump and his supporters are so laughable.

    Did you notice in your clip that when he was saying, in a moderate voice, "Take them out, take them out..." there was little response from the crowd, but when he changed his voice to gruff, "Get 'em outta here!" the crowd cheered? Typical wrestling fan mentality. Ya gotta talk tough like an angry John Wayne or wrestling star.

    I would have thought that stealing people's coats would be a felony, not to mention highly irresponsible in that cold. But the WWF fans loved it. cheesy.gif

  16. Good on you NZ looks like you have finally grown up and have a sence of self worth and for having the leadership and maturity in removing the union jack.

    Too bad and a shame Australia can't say the same about itself.

    Key word is "POSSIBLE" From BBC. "A second referendum will be held in March to decide whether to adopt the new flag or keep the current one."

    No back slapping yet.

    Yes. I can't work out the logic of holding a referendum on "IF we were to change, which one do you want?" and then afterwards have another referendum, "OK, do you want to change?".

    The further the date for referendum gets from the Rugby World Cup victory, the less likely this sports-inspired flag will be chosen.

    Can you imagine Australia changing their flag to a wallaby or South Africa to a springbok, Argentina to a puma? Laughable.

  17. "Officials insist the new guidelines are based on firm scientific evidence, confusing some who understood that moderate drinking can be good for you"

    Yes, indeed. There have been many reports regarding a glass of red wine or two every day lowering heart disease.

    Perhaps the Brit strategy is to lower the target in the belief that people will ignore it but decrease their consumption anyway out of concern. A scare tactic designed to encourage moderation.

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