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Posts posted by Seastallion

  1. Sad to say, no one will win this ridiculous "war". sad.png Here's hoping that the Arab nations can form a strong coalition and stop this nonsense created by the Brits after WW2. coffee1.gif

    And do what exactly with this coalition?

    Get serious with Israel. Boycott all Israeli products and services. Refuse airspace. Put serious pressure within the UN.

    It's way past time, too that not only Arab nations but all nations do this.

    And of course, for a long time, all nations have treated Palestinian areas as though they are Israel sovereign land and sea.....just because Israel occupies them. Arab and other nations should push the envelope and sail to Gaza. Why is the sea off Gaza Israeli waters? It's not.

  2. I've never heard of a Country shooting people dead before, is this a new way of suggesting collective guilt?

    That's a rather pedantic post that ignores the understood meaning of the phrase, but since you ask, as Israel is a democracy that keeps on voting in Zionists that push the Zionists goal and prolong the occupation, then I suppose there must be an amount of collective guilt apportioned.

  3. Where there is smoke there is fire, and Trump is willing to throw some gasoline on it.

    This article came out in February 2015. Any of you Hillary supporters brave enough to read it?


    Bill’s libido threatens to derail Hillary — again

    By Maureen Callahan

    February 14, 2015 | 7:31pm

    She hasn’t even announced, but the question has already resurfaced: Will Bill Clinton’s baggage derail Hillary Clinton’s presidential hopes?

    Just a few weeks ago, reports broke that Bill Clinton had flown at least 11 times on “The Lolita Express” — a private plane owned by the mysterious financier and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. According to Virginia Roberts, who claims to have been one of Epstein’s many teenage sex slaves, Clinton also visited Epstein’s private Caribbean retreat, known as “Orgy Island.”

    Long article with details here: http://nypost.com/2015/02/14/bill-clintons-libido-threatens-to-derail-hillary-again/

    Hillary has tried to destroy nearly every woman Bill has had an affair with. It's all a matter of public record.

    Do any of these names sound familiar?

    Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones (claiming sexual harassment), Kathleen Willey (same), Juanita Broaddrick (rape) and, most famously, Monica Lewinsky, and his current unnamed (except by his current Secret Service detachment) the "Ever Ready Bunny".

    I'm certain you will all attack the source. Try to come up with something to refute the allegations.

    Interesting. Found this http://www.politico.com/blogs/under-the-radar/2015/12/victims-in-underage-sex-case-want-prosecutors-to-testify-217139 on the net.

    Such a dirty business this politics game.

    I don't think the two people that liked your post (chuck and CMnightrider) actually read or comprehended your link. cheesy.gif

    The information about Clinton was vague, speculative and hearsay, whereas the information about Trump was direct and clear.

    "Republicans have been quieter about the Epstein saga since Trump emerged as a leading contender for the GOP presidential nomination.

    "I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,'' Trump told New York Magazine back in 2002. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.""

  4. Where there is smoke there is fire, and Trump is willing to throw some gasoline on it.

    This article came out in February 2015. Any of you Hillary supporters brave enough to read it?


    Bill’s libido threatens to derail Hillary — again
    By Maureen Callahan
    February 14, 2015 | 7:31pm
    She hasn’t even announced, but the question has already resurfaced: Will Bill Clinton’s baggage derail Hillary Clinton’s presidential hopes?
    Just a few weeks ago, reports broke that Bill Clinton had flown at least 11 times on “The Lolita Express” — a private plane owned by the mysterious financier and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. According to Virginia Roberts, who claims to have been one of Epstein’s many teenage sex slaves, Clinton also visited Epstein’s private Caribbean retreat, known as “Orgy Island.”
    Hillary has tried to destroy nearly every woman Bill has had an affair with. It's all a matter of public record.
    Do any of these names sound familiar?
    Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones (claiming sexual harassment), Kathleen Willey (same), Juanita Broaddrick (rape) and, most famously, Monica Lewinsky, and his current unnamed (except by his current Secret Service detachment) the "Ever Ready Bunny".
    I'm certain you will all attack the source. Try to come up with something to refute the allegations.

    No need to attack the source or come up with refutations.....how about you providing something more than dirty speculation with your muck-raking?

    Interesting that the same Epstein is admired by and friendly with Trump.

    "Republicans have been quieter about the Epstein saga since Trump emerged as a leading contender for the GOP presidential nomination.

    "I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,'' Trump told New York Magazine back in 2002. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/blogs/under-the-radar/2015/12/victims-in-underage-sex-case-want-prosecutors-to-testify-217139#ixzz3vbboq4ea"

  5. Same same but different.

    I've seen this written on TVF many times and guessed that's it's used with wry humour at the oxymoron, and assumed it's a literal translation of a Thai phrase (that may in real life not be seen as oxymoronic).

    I asked Wifey what the Thai phrase might be, but she couldn't think of what it might be.

    She speaks Central and her mother tongue is Southern...so perhaps it's from another dialect?

    Anyone know if there is a Thai phrase that literally translates as "same same but different"? And if so, what is it?

    Also...am I right in assuming the oxymoron does not manifest when it's said and that it's a normal/serious phrase, or is it a humourous phrase?


  6. Could 'Liking' this article be considered a crime (in Thailand).

    Maybe, RTP need to post a clarification on Facebook and see how many 'Likes' they get.

    Which brings us to, what will happen when the General or a top cop post something and you click the soon-to-come "DISLIKE" button or a thumbs down emoji?

    Will disliking be treason?

    I seriously think it would be.

  7. Can only happen in Thailand, I blame the lack of education, the uncaring attitude, the corruption, Thaksin, Thai Police and Immigration officers, Amulets, the staff of my local HomePro and the carelessness of the Thai population in general, this sort of thing could not and would not happen in a Western Country.

    Rant Over.

    I missed your sarcasm at first.

    Fact is that corrupt police, uncaring attitudes and lack of education are a factor in so many things bad in Thailand, but probably not a factor in Western accidents.

    Accidents do happen.

    Perhaps this train derailment was due to the staff at the local Hungry Jacks? Do you think?

  8. If Hilary said something like, "Ooooh, don't pick on me because I'm a woman", then she would be playing the "woman's card". As it is, she's simply pointing out that Trump is a misogynist, which is not playing the "woman's card" at all. Anyone can call Trump sexist....that is not playing any card but the truthful card.

    Typical Trump: Use wrong references that sound good to the great unwashed ignorant blue collar masses.

  9. I'm torn.

    On the one hand, privacy issues, on the other, justice and crime-fighting issues.

    I guess I fall on the side of fighting crime.

    After all, if a cop spied on your fetish for fat woman porn, who really cares that a stranger who does not know you knows you like seeing naked obese women. You're just an insignificant nonentity to him who is looking for real criminals, and he will quickly forget you.

    But should he discover your penchant for child porn....well good on him and I hope he tracks you down.

    As for terrorism. To have the legal means to spy on private communications and to see banking details is something we should all be applauding.

  10. We've been over this too many times. Most in Malaysia have never met a Jew. Yet they are instructed by their political leaders, and Islamic leaders to explicitly HATE JEWS. In official communications. Now whether they listen or not, what difference does it make as there are almost NO Jews in Malaysia.

    Is it safe for Jews to travel in Malaysia? Sure very much so, as long as it's not easy to tell they're Jews. Would it be advisable to walk around random neighborhoods in KL wearing a kippa and Star of David pendant? Duh. It's not safe to do that in much of the world these days.

    So why insist the athletes wear the Star of David?


    Why do so many Muslims wear a hijab.


    Irrational response.

    Perhaps you have missed the points being made.

    On the one hand, we have members saying that the Israelis should be allowed to wear their flag in Malaysia, while on the other hand, these same members are saying Israelis should not wear their flag in Malaysia.

    So, it's not OK for Malaysia to say don't wear the Israeli flag, but it's OK to advise it yourself.

    And all the while complaining, falsely, that Malaysia did not allow the athletes in to the country....which is spin. The visas would have been issued if the Israelis would have complied with their conditions. Conditions, mind you, that our esteemed member says are wise when it is he issuing the advice!

  11. Microwave technology....been around for a long time.

    Perhaps the invention is the way it's packaged, ie the white plastic cover. The other new innovation, of course, is that there are NO scientific studies published showing this technology to have been used for Thai rice. That's a fact.

    So there, naysayers, it IS an innovation.

    Yet another from the brilliance of Thai academia.

    Please see my sarcasm before calling me an idiot.

  12. The action is on par with cheering someone who has murdered a victim. People who publish such posts online should also consider that those comments might remain on the Internet for a long time.

    Um, no its not at all. Firstly, people don't know that a statement is lese majeste at the time that they like it. Secondly, is it illegal to cheer a murderer? No matter how they dress it up, making a "like" have some legal meaning is absolute nonsense. It has no meaning at all. It conferes no support, no complicit meaning or otherwise.

    In a nutshell, it is thought police.

    Cheering on a murderer may be distasteful, but I'm sure it's not a crime.

    I can see how, with current laws, sharing an LM post could be (actually is) spreading the LM, and thus a crime. Clicking "like" however is merely an expression of self that does not promote or spread the "offensive" post.

    Thought police.

  13. "Proponents of the bill say that foreign governments have standard diplomatic channels at their disposal through which they can push their agendas, and that funding nonprofit groups amounts to meddling in Israeli affairs.

    Matan Peleg, director of Im Tirtzu, said European organizations "give small organizations in Israel super power."

    "Why do you try to change us from within? Leave us alone," Peleg said."

    Hopefully, you'll get your wish and all countries will leave Israel alone until it can behave like a decent member of the global society.

    Until then, Israel should be shunned.

    This article illustrate more than ever and anything that Israel is a fully pledged, alive and kicking democracy, whereby

    Jews and Israelis are allowed to criticize and demonize the army and the government with impunity and

    the safety of European funding,, those groups acting in brad daylight as a fifth columns hated by many of their

    brothers and sisters in Israel, yet, they're allowed to operate, disturb the army with it's daily dealing with

    the Palestinians, bring in foreign journalist to write derogatory, one sided lies of Israel ' cruelty' to the Palestinians

    population etc. etc.,

    I dare anyone to name one Arab/Muslim country in the world of 22+ countries and over 1.6 billion Muslims

    that would allow such activist group to exist, much less to operate, like Israel dose....

    You may have missed the point of the OP.....those organisations that are critical have conditions placed upon them designed to make life more difficult, whilst the right wing organisations who do not criticise do not have the same barriers. It's not quite as democratic and fair as you want to make out.

    What's the diversion about Muslim countries for?

  14. We've been over this too many times. Most in Malaysia have never met a Jew. Yet they are instructed by their political leaders, and Islamic leaders to explicitly HATE JEWS. In official communications. Now whether they listen or not, what difference does it make as there are almost NO Jews in Malaysia.

    Is it safe for Jews to travel in Malaysia? Sure very much so, as long as it's not easy to tell they're Jews. Would it be advisable to walk around random neighborhoods in KL wearing a kippa and Star of David pendant? Duh. It's not safe to do that in much of the world these days.

    So why insist the athletes wear the Star of David?


  15. They would be competing for Israel regardless the country with the star of David flag. Read the thread. The Malaysian obsession with Jews is well proven and Israel is indeed proudly a state with a majority Jewish demographic.

    Which way do you want to have it?

    On the one hand, you say Arab Israelis would be discriminated against because they are Israeli (probably true), yet on the other hand Israelis who are Jewish are discriminated against because they are Jewish rather than Israeli, just so you can play the antisemite card.

  16. "Proponents of the bill say that foreign governments have standard diplomatic channels at their disposal through which they can push their agendas, and that funding nonprofit groups amounts to meddling in Israeli affairs.

    Matan Peleg, director of Im Tirtzu, said European organizations "give small organizations in Israel super power."

    "Why do you try to change us from within? Leave us alone," Peleg said."

    Hopefully, you'll get your wish and all countries will leave Israel alone until it can behave like a decent member of the global society.

    Until then, Israel should be shunned.

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