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Posts posted by JimsKnight

  1. What about the privacy in Thailand ??? !!! ph34r.gif

    Someone could explain how does it works?

    The film maker would be in trouble if the clip was filmed in Europe or USA, i guess

    But i'm just a painter, not a layer

    And i would be in trouble if my wife saw me walking hand by hand with a girls on my holidays in Thailand

    However as an artist the clip looks funny but far to be great and well done

    I've never posted a video because i was concerned about the privacy, but if it is legal to post a clip like that i will provide to shoot a good one!

    Images and video that takes place in the public domain are pretty much bullet proof out here in LOS.

    If there were repressive and draconian laws in Thailand like that of the western powers we wouldn't be able to take pictures as freely as we are currently able...


  2. I don't see the Baht weakening. The USD, the pound and the Euro are finished. If there is not a total financial collapse then you can expect to see run away inflation in the not to distant future. As far as bad times ahead for Thailand, not in the cards for the forseeable future. With influx of the superwave entering the solar system we will continue to see more unusual weather patterns, on the light side and perhaps an ice age in the extreme. Colder, longer winter, and shorter hotter summer, making food produce in the higher latitudes tenuous at best. This puts Thailand in a position of extreme good fortune as it is still feeding it own, without imports and has food to export. Food with become a major asset in the coming years with food shortages on the horizon.

    Don't hold USD, the pound or Euro's, it a losing proposition. Except maybe to wipe your private areas

    How about we start a collection of money so that you can use it to pay to see a head doctor.

    Seriously, where do you come up with this stupidity?

    He's actually using information gathered (superwave that is) from a scientist who made the discovery and NASA daren't acknowledge his work. This is the same scientist who discovered the 'pioneer effect' on satellites and orbitting body's.

    Whether it'll cause anything adversely affecting earths weather is another matter entirely.

    Meantime, holding the $ or £ is a losing game...

  3. B.O.T. has been keeping the Baht DOWN? Try telling that little absurdity to anyone who gets money from England, U.S. or Europe. True, they did lift interest rates ,THIS week on Wednesday , by 0.25%.The Baht has been strong for 2 years ,now.All that seems to be happening is that the Baht, maybe even slightly strengthening. No chance of it weakening, in the short term. Which is why so few Farang tourists. are coming here.

    Why don't you take a look at the BOT's foreign reserve figures over the last year or two to get an idea of what they have been doing to keep the baht weaker? The you might realise thet absurdity of your own comments.

    I think posters like Naam give short answers because they are fed up with the drivel that is posted on here about foreign exchange. Contrary to what a couple of others have said, many posters with less knowledge of financial markets are often not looking for advice but instead simply wish to voice their erroneous opinons about the baht being high because of some rich Thai / BOT conspiracy, which is utter bilge.

    I was wandering when one of Mr Naam's toadies would speak up. "Drivel" and "Bilge" eh? Your role model will be proud of you. I say the same to you as I say to Naam and that is if you can't make a civil reply, then don't bother replying at all, even if you are fed up with the drivel and bilge. Your drivel and bilge may seem like a sensible query to someone with little knowledge of finances.

    I do believe that most of us who respect Naam's words of wisdom, and relate to his sense of humour, are merely hoping that you might cease your personal attacks and just go away.

    I think you're being generous, I've heard Naams noise on here for at least three years+ and I've never related to his morbid humour.

    Nope here to stay I'm afraid :)

  4. Jim

    Did you even read the thread before throwing out your (uneducated,as in nobody knows) opinion?

    Odds are that it will give the Ninja 250 a good run for the money.

    And that's the point. It's a lot cheaper. And perhaps just about as quick.

    The engine is newly-designed for this bike. Not a bored-out 150.

    Well Mr self-proclaimed fan boy, a lot of people in the Kawasaki side of biking would disagree with you.

    Until you or I ride a CBR 250 this is one thread that's got legs and will continue to run.

    Newly designed doesn't necessarily mean better either...

  5. How do those who favour independent and uncaring notions concerning their own behaviour square that with a similar attitude practiced by the phu yais who are obsessed with themselves and the amassing of large amounts of the folding stuff while others suffer. Would they applaud the moron next door who plays what passes for contemporary music at full volume at 4 o'clock in the morning? It was working together and conforming that has taken us out of our caves and allowed man to walk on the moon. I would say that the majority of Thai people are,. for want of a phrase, unsophisticated in their thinking. Sadly, much like children, much must be imposed upon them for their own good. 

    Or would that further rile those self centred autocrats spouting homilies about individual freedoms and not a word about personal responsibility?


    Jeez, you sound like the poster child for an George Orwells 1984 the way you are carrying on.

    Personal responsibility starts with the individual NOT with an over-bearing government taking away peoples rights.

    If you want it like home, GO HOME!

    Live and let live on this one, this is Thailand (Thank god!)

  6. And kids riding bikes to school? I didn't realise it was legal to cram 3 kids 12 year olds with no helmets onto bikes.

    Once again Thailand misses the point of the problem. The government can insist that their employees or school children wear certain coloured shirts on certain days of the week, but enforcing that people wear helmets to and from their place of work is beyond abilities of persuasion.

    Agree - the system is itself at fault. There was an ad campaign in Australia years ago that simply said - "If you have a $10 head wear a $10 helmet - if not - wear a Shoei". This was a good campaign. Helmet laws are for self protection and to ignore it is arrogant and stupidity, the same as the fools with orange shirts and motorbike taxis, who wear a helmet on the back of their heads - and many never even do up the plastic 'brain buckets' they DO wear!

    But this will only evolve into more BiB receiving payoffs and thus most likely will help make them fatter but possibly get the right result. So I guess it will work. But as to quality of helmets, none of them would survive a crash test here. Time to introduce standards and ban cheap killers.

    But then they can start addressing 4 on a motorbike whose brakes let alone suspension, is 'sus' - even one up! But I do feel for the 'village people' whose only mode of transport is a bike and that is all they can afford but in the city? No way. Especially when the motobikes are being controlled by school kids, underaged, and with no road sense whatsoever.

    Here we go, the great helmet debate kicks off once more on tv.

    Look, the helmets that are full-face local origin are more than adequate 9 times out of 10.

    If you are racing on Burapa Bike Track then maybe you should get one of the overpriced (import fees) and top of the range Shoe / Arai Helmets etc.

    For me I wear a full face Thai helmet that's about 75% - 80% as strong as the Japanese and US ones.

    A list of helmet types on the link describes the various types of helmet available in Thailand.


    To those that say the cheapo helmets aren't worth wearing. I suggest you smack your head off the wall a few times, then try the same with a cheap 800 baht special on. I can tell you for nothing which is better ;)

  7. I would go to the bank, withdraw the funds, and then go to another bank and open an account -- not another branch of that bank but another bank. Why let these guys use your million baht to make money from your deposit then try to screw you when you want to do what you correctly state is a simple computer transaction that incurs little if any expense to the bank? Thai business people have no idea what the term "customer service" means.

    You don't get it, the banks are all in the gang together.

    If there existed a bank that was perfect in charging no excess fee's, low transfer charges and a fair rate of interest it would be bought out or taken over.

    Banking is a monopoly. That's why you won't see any new banks arrive now, they are all in a club and it's closed shop. Either you're in the club or you aren't.

    Fractional reserve banking is paramount for banks to make obscene profits and then give the account holder a pittance plus the staff are kept on a peanuts wage in comparison.

    Compared to the west (where fractional reserve banking is even more deeply embedded) the Chinese and Thai banks do hold more funds and the country

    s currency is backed by gold.

  8. .. but if I am living where my account holding the money is and have to transfer it to a companie's account in the SAME bank but in another 'province', I am f@kked.

    As I said, the fee would have been justified 50 years ago when they'd have to send a horse, but not in the days of computers.

    thanks for your responses,


    Banks are a business, not a charity.....they have staff and overheads to pay.......

    They make enough money off the cash held via fractional reserve banking than to pull out that bs excuse.

  9. B.O.T. has been keeping the Baht DOWN? Try telling that little absurdity to anyone who gets money from England, U.S. or Europe. True, they did lift interest rates ,THIS week on Wednesday , by 0.25%.The Baht has been strong for 2 years ,now.All that seems to be happening is that the Baht, maybe even slightly strengthening. No chance of it weakening, in the short term. Which is why so few Farang tourists. are coming here.

    Why don't you take a look at the BOT's foreign reserve figures over the last year or two to get an idea of what they have been doing to keep the baht weaker? The you might realise thet absurdity of your own comments.

    I think posters like Naam give short answers because they are fed up with the drivel that is posted on here about foreign exchange. Contrary to what a couple of others have said, many posters with less knowledge of financial markets are often not looking for advice but instead simply wish to voice their erroneous opinons about the baht being high because of some rich Thai / BOT conspiracy, which is utter bilge.

    The deal isn't so much about the baht, it's about the western basket (case) of currency's that are weakening.

    Led by the £ and closely followed by the Euro they are not tracking well against the Baht. In fact rather than the baht weakening against the £ it's the opposite.

    The longer the Quantitive Easing and low interest rates go on, the longer expats will feel the pain. This looks likely to continue for a year at least the way the BoE with it's obsession with Keynesian Economics rumbles on...

  10. Just completed a video project on Panthip Plaza.

    Mostly computer desktops and featured items in the central area. You pay the most here but get the latest. Also here are plenty of mobile phone stalls, miscellaneous electric goods like fans, torches and nick-nacks.

    Each floor, while similar has a trend to it, with some focusing on areas like hardware and gaming etc.

    I've tried to cover as much as possible in 10 minutes without making it too long.

    Thanks for watching.

  11. Today is the day AP Honda will show it to the press and public. The bike is a dissapointment with little power and also heavy. No adjustabilities and a heavy steel frame. Budget bike with absolutely no interest to a +60 kg rider. Cough up 60 k more and get yourself a CBR600RR 2004-2005 in very good condition and you could not have spent your money better.

    For the ones that only has 150.000 to spend on a bike and dream about biking and only think new bikes are good, I feel sorry for you,

    If a bike like this makes you happy I belive your not much of a biker. It falls beetwen a scooter and a big bike and is useless. Nothing more than a CBR 150 but heavy as a big bike. Take your gf on the bike and you ll have to rev that sinlge up to the heavens to make it go.

    It should have been a twin with 45 hp..

    Totally agree with you mate, the lack of it being a 2 cylinder, the small tank and basically a souped-up 150cc puts me off.

    I like Honda's, hate Kawasaki's but this 250 is not my cup of tea. It could of been the Ninja-eater, instead it's gonna get it's ass handed to it...

    I'll have to stick with my old 400cc warhorse for a few more years yet as I'm not down-sizing for a single, no-way.

  12. I am married to a Thai so no need to look for "entertainment", mine is all free :D

    Theres no such thing as a 'free lunch' apetley, I am sure you have heard that before. Others will argue that its cheaper to be single & entertain yourself via other means. :lol:

    I hear that dance man! :D

    For me, as a young dude it's a different tune. I work part-time overseas to keep my head above water.

    The baby boomer generation are ok for the most part. They've got the boom years legacy for their pensions etc.

    In the coming years we'll see a lot less people retire imo because of the nature of the UKs 'lost' generation of the 80s and 90s. Less money going around for those in their late 30s, 40s and 50s because of the nature of the world etc.

    However with this new groove of Asia on the rise with strong currency and Euroland and the US hitting the wall it's an even more uncertain one to be coming into.

    I was just opening up a savings account today and after I'd exchanged some £ monopoly money for thai baht I deposited it.

    About 5 hours later I'm passing the same Thai bank when *clunk* down goes the value of the £ again against the baht. The writing is on the wall folks...

  13. Raging inflation will need to be kept under wraps next year as Mervyn Kings dinasour ways of thinking just isnt working, interest rates in double figures will surely strenghen the pound

    LOL! :)

    I know that, you know that and folks who follow Austrian School of Economics understand this intimately.

    But the BoE wants the £ to be p*ss poor and weak.

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