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Posts posted by JimsKnight

  1. Do incapacity benefits come under the same bracket in terms of having your benefits transferred to Thailand ?

    I will be very surprised if that is the case since "they" typically want to be able to actually"see" claimants, which would be difficult to do if they are outside of the UK.

    You would think so but then again maybe not. Some people on incapacity benefits are practically "written off" indefinitely, particularly older people who are just outside the age bracket for the state pension.

    I wouldn't be so sure. Depending on the outcome of a general election a lot of these incapacity claimants could have their bubble popped if the tory government goes through with it's pledge to re-evaluate claiments. The government is basically skint and borrowing like no tommorow, it's going to have to cut spending from somewhere and the old labour ways will soon be coming to an end...

    To those who are on the never-never of easy benefits I say enjoy it while you can folks..

  2. Well the HA aren't the only 1% gang out in Thailand.

    There's already the Bandidos and some other gangs at the shows have the 'accolade' showing on their jackets.

    Let 'em come and see what the deal is. Afterall the HA are all over the world anyway right?

    I think if they want to get membership in any decent numbers they ought to drop some of the racial rulings that only white anglo-saxons can join the HA!

  3. The ever elusive and 'holy grail' of getting your 'knee down' eh?

    Can't say it really sucks me in that much, biking is so much more than ultra-rapid cornering and scraping you knee armour...

    It's the buzz and energy of the ride itself rather than the all-out corner that is the true quest for answers! :)

  4. Sad way for a life to end. My condolences to his family and friends.

    I, too, hope that the murderer was caught and jailed. Revenge is not the issue. It's a matter of keeping such dangerous people off the street, and preventing the untilmely death of another innocent person at his hand.

    Revenge is the issue, especially in Thailand.

    If he has thai family they will not rest or do nothing.

    This is bad. What's the background and what happened?

    Feel sorry for those left to carry on. It will of been horrifying to off been there while this took place. Hopefully a face / eyewitness can help bring the killer to justice...

  5. Most sellers nowadays just sign the bill of sale (contract), the green book (has to be signed by the seller at the appropriate place) and a power of attorney allowing anyone to complete the sale at the vehicle registration office without the seller being present. Present all papers and the bike

    If buying a second hand bike in a shop, then the shop will already obtained the power of attorney from the previous owner, otherwise they would not be able to sell on. If you move to Buriram, the only advantage of transferring the plates would be if you plan to sell the bike there. Transfer can only be done where the bike is registered.

    There is no problem whatsoever for the yearly road tax and technical check up, regardless of where the bike is registered.

    Transfer can be done anywhere as long as you can wait for the paperwork to be sent through.

    I know this as my current bike was registered in Bangkok but sold and bought in a southern province. It's just a paper-trail back to Bangkok and away again.

    OP it might be better for the bike to be in your name...

  6. The OP complains that the passport is "slimmed down" but he doesn't say from what, he only compares it to a Thai passport. I've just "uprated" from a 32-page to a 48-page, so am unable to make a direct comparison, but one feature of the new passport is that the biodetails page with its embedded chip is on a separate page instead of incorporated in the back cover, a vast improvement, as the former configuration lent itself very easily to photo-substitution.

    The fatuity of having to include every European language in the heading of the "Notes" page has resulted in that increasing to two pages, ditto the "Details" (surname, given names, etc).

    So you might as well blame the Eurofanatics as Gordon Brown - but hey, let's give GB another kicking anyway, that's all he's good for now.

    But the Brit passport is certainly an expensive item now.

    Well I prefer the old type than the new type.

    Got mine passport just prior to the big brother sht of chips and biometric crp. All a very good excuse to bump up the price of the passport, crony out the work to inflated priced companies and laugh all the way to the bank.

    Oh and Golden GB deserves a length of rope or a big stay in prison the way he's continuing the dismantling of the UK into Eurosville and third-world ruin...

  7. An American pastor called Linsey Williams who used to work in the oil fields of Alaska was on a talk radio show in July of last year. On it he said that the real people who control the price of oil will bring it down to $50 a barrel by the end of the year and keep it that way for months. This is when the price of oil was $140 a barrel and everyone was predicting it would hit $200 a barrel. He said the intention was to keep it at $50 till they bankrupted Dubai and to remind OPEC just who was running the show. He was laughed at by nearly everyone. He turned out to be correct in nearly everything he predicted. His " Non oil crisis " documentary also makes good viewing. I fully believe this whole crisis was managed to great effect and saw the biggest transfer of wealth in history.

    If oil dips that low a lot of us oil and gas workers will be seriously pissed off and out of work.

    If there's no equilibrium (ie a steady price) things are just like extreme-feats and famine.

    My £2 is that oil will hold steady for a while longer...

  8. Hun Sen is a a Khmer Rouge death merchant

    As are the Thai special forces units that fought and worked with the Khmer Rouge attacking Vietnamese troops along the border and in the Western regions of Cambodia all through the 80's and into the 90's.

    As is the Thai special forces unit that was assigned as Pol Pot's personal bodyguards while he was living at his safe haven in Trat Province.

    As is the Thai army which is partly responsible for the huge proliferation of land mines along the border areas, making the Western area of Cambodia the most heavily mined area in Asia.

    As are the Thai military personnel that were involved in the Preah Vihear Massacre where thousands of Cambodian civilians fleeing the Vietnamese and Khmer Rouge were slaughtered, raped and robbed.

    Etc, etc, etc.

    I would love to know where you got this information. My in-law family lives in Trat, but I never heard anything like that.

    In particular, can you give me your source for:

    - Thai special forces assigned to Pol Pot

    - Land mines put by Thai forces in Cambodia


    Forget it man, this cats someone who sings the red flag and hates capitalism.

    I think if anything the border guys helping Pol Pot were guerrilla insurgents and not thai sf troops.

    Cambodians are pretty much the masters of mass minefields too. Just look at the poor wretched folk at the tourist attractions in Phnom Phen...

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