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Posts posted by JimsKnight

  1. And in Klong Toey Market they occasionally have bombs exploding! Furthermore Bangkok is too hot for walking.

    If it's too hot, get your lazy bones under the aircon to cool down for awhile, then strike out once more :)

  2. A hung parliament could be the best thing that ever happens to the nation.

    It might knock some sense into the politicians and get them to be sensible for a change.

    QE, low-interest rates, spend spend spend mentality plus the world-crisis is perpetually screwing the UK sideways.

    The only glimmer of hope is that the Euro might collapse and benefit the UK as other nations buy into £.



  3. Well I got one of 'em filmed but my camera set-up at the time sucked and the angle was wrong. So after that I lost interest in the outlands riding for a while. I might go back to it one day. At the moment I'm prepping for some more work overseas so that's on the shelf for a while :)

    To be honest Dunc. I'm not going to posting balls-out, SSR style road blasts around the jungle and wilderness that much. I've done my fill of that and I'll be groovin' into other things for the next 6 - 10 months or so.

    Keep on ridin'!

  4. I can't believe some people have an issue with extra security. Until the day that terrorism is wiped out completly it will become more and more strict so I think these people who have an issue better get used to it.Someone called me a little sheep for saying its better to be secure that to be blown out of the sky, well I admit I will say baar baar for as long as I live in that case. You :)

    You don't get it do you. There will always be 'terrorism' because the ptb want it that way to control population with bs like this scanner!

    Do you really want you gf or daughter to be revealed like this?


    I didn't think so either...

  5. There was an aloof Israeli guy who did some paramotoring above and around western Koh Tao.

    He landed one time in a fairly open clearing but nearly ran out of ground and his parachute floated onto a bungalow roof!

    It was a tense 10 minutes or so while he gingerly eased his chute down :D

    Alas, I later learned the local fat bully-cop on the island confronted him and tore up his papers (from the Thai Air force no less) allowing him to film Thailand for promotional purposes and threw him off the island!

    Reminds me of the attitude a few on here have.

    EDIT: The cool thing is if the engine prop. fails the parachute allows you to glide on down to the ground safetly :)

  6. A great video Chaam (and I don't say that about many on here).

    I think the music is a great touch and you've put some effort into making it watchable and fun!

    The only thing it's missing is a bit of the bar scene and nightlife.

    For all that 5 Stars are on their way :)

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