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Posts posted by JimsKnight

  1. bandidos mc are the only big international club in thailand ,mad dogs mc would be one of the big international asian clubs there too.they have chapters in most asian countries ,they are known as a supporter club of the hells angels....hells angels have been trying to get in for a while ..maybe they will some time through some supporter club or something like that ...i see a new club -house of pain mc ...this is the hells angels newest supporter club there started up by a mad dog mc member ..they use red n white colours too..

    there used to be alot of fighting years ago between all the different clubs in thailand but now they all party together,,jumeen the president of burapa mc thailand put a stop to all the fighting ...he got all the clubs together and sorted it out ...now they all ride for peace...this is the motto used for most of the big bike weeks "ride for peace" make love no war party.........

    thailand bike weeks are very enjoyable..great music ,entertainment etc ..thailand has some of the best custom bikes to be seen any where in the world....

    bandidos are growing in popularity in thailand with many chapters throughout the country...i know some of these guys and they are sound,nice dudes...there is hundreds of clubs in thailand now ..they all wear back patches...every one parties together and that is a good thing....

    most of the bigger clubs have their own club houses ,where they hold meetings and invite friends over for parties...these clubs do some great work for charities..the jesters mc thailand have generated millions of baht for charities over the years..

    dont judge these bikers when you see them ...get to know them first before you make assumptions about them because there is some really sound people involved in these clubs....like any social scene in society ,there will always be some <deleted> involved,,but thats life i suppose.........and to all those people knocking harleys ..go for a ride on one first and come back and tell me you diddent enjoy yourself...i rode sports bikes for years fireblades,r1s,gsxrr,zxrs..then one day a friend of mine gave me his custom harley for a spin ...i came back hooked,,,its a different buzz than from a sports bike..feet forward, arms wide and believe me they can move fast to when youn want too.....its not what you ride its the brotherhood of friendship thats important........

    Good for you but I'll stick with my sportsbike.

    Tried a cruiser and position is god awful. Legs akimbo like that you'd be forgiven for thinking that a great big hammer is going <deleted> your gonads will vibrating down the road!

    I think you can sum up the whole Harley groove as being a bike for extroverts and group-minded types.

    They don't do too well as a single solo bike but as a big pack they control the road like Mad Max bikers.

  2. I think that the economies behind the Euro , Dollar and even the Pound are far more durable than Thailands, which seems in all honesty to be me a complete fantasy.

    They produce more than they consume, they work for extremely low wages, and Thailands Government isn't indebted by Trillions of Dollars in Debt and Obligations.

    Don't you think an Economy which borrows to spend and one that makes promises of a cushy life for each and every individual is living a fantasy? Thailands Economy is far more durable then that of the U.S, U.K, and many in the Euroland.

    did those aliens treat you well during the abduction period? :o

    Probably not as well as they treat champagne socialists like yourself mate :D


    Nows not the time to buy UK property I feel. Give it some more time. We're not over the Abyss yet :D

  3. I did not follow what the US media put out on this latest uprising but it must have been pretty bad. My friends back there are urging me

    to get the F out of here and think I am crazy for staying.

    Well who would come vacation here then?

    Pattaya is packed with farangs now, mostly hooligan/kee nok types for song kran. But i think after song kran tourism is gonna nosedive


    Theres a fact you noticed.

    It;s these types of tourists who are the most resiliant and most likely to throw money around that poorer thais can pick up!

    Not seen one bar fly headed to the airport because of coups, violence etc. Quite the opposite, many actually come because they think it will be cheaper and less cluttered with "high end" torists droning on about the state of the beach, the weather, the taxi prices and generally walking around with a disgusted look on their faces!

    The supposed High end are the first to high tail it. Sould the TAT be targetting them more?

    This is exactly what I say. The battle for high-end tourism is lost for Thailand. Too many more countries are pulling them in instead.

    Good riddance to them as well :o

    The adventure tourists and expats are also getting sucked away by places like Cambodia and Phillipines etc.

  4. What's the visa situation in Bali (Indo)?

    I checked some web site and the visa situation for medium/long stay is worse than Thailand.

    It seems they just want 1 month tourists.....

    To replace thailand at minimum i want something like malesya, free 90 days stamp at border.

    This is exactly what I've found. You can apply for a 2 month visa at the Indonesian Embassy in Bangkok If I recall correctly but from what I've heard it's a place more for a tourist with his family than the lone expat/traveller.

  5. Toms are a funny breed.

    Had a chick who was sorta on the fringes.

    Whether a Tom or a Dee I'm not too sure.

    Certainly slept with me a few times but made it clear it was a comfort until she found a Dee for herself!

    She did after about 3 weeks and it was time to find another bird :o

  6. Having lived here for 8+ yrs [and survived 10 songkrans], I've come to the realization that [most] Thais have a totally unhealthy relationship with alcohol.


    Drink til there is no more alcohol [or money to buy].

    Drink til they drop or puke.

    Keep topping off the drinks, so it's impossible to sip slowly [pace yourself].

    They blame the drink [and not the drinker] for actions committed during a drinking session.

    They drive while drunk [as we just witnessed this last deadly week].

    They get loud and stupid, often showing off their drunkenness.

    They are in total denial about the damage it does to families, innocent victims of accidents. They drink at any occasion, death, house warming, weddings, graduations, children's birthdays [setting a good example for the next generation].

    Drinking and selling of alcohol at wats makes me wonder about the 'values' of Buddhism.

    And if you don't join them in a drink, you are 'a stuck up falang'.

    IMHO, [demon] alcohol is the single biggest enemy to Thai culture and the Thai family unit and They will be the last to admit it. do a google and see how many AA or equivalent organizations there are here.

    And FYI, I am a drinker my self, but have learned decades ago, when to stop [or at least slow down] and I am not saying that I am better than they are, but just admitting that I don't like to drink 'Thai Style'

    You speak the words of wisdom my friend.

    The trouble is responsibility for ones actions is cast out of the window when drink comes into it.

    Call it selfishness or ignorance but Thai folk really do get slaughtered on a whim.

    Went to the missus place for Songran but felt really that the Thais make themselves look like idiots getting smashed like fruitbats.

    Loud talking and trashy mouthed. When sober they are usually upstanding folk. Add the demon drink and there you have it.

    I've seen it do the same to farang too but that's another story.

  7. From The Nation:

    "Apart from 84 spent cartridges from three types of automatic rifles found at the scene, police also found a dud M79 grenade on Bus No 30, which was travelling in the reverse lane. No police theory as to whether that was meant to hit Sondhi's car or fired at the bus to create a diversion was immediately available.

    Initial crime-scene reports said the M79 failed to explode because the firing range was too close. Found at the scene were 64 cartridges fired from an AK-47, 17 from an HK33 and three from an M16."

    Re: the M79 grenade...can anyone explain what they mean by the firing range being to close?M79_afmil.jpg

    Good to hear that Sondhi and his batman survived this attack. With him dead there surely would be blood on the streets!

    On the grenade being a timed safety fuse?

    It don't think so. The grenade isn't a sophisticated device, especially being designed for a 1960s weapon. It simply needs to get up to a fast enough velocity before it 'arms' and explodes on impact. I think 20 - 30 meters is the rule of thumb on an M203 grenade but don't quote me on that! :o

    Close-range like at Sondhi that being one example where it'll just bounce around :D

  8. CBR400 has its limits I guess :D

    ^ Actually, a CBR 400 should be the PERFECT bike for tearing up the twisty mountain roads of northern Thailand.

    But that's assuming the rider has some basic skills... iconmotard2ka6.gif

    <deleted> Mr Perfect Rider and listen.

    My bikes 20 years old, has seen better days and is not a brand new machine that you rode out of the showroom the previous day.

    Being Loaded to the gills with panniers and a tank bag also affects things.

    I also enjoy scenery and not coffin riding into an early grave at 30.

    Basic riding skills? If you wanna really have a shitslinging competition go right ahead.

    That's coffin riding to keep up with your style and coming from someone who forgets that one of us (not me I was hanging back not showing basic skills obviously :o ) nearly killed himself on a hairpin bend. Not really his fault cause there were a ton of other factors.

    But before you sling the shit remember who was that carryed your sht all the way up to Chiang Mai after your dodgy pannier mounts ripped apart.

    Obviously my basic skills coming through again there eh? :D

    So what if I can't get my lean on to the extent you can, I don't care and feel better riding at my own pace.

    But then I guess you think in black and white.

    But being a safe,boring rider doing 120 - 140 is my style not holding 180 to 200 kph for an age where a u turner could smash you to pieces before that shiny bike of yours could even begin to slow-down.

    If that's showing basic skills then you can keep em'

  9. Yes Jim, what vid?

    I never cast any stones??? so I have no idea what your aiming at :D well besides the pebbles the i have thrown on hilltribe chicks... :D

    I am seriously pimping up my ride when I come home so yohoo :o

    Cheers Bard

    What video?

    As in my 'speeded-up video' comment I meant the Ducati vs Bimota. That seemed slightly overcranked and speeded up.

    By my casting stones remark;

    I meant the impression and implication I got from Bards and BBBKK posts. This was that those two racers were out of order racing / riding like that on public roads. This I thought was strange considering when we rode on the SSR Epic ride it was hel_l for leather and don't spare the horses! Groove on!

    If I am wrong in that thought then I'm sorry for twisting your noodles :D

    I presonally don't think they were out of order and were just pushing their limits. I bust the speed limits on the Thai highways as much as Somchai in his pick-up, almost all big bikers do on sports bikes. Hence I'll 9 times out of 10 never have any problem with racers on public roads behaving like this.

    Good to hear of Bard meaning his machine up :D

    It's pretty bitchin' as it is and the pics should look interesting.

  10. Casting the first stones there BBBK and Bard. :o

    We both know of course that during the SSR rides we were behaving like good little boys keeping it legal and not ripping apart the mountain corners :D

    The video looks to be speeded up a touch. The reactions to corners and the like are slightly beyond the normal limits of human perception etc etc.

    Good tumbledown and recovery...:D

  11. You'll be suprised on the chicks, most have a horde of blokes in their wake. A few free-spirited ones are around though...

    We only get to hear of the events via word of mouth. The locations are very very difficult to find, without exception they are miles away from the provincial city and in deepest darkest wilderness without local knowledge to guide you in. GPS would be a wise groove on this one. Then the next time an event takes place in such and such a province you can plug the GPS location in from last time.

    To give you an indication of how out in the styx you are there was a full blown cock-fight going on next door to the race/dirt track. I nearly got thrown out by the local blowhard who didn't like the white man seeing what passes for local entertainment. Deliverance-esque was the vibe on that one brothers. But that's another story :o

    More on this once I've cut the video together :D

    The only farangs there are me, the OTRT crew (usually 2 or 3 dudes) and any local farang who have thai birds that tell them it's going on...

    Best places for 'The Knowledge' are the offroad shops and places that specialise in dirtbikes and the like. Take your search from there and see what comes up.

    The next SuperX is unknown, with the rainy season cometh they are not as thick and fast now.

    Next month an Enduro event is planned. More on this as and when. Watch this space...

  12. Utaradit SuperX


    Well the OTRT crew and co set off for the distant location in Utaradit for the one-day event held in April.


    Getting up early may be our thing but a 5 o’clock in the morning start was really busting some sleep-time. Nevertheless we all assembled and were on the road for 0530 hrs.

    Getting to the venue wasn’t easy, the Thai support crew really led the way and, being veterans of the motorsport scene knew exactly whereabouts it was.


    Our early start proved wise, the actual racing didn’t begin until mid-day but it meant we had the best land to set-up the bikes and gear. We even had time to walk the track itself and get a feel for the areas.


    The fire-service was on hand for cooling down the track and preventing dust-clouds blinding everyone. This was more of an art than a science though as certain areas became a near quagmire if a touch too much water was used.


    Once that was done it was time for some warm-up riding on the track itself.

    All that glitters


    The entertainment wasn’t that great, no coyotes or dancing going on. The trophy girls sittin’ pretty and flitting about with paperwork were about the extent of the glamour going on.


    A quirky commentator made up for it though by narrating the days events, races and so on. He even spun a few yarns about his mis-adventures with mia noi’s and getting caught out by the mia yai and so on!

    Being farangs we were wide open for some good natured piss-taking.

    But that’s just the way it goes. Novelty humour just doing it’s thing I guess.

    Some rough and tumble armour!


    These gomps wanted me to join them for a pre-race whiskey session!

    We had some Leo’s in the booze armoury though so I took a mai ow on that one...


    The Honda CRF 250 ready to rock and roll.


    Haven’t got a hat? No problem, just make one out of a whiskey box!


    Watch Rider nearly had a close encounter with this gomp when he over-ran the burn slightly and mounted it! Better luck next time blue rider!



    Gettin’ a bit dirty out there...



    The young dude taking 1st on the podium is Boi our sponsored rider. He’s up-and-coming and a brilliant super cross rider.


    Small bikes can groove supercross too, just make sure they’ve a bracer otherwise it might collapse in on itself!


    On your marks...


    The final race was dominated by the current champion and Boi hot on his heels. Boi came 2nd but didn’t make it easy for the winner.

    It was a close-run thing for the first 4-5 laps, with Boi harrying and neck and neck to the leader. But the champion held his nerve and managed to pull away, extending the lead while Boi, already injured from an earlier fall, fell back a bit.

    The result, 1st to the current champion and 2nd to Boi.


  13. P1040679.jpg

    Well the OTRT crew and co set off for the distant location in Utaradit for the one-day event held in April.


    Getting up early may be our thing but a 5 o’clock in the morning start was really busting some sleep-time. Nevertheless we all assembled and were on the road for 0530 hrs.

    Getting to the venue wasn’t easy, the Thai support crew really led the way and, being veterans of the motorsport scene knew exactly whereabouts it was.


    Our early start proved wise, the actual racing didn’t begin until mid-day but it meant we had the best land to set-up the bikes and gear. We even had time to walk the track itself and get a feel for the areas.


    The fire-service was on hand for cooling down the track and preventing dust-clouds blinding everyone. This was more of an art than a science though as certain areas became a near quagmire if a touch too much water was used.


    Once that was done it was time for some warm-up riding on the track itself.

    All that glitters


    The entertainment wasn’t that great, no coyotes or dancing going on. The trophy girls sittin’ pretty and flitting about with paperwork were about the extent of the glamour going on.


    A quirky commentator made up for it though by narrating the days events, races and so on. He even spun a few yarns about his mis-adventures with mia noi’s and getting caught out by the mia yai and so on!

    Being farangs we were wide open for some good natured piss-taking.

    But that’s just the way it goes. Novelty humour just doing it’s thing I guess.

    Some rough and tumble armour!


    These gomps wanted me to join them for a pre-race whiskey session!

    We had some Leo’s in the booze armoury though so I took a mai ow on that one...


    The Honda CRF 250 ready to rock and roll.


    Haven’t got a hat? No problem, just make one out of a whiskey box!


    Watch Rider nearly had a close encounter with this gomp when he over-ran the burn slightly and mounted it! Better luck next time blue rider!



    Gettin’ a bit dirty out there...



    The young dude taking 1st on the podium is Boi our sponsored rider. He’s up-and-coming and a brilliant super cross rider.


    Small bikes can groove supercross too, just make sure they’ve a bracer otherwise it might collapse in on itself!


    On your marks...


    The final race was dominated by the current champion and Boi hot on his heels. Boi came 2nd but didn’t make it easy for the winner.

    It was a close-run thing for the first 4-5 laps, with Boi harrying and neck and neck to the leader. But the champion held his nerve and managed to pull away, extending the lead while Boi, already injured from an earlier fall, fell back a bit.

    The result, 1st to the current champion and 2nd to Boi.


  14. I'm often in amazment at these 20 something farang super-studs that seem to somehow breeze about as though they are Don Juan.

    Cool for them if they are doing their thing.

    However I party pretty hard in the kareokes, bars and coyote hangouts in the provinces.

    I see maybe one or two white guys/farangs under 35 once in a blue moon.

    So unless you're in Bangkok which is sex city then I'm a bit cynical at the wonderkids who buzz on here with tall tales :o

  15. Not bad, nothing earth shattering but good on you for getting out there amongst it all instead of what others might advise.

    Did you get paid for them, or were you donating the pics? I now notice their watermark is all over them so I'd expect it was the former :o

  16. Go for it OP. I PX'd my CBR 150 for a CBR 400 and haven't looked back. Get a set of ram-guards or sliders so if you drop it you don't end up scratching the fairing etc.

    People finick and buzz on about what's best but a bigger bike is a bigger bike. I commute through city traffic in a CBR 400 a piece of piss now I'm used to it and tour 600 kms a day without a problem. Honda engines on CBRs and the like are very tough beasts. Just make sure you oil change every 3,000-6,000 kms with decent oil and filter :o

  17. Yep agree, but having partyed for 3 days in a row, by day 3 I was very glad that it had ended.

    Day 1 and Day 2 were cool and fun but by day 3 the madness was at fever pitch. The water is cool but that paste sht is a bit silly after 3 days of it. A bit repetitive Never really noticed it whilst in Koh Tao or Phuket, but up-country it's a big thing.

    A lot of people riding and driving about seemed a bit on edge and pssed off at the water buzzing in at them.

    All good fun all in all though :o

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